MPES Connection
Back to School Edition 2 - August 16, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
We loved seeing all of our students and families at our Open House on Thursday. There is definitely a sense of excitement for the new school year! The first day of school is Monday, August 19th. Please take a few minutes to read all of the information in this newsletter so that you and your child are ready for the 2024-2025 school year. It is going to be great year!
As we begin the new school year, we strongly encourage families to help to build strong routines by utilizing the same arrival and dismissal processes beginning on the first day of school. We encourage families to send their child on the bus on the first day of school if that is how they will be arriving to school and home. Also, as a reminder, there are often delays the first couple of weeks of school as we are getting to know our students and learn their dismissal routines. We appreciate everyone's patience!
If you have not already done so, please complete the Power School enrollment as soon as possible. This is REQUIRED for all new and returning students.
Please read below in this newsletter for important information about how you and your student can be ready for success this new school year.
Scroll down to learn more about:
- FREE breakfast and lunch for all students this year
- Updating information in PowerSchool (ALL families must complete)
- Important arrival and dismissal information
- Bus schedules
- Elementary student handbook
- MPCS Family Market
I am looking forward to a great school year!
Stacey Mamon
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Car Riders
We will begin welcoming students each day at 8:05 a.m. Supervision is not available before this time, so for safety purposes, please do not drop your child off earlier than 8:05 a.m.
Please review the elementary campus car drop off map below.
- If you have a student at MPES only: Use the north entrance off Cougar Court for drop off and pick up.
- If you have students at both MPES and CES: Use the Brandon Street entrance for drop off and pick up.
- When dropping off, please do not get out of the car. Staff members will assist your child in getting out of the car safely.
Bus Riders
Please click below for the bus schedules.
Early Dismissals
Please send in a note or call the main office ahead of time if you will be picking up your child before the end of the school day. A parent or authorized adult must present a photo ID, meet the student in the office, and sign out at the time of dismissal.
Dismissal Changes
If your child's dismissal routine changes, you must send in a note or contact the office. Please try to avoid changing dismissal procedures in the middle of the day. Emails sent to the teacher during the day may be missed if there is a substitute that day or if the teacher is not able to check his/her email. Unless there is an emergency, please contact the office with a dismissal change no later than 2:30 p.m. The end of the day is very busy and we want to make sure that every student gets home safely!
Elementary Car Drop Off Map
2024-2025 Bus Schedules
Off and Away!
Important - Student Registration Verification
Please make sure that you have verified your information in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The completion of this process is required for ALL returning students.
Parents of returning students must access the PowerSchool Enrollment online forms through the PowerSchool Parent Portal at https://mpark.powerschool.com/public. The online forms contain demographic and emergency information you entered last year. During this process, you will verify the information is accurate or update any information that has changed. Parents will also electronically sign annual agreement forms for school district policies.
At least one parent is required to create a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you have multiple children in Manassas Park City Schools, you must verify information for each student, however only one parent account is necessary.
- If you have created a PowerSchool Parent Portal account in a previous school year, please use that account to log in. Please do not create a new account.
- If you have not created a PowerSchool parent account, directions can be found at https://www.mpark.net/cms/One.aspx?portalId=337117&pageId=432244
How do I get started?
Visit https://mpark.powerschool.com/public and sign into your PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Select the student you wish to verify data at the top
- Click the ‘Registration’ link on the left side navigation menu
- Agree to the terms and conditions
- Click Begin Forms
If you have questions about setting up your account, please visit the PowerSchool for Parents page on our website or contact the MPES main office for assistance.
Important Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast and lunch will be FREE OF CHARGE for all students for 2024-2025 school year.
We are pleased to inform you that all schools in Manassas Park will continue to participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for school year 2024-2025.
What does this mean for you and your children attending our schools?
Great news for you and your child(ren)! All enrolled students of Manassas Park are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school, at no charge to your household, each day of the 2024-2025 school year. No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a meal application.
If you have questions or need information, please contact the School Nutrition Office by emailing gregory.taylor@mpark.net or calling 703-361-1510 ext. 17212. More information can also be found here: https://mpcsschoolmeals.com.
2024-2025 MPES School Hours
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!
Attendance is a critical factor in a child’s school success. Children should attend school every day, except when they are sick or there is an emergency. It is impossible to replace the learning that takes place on any school day with make-up work. Please make on-time attendance a priority as we work together for your child’s success!
If your child will not be at school, please contact
Manassas Park Elementary School Main Office
(703) 368-2032
Have you heard about the Family Market?
The goal of the Family Market program is to help alleviate hunger through a monthly distribution of healthy and nutritious food to children and their families. Manassas Park City Schools has partnered with the Capital Area Food Bank to provide non-perishable items and fresh produce to families within our school division. Each family will be allowed to “shop” for what they need and want from an array of products.
Please join us on Thursday, October 10, as we begin our 11th year!
Manassas Park Middle School
8202 Euclid Ave
Manassas Park, VA
Hours are 4:00 till 5:30pm
Stay Connected!
There will be many exciting things happening throughout the next school year. I encourage you to stay up-to-date with important information and follow highlights of our learning at MPES and in Manassas Park City Schools.
You can stay connected by:
- Checking your child's Monday Folder each week
- Reading the MPES weekly online newsletters emailed every other Friday afternoon
- Following MPCS on Twitter @MPCSchools
- Liking and following the Manassas Park City Schools Facebook page
- Checking the MPCS website frequently at www.mpark.net
Upcoming Events
First Day of School!
Monday, August 19
PTSO Meeting
Thursday, August 22 - 7:00 p.m. at Cougar Elementary
No School - Student and Staff Holiday
Friday, August 30
No School - Labor Day
Monday, September 2
No School - Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3
No School - Professional Development Day for Teachers and Staff
Monday, October 14
Fall Pictures
Wednesday, October 16
Manassas Park Elementary School
Email: stacey.mamon@mpark.net
Website: www.mpark.net
Location: 9298 Cougar Court, Manassas Park, VA, United States
Phone: (703) 368-2032
Twitter: @MPEScougars