The Royal View Newsletter
November 22, 2024, Issue 8
What’s New at Royalview
Dear Royalview Elementary School Parents and Guardians,
As we approach Thanksgiving break, I wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for our wonderful school community. This fall has been filled with remarkable achievements, growth, and joyful learning moments throughout our halls and classrooms.
We have so much to be thankful for. Our dedicated teachers and staff who inspire curiosity every day, our hardworking students who bring such energy and enthusiasm to learning, and you, our supportive families, who partner with us in your children's educational journey.
As you gather with loved ones next week, please know how grateful we are to have your family as part of our school community. The trust you place in us to nurture and educate your children is a responsibility we cherish.
I wish you and your family a peaceful, restful Thanksgiving break filled with warmth, joy, and precious time together.
Warm regards,
Cyndi Tomassetti
Veterans Day Music Program
Highlights from STEAM Class
All of our Kindergarten through 5th grade students participate in STEAM every six days to explore-Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
One lesson, not so long ago for KG, the students explored what they were learning about the fable, The Three Little Pigs. The boys and girls made houses of straw, sticks and bricks with materials to design a house that stood up to the wolf blowing the house down. What better way to test with the wolf being a hair dryer! Mrs. Peters and the students problem solved with using other construction materials as the class went on to test what would stand up to the wolf's breath. It was so much fun to be creative with the activity.
Our 5th grade students designed cooking tripods to hold as much food (marbles) as possible using straws, masking tape, dixie cups, and string. There were so many unique designs. Students are now learning Tinkercad, an app to create 3D models with our 3D printers. Some are creating animals or specialized lockets for jewelry for themselves. Mr. Zdolshek and Mrs. Peters are really enjoying teaching and learning with all of our students. Keep looking for more insights from the STEAM classroom in our future newsletters.
First Grade Travels Across the World, Here at Royalview!
With the new English Language Arts program- CKLA, our first grade students have been learning about different cultures and countries. Students were transported with their passport to France, China, Japan, Ireland, Germany, and England to create crafts and artwork associated with that culture. The kids had a great time traveling the world with their teachers and classmates.
W-E Bus Tracker App Update
Did you know that the BusZone app provides you with a real time bus locator? Download the app so that you can check on the status of your child's school bus. The BusZone app has replaced the Petermann Bus Tracker which is no longer available.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please remember that you may request a conference with your child's teacher in the future. Please contact your child’s teacher to arrange for a mutually agreeable time to discuss your child’s progress. Thank you.
Conference Grams proceeds benefit Ohio PAWS with a Purpose
Our 4th and 5th grade Royal Council members decided Conference Grams proceeds of $301.00 would be donated to a pet food pantry-Ohio PAWS with a Purpose. Thank you to everyone who participated with this service project fundraiser to benefit our animal friends in the community.
Winter is coming…
and so have the cooler temperatures. Please send your child in appropriate outdoor clothing for the dry or wet weather. We will continue to go outside until the temperature and/or wind chill reaches 20 degrees or below.
Inclement Weather Policy
The policy of the Willoughby-Eastlake Schools is to make every effort to hold classes 180 days a year. Every effort will be made to announce the closing of schools the night before the day it would occur, based upon weather forecasting. Realizing the varied nature of weather conditions between and among our communities, some parents may decide to keep their children home because of weather conditions in their neighborhood. Although these children will be counted absent from school, they will not be penalized for being absent. Please remember to check your local radio and television stations during the upcoming months for school closing.
Individual Student Pictures Update
Great News - Make up day photos have been updated in the online galleries and It is now time to view and order your students school day portraits for the 24-25 school year. Cirino Photography has released the Online Viewing/Ordering Gallery - here is the link - You will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in Power School to log in - if you have any questions Cirino Photography is there to help just give them a call at 440 953-8200
Here is the online photo gallery link you can view and place your orders here and the orders will ship right to your house https://my.photoday.com/gallery/royalview-elementar
If your student turned in an order form on photo day we are in the process of fulfilling those orders and they will be delivered back to the school within 3 weeks and sent home with your student.
ATTENTION: Please mark your calendars
November 28-December 2- NO SCHOOL
December 3- Classes Resume
December 4- Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm
- PTA Crumbl Fundraiser
December 5- Free Produce Pickup at South High -10 am to 12 pm
December 6- PTA Holiday Extravaganza 5-8 pm
December 10- Seniors' Night Out ( Age 65 or older) at South High -4 to 6 pm
W-E Technology Fee
Our district is 1:1 with Chromebooks for our K-5 students. Please review all guidelines in the W-E Chromebook Handbook from our Technology Department. Students were made aware of their responsibilities for borrowing the W-E owned technology. All students are being assessed a $20.00 Technology Fee as explained in the handbook to cover cost of repairs. Fees have been assessed at this time. Thank you for your patience. Please contact the office with any questions at 440-944-3130..
Willoughby Eastlake Schools...
Our promise to the Community is that we will provide an exceptional school experience designed to meet the needs of every student that walks through our doors by:
- Creating Engaging Experiences
- Prioritizing Relationships
- Inspiring and Nurturing Extraordinary Growth
- Investing in the Future
Morning Drop Off-Student Dismissal Reminders
Students cannot be dropped off before 8:30am.
For the safety of your student- Y-Care is available before 8:30am.
In an effort to ensure that all students dismiss safely and efficiently, we would like to remind parents to not make any dismissal plan changes after 2:00pm. If you would like your child to walk to another student’s home, you and the other family need to send in a note giving permission. Bus transportation is not available for play dates.
If your student will be Absent
Please call our absence line (24-hours) at 440-283-2179 by 9 a.m. to inform the school of your child’s absence. Request homework by 10 a.m. to allow time to gather materials for the end of the day at 440-944-3130
Willoughby-Eastlake Security Help Line:
The school district has a toll-free line for students, parents, school personnel, and other members of the school community to report anonymously any activities that could cause harm to our students, staff or facilities. Threats of violence, theft, instances of alcohol or drug abuse, the presence of weapons or other security concerns can be reported by:
Text or Call
Dear Families:
If you believe your child is experiencing challenges in terms of their mental well-being, it is important to reach out to your principal. To meet your child’s needs, it’s essential to collaborate with the principal and school personnel to explore resources and services available at school. In addition to Crossroads Counselors, the District also has family liaisons and guidance counselors who can provide needed interventions and support.
We are excited to be able to offer these services to our students!
If you wish to OPT-OUT, please fill out the attached form and return it to school.
Cyndi Tomassetti
Royalview PTA
Hello Royalview Families,
We have a lot of fun things coming up soon. Check out the PTA info below.
Thank you for your continued support!
If you have any questions, please contact the Royalview PTA at: royalviewpta@gmail.com
PTA Membership is still going on!
- Individual: $6; Family: $10
- Sign up ANYTIME! Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, Neighbors
- Membership is available all year long
- Sign up online at: https://royalview. memberhub.com
Skating Party
Thank you to all who attended our skate party at USA Skates! We had a good turnout & we hope the kids all had a blast!
Spirit Wear
The 2024 spirit wear Holiday Sale will run November 4th thru mid-December. The sales will be 25% off all merchandise with delivery guaranteed before the holidays. There will be exciting new product lines and designs that will make great gifts for the entire family!
Shop 24/7: https://1stplace.sale/72782
The flyer is attached to this article.
Crumbl Fundraiser
Save the Date!
We will be having a fundraiser at Crumbl on December 4!
December 4 is National Cookie Day; you can celebrate by treating yourself to a cookie from Crumbl while helping us raise money.
The flyer is attached to this article.
Bake Sale
We will once again be having our Bake Sale during the Holiday Extravaganza!
All money earned from the Bake Sale will be going towards a special holiday project we are working on.
There's still time to sign up to donate a baked good! It can be store bought or something you baked yourself. You can sign up at the link below.
Royalview PTA: Holiday Bake Sale
Holiday Extravaganza
Please join the Royalview PTA by bringing the children, family, and friends to get the holiday season started at our Holiday Extravaganza on December 6th 2024 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm in the Large Gym.
We will have a splendidly talented group of vendors there to share their talents with us.
Each vendor will have between 30-50 items $5 and under for the children to purchase as well as products at higher price points for the general population.
The $5 limit allows for the children to purchase affordable, good quality, gifts for their loved ones and for the adults to also get some shopping done.
There will also be “personal shoppers” there to assist the children with gift selection so parents can be surprised! For those that would like to utilize this service, please see below:
1. Make a list of who you want your child to shop for. Please put the list and cash in an envelope and bring it that evening.
2. Feel free to put any special needs on this list as well to help the personal shoppers assist your student.
Each vendor will provide a gift item for our raffle! If you bring a canned good to the raffle table, you will get two tickets for each canned good. They will later be donated to a local food pantry.
NEW THIS YEAR -Have your cell phones ready to get some great pictures at our photo booth! Coloring pages and crayons will be available for some extra fun for the kids!
Vendors Link = https://forms.gle/TixN3c52yhvXd6tz7
Volunteer Link = https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0D4FAAA628A3F4CF8...
P.S. This is a great way to get service hours in for students!
Facebook Event Link = https://fb.me/e/2kmofYRyZ
If there are any questions, please email Jacquelyn Rigotti (nandj2014@gmail.com).
28-29 – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
2 – No School (Teacher’s Comp. Day)
4 – PTA Meeting – Virtual Only @ 6:30pm
4 – Crumbl Fundraiser @ Willoughby Crumbl – 4-8pm
6 – Holiday Extravaganza & Bake Sale – 5-8pm
10 – Marco’s Pizza Night
13 – Popcorn Day
16-20 – Holiday Gift Shop
23 – Jan. 3 – No School (Winter Break)
Y-CARE Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Parents and Caregivers:
Are you needing Y-Care before and/or after school services here at Royalview for your student? If so, please complete the registration form ASAP using the following link: Y-CARE enrollment for 2024-2025 - Y-Registration WYSACC Reg. Form_PT-FT_5-2024_FILLABLE 1.pdf
Return it as soon as possible to secure a spot on the waiting list.
Here are a couple of other links that might interest you:
The following is a link to WEY Child Care - https://www.lakecountyymca.org/child-care/child-care-west-end-willoughby/
The same link with all information is posted at Royalview Elementary's school website on the left under Y-CARE / Child Care. https://www.weschools.org/royalviewelementaryschool_home.aspx
We look forward to helping you and your child to grow,
West End YMCA
Royalview Makerspace
Royalview Makerspace
Royalview has upgraded our Makerspace for students.
We are asking for donations to help us stock it for students as well. Items we are seeking:
· Straws · Toothpicks · Rubber bands · Coffee filters · Coffee Stirrers · Index cards
· Q-tips · Popsicle sticks · Cupcake liners · Masking tape · Scotch tape · Duct tape
· Painters tape · Pipe cleaners · Paper plates · Paper cups · Plastic cups · Plastic
silverware · Plastic bins · Magnets · Cotton balls · Plastic baggies · Yarn · Lunch bags
· Old electronics · Marbles · Storage bins · Paper clips · Empty toilet paper rolls
· Empty paper towel rolls · Legos · Construction Paper · Brass fasteners · Zip ties
· Playdough · Bamboo Skewers · Bottled glue · Glue sticks · Paint & paint brushes
· Aluminum Foil · Plastic Wrap · Wood craft sticks · Scissors · Markers · Colored
Pencils · Pencils · Sharpies · Dry-Erase Markers · Ribbon/string · Dental floss
· Envelopes · Felt · Ping pong balls · Games
RAPTOR SCREENING KIOSK-Pick Up/ Volunteer/Attending Meeting/Dropping Off Items Guidelines
Raptor Kiosk System
The district has installed the Raptor Kiosk System to screen visitors in order to secure the building for our students and staff members.
The district has installed a new Raptor kiosk system in the bullpen/vestibule of all main entrances of our buildings. When a visitor is making a first time visit to the school, they will have to check in at the main office first and they must have their driver's license so that it can be scanned into the system and verified. On subsequent visits, visitors check in at the kiosk in the vestibule by scanning their driver's license each time. They can then report to the main office to receive their visitor's badge.
The kiosks were purchased with Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Safety Grant funds.
Pick Up
Adults coming to pick up a child for early release scan a current driver’s license via the Raptor Kiosk and be on the pick-up list provided by the parent/guardian. You will remain in the office waiting area where your student will be sent. Additions and deletions to the list must be made in writing by the parent/guardian only.
Attending a meeting with a staff member/volunteer guidelines:
-Scan your current driver’s license at the kiosk and the office staff will give you a badge to enter the building.
-Wear the badge at all times while in the building or on school grounds during your visit.
-Teachers and staff will question any person within the building or grounds that is not properly identified, and escort them immediately to the main office.
Dropping Off Items
-Items to be dropped off should be given to the office staff and labeled with student’s name and room number.
School Breakfast, Lunch, Free/Reduced, and PaySchools Central Corner
School Lunches
Student school lunched can be purchased daily for $3.25, this includes milk. Milk can be purchased separately for $.50.
Lunches can be purchased using our online payment system, PaySchoolscentral.com. Also, cash or checks made payable to Royalview Elementary or the Willoughby Eastlake Board of Education can be sent to school with your child for lunch purchases.
Change from money transactions will be placed on your student’s account. Chartwells does not have money in their registers.
Breakfast Program
We also serve breakfast to students for only $2.25 daily. Breakfasts can be purchased using our online payment system, PaySchoolscentral.com. Also, cash or checks made payable to Royalview or Willoughby-Eastlake Board of Education can be sent to school with your child. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria for purchase from 8:30 to 8:55 a.m. Students arriving by bus will immediately be allowed to go purchase breakfast. Breakfast will be eaten in the cafeteria and is subject to change as needed. Morning announcements will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m.
Free and Reduced
We would like to remind all of our families that free and reduced forms were given to you at Stop & Drop or in papers from the first days of school. Please complete this form and send it in as possible so they can be immediately processed to see if you qualify.
PaySchools Central
Willoughby-Eastlake Schools has an online lunch and student fee payment system, Payschoolscentral.com. PaySchools gives parents the ability to see their child’s cafeteria account balance, what their child has purchased for the last 30 days and set up low balance email reminders. The parents can put money in their child’s account online using credit cards or electronic check which can be used to pay school fees, lunch fees, activity fees and fundraisers. Please go to www.weschools.org to sign up.
Food Services Policy 2024-2025
The Food Services Department ensures that its operations are following the federal guidelines for operating the nutrition program. Federal guidelines prohibit the district’s Food and Nutrition Department from writing off bad debt as a result of charged meals. Please review the Food Services Policy Regarding Meal Accounts.
Box Tops for Education App
Box Tops for Education is now an app! Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to help earn rewards for Royalview. Select Royalview Elementary to receive the credit from your purchases when you sign up in the app. Scan your store receipt within 14 days with the BoxTop App for products that participate in the program. Royalview will earn $0.10 for each item.
School Messenger
Stay Connected via E-Mail and Help Our School Go Greener
Do you stay connected using e-mail, voicemail, texting? Would you be interested in receiving important school information, including newsletters sent directly to your e-mail account?
If so, subscribe to our School Messenger Communication System in seven easy steps:
-Contact the Main Office for your PowerSchool Parent Portal Information at 440-944-3130
-Access our district webpage at weschools.org
-Click on Parents button located on the top of the webpage
-Click on School Messenger
-Follow the Directions on the School Messenger pdf
-Log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal
-Click on School Messenger tab and sign up
Our staff would also like to thank our parents, community, and students for promoting ROCKS here at Royalview. It is our ongoing commitment to build the practice of ROCKS into our everyday lives to help build character that touches people’s lives in a positive way.
Our staff and students have focused on these five character traits everyday in all areas of our school. Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) committee has looked at our data of student interactions closely to address hotspots where students might have conflicts- such as at recess, cafeteria, classroom, etc. The school has addressed monitoring, training for staff, relationship building strategies, conflict resolution, tolerance of differences through lessons, classroom procedures, etc. to decrease negative interactions in the school day. Our staff and PBIS committee understand that this is an ongoing process and need family and community support to maintain the connection between home and school.
Our committee would like to hear from you on how your student(s) is/are showing ROCKS at home and in the community.
Email Mrs. Tomassetti, Mr. Bender or Mr. Forfia at cyndi.tomassetti@weschools.org, john.bender@weschools.org or anthony.forfia@weschools.org with those positives.
We would love to share and acknowledge those students.
Please refer to our Royalview Elementary School website connected to weschools.org to click on our PBIS tab for access to resources and learn more about ROCKS. Our staff and committee would appreciate you reviewing our Royalview ROCKS Matrix found in our Student Handbook for the positive behavior expectations in each area of our school with your student(s).
Royalview is very proud of the great behavior that our students show on a daily basis.
Royalview Roadrunner Pledge of Respect:
I am a smart, special, valuable person.
I respect myself and I respect others.
My words and actions are kind and honest.
I accept only my best in all I do.
I am Proud to be me and a Respectful Royalview Roadrunner.
Birthday Treat Guidelines
At Royalview, we enjoy honoring our students on their birthday by announcing their name on the morning announcements! We also respect that many parents choose to send in a treat for their child’s class on this special day. Sending in a treat on your child’s birthday is optional, but please follow the following guidelines if you choose to provide something for the class.
· Food treats must be individually wrapped– due to food allergy concerns.
· Must provide enough for each student in the class.
· In order to limit class interruptions we are unable to accommodate guests for individual birthday celebrations.
· Teachers will send the treat home with students at the end of the day.
Important Dates
November 28-December 2- NO SCHOOL
December 3- Classes Resume
December 4- Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm
- PTA Crumbl Fundraiser
December 5- Free Produce Pickup at South High -10 am to 12 pm
December 6- PTA Holiday Extravaganza 5-8 pm in the Large Gym
December 10- Seniors' Night Out ( Age 65 or older) at South High -4 to 6 pm
December 20- End of 2nd Quarter
December 23-January 3- NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK
January 6- Classes Resume
January 9- Group/Candid Pictures
January 20- NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Community Activities Link
Are you interested in the youth programs offered by the local libraries, parks and recreation departments or other upcoming community activities?
Are you looking for athletic leagues or scouting troops for your students?
Information from approved organizations who host activities for Willoughby-Eastlake youth and the community are now posted electronically. Paper flyers are no longer sent home with students.
To access the flyers, visit COMMUNITY link on the district and building website pages http://www.weschools.org/CommunityActivities.aspx
For specific information about the events, you need to contact the sponsoring organization.
Flyers are updated periodically during the month so remember to visit often to check for new postings
Royalview Clinic News
Please remember to send Immunizations to the clinic and keep the clinic informed of any medical conditions. Be aware that if your child comes to school with stitches, crutches, or has a cast, we need a note from the doctor regarding activity restrictions. I hope everyone has a healthy and safe school year!
Vera Schwarten, RN 440-944-3130
****As with all immunization requirements, students who do not provide documentation of these immunizations are subject to exclusion from school, unless proper documentation is submitted to the school in accordance with Ohio Statute 3313.671, which allows for parents or guardians to object to the immunizations--for good cause.
Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a handicapped child. Special Education Programs are provided for all children who have a handicapping disability. A disability in this instance means conditions such as: Multiple Disabilities, Deaf-Blindness, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairments, Speech and Language Impairments, Orthopedic Impairments, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Other Health Impaired (Major), Other Health Impaired (Minor), or Developmental Delay. Every handicapped child in Ohio is entitled to services provided by the school district in which they reside, including children with disabilities who are homeless children or are wards of the state. These services include: evaluation services for all children birth through twenty-one years, diagnostic services for all children birth through age twenty-one years of age, and educational programs for children three through twenty-one years of age. If you know of a child who is handicapped or at risk and NOT receiving services, please contact the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District’s Pupil Service Office at 440-975-3800.