Mountain Family W.A.G.
8/20-23, 2024
Message from Mountain Support Team
The Week Ahead- First Full Week of School
- T 8/20. 4th IMSSA Math 11:50 a.m.
- W 8/21 3rd IMSSA Math 8:30 a.m. 4th IMMSA Reading 11:50 a.m. LAHS Open House
- Th 8/22. 3rd IMSSA Reading 8:30 a.m. Secure Drill 1:00 p.m.
- F 8/23. 3rd IMSSA Language 4th IMSSA Language 11:50 a.m.
Open House Information
Learning about our school, classrooms and community partners.
5:00 p.m.- 5:15 p.m. Caregivers will first mingle in the gym learning about our community partners.
5:15 p.m.- 5:25 p.m.Mountain Staff will be introduced. The staff will be dismissed.
5:25 p.m. - 5:35 p.m. Parents will then listen to a brief presentation from Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Schmierer and the PTA president, Ali Hansel.
5:35 Parents will then go to the first session.
5:40 p.m. - 6:10 p.m. First Session
6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Second Session.
6:45 p.m. Open House ends.
Duplicate sessions are intended for families with more than one child. Since the sessions are short and space is limited, if possible, we ask that parents only attend to help keep sessions focused on the information presented .Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!
PREK families we will have an event coming up soon. Thank you!
Mountain Families, Some reminders for drop off/pick up. The drive way in front of the school is not available from 7:45-8:10 every morning and again in the afternoon between 2:30-3. Buses drop off in the morning and pick up in the PM. Drivers with handicap placards only are able to park in the handicap areas. You may pull beyond the yellow and red marking along North Road to park or drop off. Please cross only at the crosswalk for your safety and others. Your actions matter to keep us all safe. Thank you.
Mountain has a tricky drop off and pick up for families. For safety, it is important to follow the guidelines below. We highly recommend taking advantage of the Early Bird Program in order to prevent bottle necks and a staggered smooth morning entry.
Enter/Exit only through designated areas.
The driveway is a bus lane only from 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 pm each day. If you wish to drop off a student, please pull to the yellow curb along the roadway. If you wish to walk a student to the building, please proceed to one of the parking lots and park your vehicle. Dropping off or parking in the designated Fire Lane or Handicap/Bus Lane is illegal at all times. Use the designated drop off area or park your vehicle. Parking along North Rd. is allowed. Please follow posted instructions.
Do not drop off students behind parked vehicles in the parking lot.
There are four Handicap Parking spaces available to persons with a placard. Please do not use the space unless you intend to leave your vehicle and a placard is issued to the person occupying the vehicle. LAPD will ticket vehicles illegally parked.
Use crosswalks when crossing the street.
Students must walk bikes and scooters on school property.
Parent Helpers Needed!
A huge thank you to Shannon Subasi, Chelsea Wilson and Katie Barnhart who helped last week for lunch. It makes a huge difference. We could use some help at lunch time by helping serve food in the lunch line.
- No background check required
- Sign in at office
Please review the available slots by clicking on the link below.
Thank you for considering!
PRESCHOOL 4Y and 3YćHandbook and Drop Off and Pick Up Infromation
Here is the link to our preschool handbook. 24/25 PreK Mountain Parent Handbook .docx
Please note that drop off procedures for PREK are the same as last year. Parents are expected to bring the student to the door between 8:00 and 8:10 for start of school. If PREK4 students are here before school with their siblings and you playing, we ask for safety reasons that the PREK4 students play on the preschool playground rather than the bigger play structures on the lower playground. Thank you!
Mountain Music Program Information
NEW Bell Schedule for this year
7:30 a.m. Morning Clubs Begin
7:50 a.m. Morning Yard Supervision Begins, Breakfast served at front of school-red table ALL students
7:55 a. m. Buses Arrive
8:00 a.m. PREK 3Y AM class begins
8:05 a.m. First Bell Rings: classes line up in areas.
8:10 a.m. Instruction begins PreK4 -6th grade
8:15 a.m. Tardy Bell Rings/Perimeter Gates are Locked
11:00 a.m. Dismissal PreK3Y AM
11:50 a.m. Arrival PreK3Y PM
10:55-11:50 a.m. Lunch hour for all grades
2:40 a.m. Dismissal for grades PreK4- Grade 6
2:45 a.m. Playground Supervision Ends Buses Leave K-6
2:50 p.m. PreK 3 Dismissal and Buses
Join the PTA
Don't forget there is a meeting tonight at 5 p.m. For $5.50 you can join the PTA and help make a difference at Mountain. The PTA funds classroom supplies, field trips, teacher appreciation, and so much more. Click here to join now or go to www.mountainpta.org to learn more.
Early Bird Program & After School Club Information
Students who participate in the Early Bird Program may come the first day of school. Here is the link to the permission slip. Please drop the following form off in the office.
Here is a list of our before and after school clubs as of now.
Mountain Family Handbook
This resource is a comprehensive guide to an overview of our school and procedures. Please review this with your child so he or she can be successful at Mountain. A few common reminders are: appropriate use of technology, walking on campus rather than running and riding scooters and bikes as well as leaving personal toys and balls at home and not bringing them to school. Our expectations are posted throughout are school and reviewed with the students often in the first weeks of school. If you reinforce these at home this makes a world of difference:)
Mountain Parent Family Handbook 2024-2025
Smiths Inspiring Donations- Donate to Mountain while grocery shopping
Go to: https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/signin?redirectUrl=/account/communityrewards/
Organization Name:
Los Alamos Public Schools Mountain Elementary
Organization Number:
8/20 PTA meeting more info to come.
8/27 OPEN HOUSE, MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY. 5 -5:15 Community Partners in Gym
5:20 Staff Introductions 5:30-7 Classroom Visits
9/6 Family breakfast/Fund run kick off more info to come.
9/27 FUND RUN in AM Homecoming Day for Mountain :)