Bobcat Bulletin
August 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Bannes School Community,
As we gear up for another exciting school year, I wanted to share some important information with you. Our arrival and dismissal procedures are detailed below. Please take a moment to review them to ensure a smooth start to our school days. You can also find suggested walking routes to help our students get to and from school safely.
Here are a few key reminders for the first day of school:
- Bannes Spirit: We encourage all students to wear their Bannes shirts, generously supplied by our PTO. Let’s show our Bobcat pride!
- Tech Ready: Please make sure your child brings their iPad to school, fully charged and ready for use.
- Supplies: Ensure your child brings any necessary school supplies as outlined in the supply list.
- Lunch: Don’t forget to pack a lunch and healthy snack.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. We are here to support you and ensure a successful start to the school year. We look forward to welcoming our students back and starting the year off strong!
Ms. Kelly Folliard
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Students should not arrive before 7:45 am
- Car Riders will enter through the North doors.
- Car rider parents: Please pull up as far as you can in the U-shaped lot to accommodate more cars and avoid a backup. Your child must exit on the passenger side of the car and then proceed on the sidewalk to the north entrance. Parents, stay inside your car. A staff member will assist your student if need be.
- Bridge Walkers will enter through the South doors.
- Bus Riders will enter through the main entrance (2nd-5th) and the northwest doors (K-1st).
- Front door walkers will enter through the main entrance (2nd-5th) and northwest doors (K-1st).
- Students entering after 7:55 am must enter through the main entrance.
- Students arriving after the 8:00 am bell will be marked tardy and must be signed in by a parent or guardian in the front office.
- Ivy League (after-school care) and car riders will be dismissed first at 2:18.
- Car riders will be dismissed through the north door (parents, pull up as far as you can in the U-shaped lot).
- Bus riders will be dismissed through the North and Northwest doors at approximately 2:20.
- Walkers will be dismissed when the buses have left school property through the Northwest and South doors at approximately 2:25 pm.
Car Riders
- If you drive to school, we ask for your cooperation when dropping off and picking up your children.
- Drive slowly and remain alert.
- Please proceed ahead as far as you can up to the next car ahead of you when dropping off your student.
- Please do not get out of your car to assist your child(ren).
- Children should exit their car on the PASSENGER side, closest to the sidewalk.
- Parents are asked not to exit their cars to assist students’ arrival. This causes a delay for those behind you.
- Remember that the area at the corner of 169th Place & Odell is a crosswalk.
- In the interest of safety for all our students, please do not call your child back to your car once they have exited in the morning or entered the car in the afternoon. Upon arrival, if your child has left something in the car, please call one of the adults over or park in our parking lot and bring the item into school. At dismissal, if your child needs to return to the building, please park and wait until the bus riders and walkers have left the school grounds. As always, thank you for your cooperation.
****Illinois law prohibits cell phone use by individuals driving cars in school zones when students are present.
Student Classroom Assignments, Schedules, and Transportation Information
Elementary classroom assignments and middle school student schedules will be released via Infinite Campus Parent Portals on Monday, August 5, 2024. Transportation information will be available in portals on Friday, August 9.
Please contact your school office if you need assistance with your parent portal.
Kindergarten Roundup - Thursday, August 15
Bannes' Kindergarten Roundup is Thursday, August 15, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.
This is a special time for students and their families to meet their teachers and principal and to find out everything they'll need to know for the first day of school.
Please join us!
Picnic with the Principal - Thursday, August 15th
You are invited to our Picnic with the Principal on Thursday, August 15th, from 6-8 PM in the Bannes South parking lot.
Stop by the PTO tent to discover upcoming events and treat yourself to pizza, slushies, and candy, available for purchase.
Please bring lawn chairs and blankets for seating. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we kindly ask that you leave pets, scooters, and bikes at home.
KSD 140 Invites Families to Back-to-School Nights!
Please make plans to attend our elementary and middle school open houses:
Tuesday, August 20 – Elementary Open House for Early Childhood, Preschool, and K-5 families from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Monday, August 26 – Middle School Open House from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Parents and students are welcome to view their schools, meet their teachers, and visit with our PTOs.
2024-25 School Supply Lists
Supply lists for all D140 schools can be found on our website at ksd140.org/supply-list
Stay Connected with ParentSquare!
KSD 140 uses the ParentSquare messaging platform to keep parents and guardians informed and engaged with our schools and the District.
- Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification
- Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6 p.m.
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Direct message teachers and staff
- Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
- Sign forms & permission slips, sign up to volunteer, and more all from your desktop or mobile device
We encourage parents to access their accounts by visiting parentsquare.com/signin and REGISTERING using the email or phone number listed in Infinite Campus.
For even greater convenience, please download the ParentSquare app (available free for iOS and Android devices).
Bannes Elementary School
16835 S. Odell Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60477
Phone: 708-532-6466
Website: ksd140.org/bannes