Pleasant Hope Middle School
Together, we can make a difference! Week of Dec 10-13
Donate mittens, gloves, or a winter hat to those in need at Winter Wonderland!
We will have a mitten tree. If you donate, your whole family will get free to-go hot chocolate! Thanks for helping those in need in our community.
Santa will be at Winter Wonderland! Don't miss out on this chance to visit with him before the parade!
8 school days remain until 2nd quarter ends...
We will be working extra hours to help kids complete work by the end of the quarter. They may come home exhausted and tired of working but they can do it! We are here to help and are ready to celebrate their hard work on the afternoon of the 20th with our Winter Fun Day. Keep encouraging them to work hard and then they can rest over the break.
Please help at home when possible. When helping your child, please assist but do not write out the answers for them. Teachers need to see what they know and how they need to provide extra help before tests. Thanks!
Upcoming Dates to Know...
- Winter Wonderland and PH Christmas Parade
Monday: No School
- Mid Year Assessments Begin
- During Pirate Time, Spring Flag Football Meeting for interested players
- Tutoring until 5:00
- Student Council Ala Carte
- School Board Meeting
From our Counselor, Mrs. Lewis
A Few Reminders...
- If you are not receiving emails/texts from the school, please call our office so we can update our records. (TeacherEase and ICU)
- Be sure to call or email the office by 9:00 am when your student is absent. Attendance has been outstanding this year-keep it up!
- Be sure to check lunch balances and send money to the office or pay online. Beginning on Wednesday, alternative lunches will be served to those who owe $18 or more. Need assistance? Fill out the Free/Reduced Lunch Application below. Confidential and can occur throughout the year if circumstances change.
PHMS Cafeteria
PHMS Volunteers
Please use the link below for the needed resources for volunteering or attending field trips during the school day. Please remember, volunteers on field trips will be assigned supervision duties. Thank you!
Contact Information
Email: jpendleton@phr6.org
Website: https://www.phr6.org/
Location: 515 West McCurry Street, Pleasant Hope, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 267-7701