CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #35: May 3, 2024
Principal Corner
Good morning, Chapelfield families.
Our 3rd-5th grade students made it through state testing! Thank you for making sure students were here. These next few weeks are busy. We have Acadience reading assessments and MAP testing for students in K-3rd grade. Many classes have field trips coming up as well. It is still important that your child follows a good nighttime routine. We still have learning that will be taking place to prepare our students for their next grade level.
Thank you for allowing us to have professional development today to learn about our new curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year. Most of our teachers are at Bridges Training. That will be our new math curriculum. Our 4th and 5th grade teachers are beginning to learn about our new ELA curriculum, Wit & Wisdom. Next week, teachers will be out for that training as well. We appreciate your support for our staff's learning.
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Field Day-May 22
Field Day 2024 is approaching and will take place on May 22nd. In the past, we have held 2 sessions, and we are going to continue this trend. Each session will be 2 hours each. 3rd-5th will go in the morning from 9-11a.m. K-2 will be in the afternoon from 12:15-2:15 p.m. We will have 10 different stations, and are hoping to get at least 2 volunteers per station to run them.
Morning volunteers – I am going to ask that you arrive at 8:30AM and stay till 11:15 AM.
Afternoon volunteers – I am going to ask that you arrive at 11:45 and stay till 2:30 PM.
Here is the sign-up link, and I will also be sending this out using talking points.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly at scheibeckm@gjps.org if you have any questions!
Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!
Matt Scheibeck
CES Physical Education
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025
Please visit https://www.gahannaschools.org/families/enrollment for information on how to enroll your incoming Kindergartener for next year. Please help spread the word to your neighbors and friends who have a child who will be 5 by August 1st. Chapelfield Elementary's Kindergarten Kick-Off Open House event for parents and students will be Tuesday, May 7th from 5:45 - 6:45 PM.
Pre-School Registration for 2024-2025 School Year
Roarrrr! Little Lions, are you ready to join our PRIDE? GJPS Preschool enrollment is NOW OPEN for the 2024-25 school year! 👧‍👦 Let's play, learn and have fun together!
Click Here for all the information and to register for our GJPSPreschool!
PTO Updates
*Friday, May 10: Carnival at 6 p.m.
*Saturday, May 11: PTO Restaurant-Whit's
*Tuesday, May 12: PTO Meeting at 7 p.m.
*Thursday, May 16: Chuck E Cheese Restaurant Night
Teacher Appreciation Week-Volunteer Opportunities
- If You are able to help in anyway please use The link below.
Carnival-May 10
One of our favorite events of the year is quickly approaching-CARNIVAL will be held Friday May 10th 6:00-8:30 p.m.. Without volunteers this event can’t happen and we will cancel stations. Please sign up to volunteer here! Each time slot is one hour of the carnival so everyone can also enjoy the fun!
PTO Restaurant Night: Whit's ALL DAY on Saturday, May 11
PTO needs new Board Members for the 2024-2025 School Year
GJPS Updates
The Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Central Office and Maintenance buildings will be moved to new locations this summer to create more parking space on the high school site.
Our Central Office will be in a portion of the second floor of the office building at 630 Morrison Road as a result of a three-year lease that the District has entered into. You can learn more about the move and what it means for the current site on our website.
Important Dates:
May 28 Last Day for Central Office at Current Location
May 29-30 Central Office Closed for Move to New Location
May 31 Central Office Opens at New Location
Community Connections
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
May Important Dates
Monday, May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 7:
*EL 2nd & 3rd grade Field Trip to Conservatory
*Incoming Kindergarten Open House @ 5:45 p.m.
Wednesday, May 8: Third Grade Walking Field Trip to Gahanna Historical Society
Friday, May 10:
*PAWS Breakfast @ 7:30 a.m.
*Learning Communities @ 1 p.m.
*Carnival 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday, May 14: EL 4th and 5th Field trip to the Zoo
Tuesday, May 14: PTO meeting @ 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 15: 4th grade field trip to Crew Stadium
Thursday, May 16: PTO Chuck Cheese Night @3-9 p.m.
Friday, May 17: 5th grade Field Trip to King's Island
Wednesday, May 22: Field Day
Thursday, May 23:
*Paws Breakfast @ 7:30 a.m.
*Kindergarten Celebration @ 9 a.m.
*4th grade field trip to the library
Friday, May 24:
*4th grade field trip to Sunpoint Park
*End of Quarter 4
*Last Day of School
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230