Week of Feb 10th
Feb 3rd

Week of February 10th
You can access the Warrior Weekly on the Cleveland website each week.
Message from Principal Wadkins
This will be a brief update this week. First, our student store, leadership class and CARE leadership class all do a wonderful job of finding ways to build community at Cleveland as well as giving back to the community. Our school clubs and class cabinets are also active in promoting their activities at school. For instance, the student store is running a Val-a-gram fundraiser and the choir is selling singing telegrams. These groups of students and their advisors rely on different ways to communicate about student events and fundraisers. These methods include school wide announcements over our PA system, community bulletin boards in the school, posters around campus, social media and Trivory. With our new cell phone policy in place, students need to use their chromebooks to access Trivory which lists the schedule for the week as well as any activities happening at the school. Some students report that they don’t know what is happening on campus and so feel a lack of community. Please encourage your students to check Trivory and their pps emails for announcements.
I also want to highlight the work of two of our math teachers, Sarah Ward and Ian Maurer. They submitted a proposal to present at the 2025 Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC) Conference which was accepted. They will be presenting a session entitled “Reflections on a year of BTC implementation in Algebra 1 and in IB Higher Level Mathematics." The session description highlights their work this year:
"We are two experienced and successful teachers who are constantly striving to improve. Nothing has improved our practice like BTC. BTC allows us to engage more students, better assess their understanding, and push them to higher-order thinking. Within days, we could see (and hear) how much of a difference BTC was making with our students. Within weeks, we saw the potential for BTC to be an equity driver while upholding high expectations for curricular mastery. Within months, we saw gains on our standards and room for further professional growth. This presentation shares some of our successes and failures, as well as our strengths and areas for improvement. Attendees will leave with strategies and ideas to try in their own practices."
School Schedule for The Week of Feb 10-14
Monday - A Day
Tuesday - B Day
Wednesday - A Day
Thursday - B Day
Friday - A Day
Check the CHS website or Trivory for updates
Important Upcoming Dates
Feb 11 - Algebra 1-2 Family Night
Feb 12 - Gap Year Fair
Feb 14 - Athletic Hall of Fame
Feb 17 - President's Day - No School
Feb 18 - 9th Grade Forecasting Due Today
Feb 19 - IB Extended Essay Senior Showcase
Feb 27 - BSU Assembly
Cleveland’s 16th Annual IB Extended Essay Showcase
Wednesday, February 19th, at 7 pm
As part of the process of earning their full IB Diploma, the 2025 Senior Diploma candidates have written 4,000 word Extended Essays on individual research topics, and are now transforming them into 10-minute presentations in preparation for our Showcase!
You can rotate through the session style Showcase and see up to 5 of the 84 presentations - and with our largest Diploma class yet, the range of topics is varied!! This is the culminating event for these hardworking students, so please join us to celebrate our full Diploma candidates as they present on their exciting and individual research!!
Hope to see you there!
Jamie Incorvia
IB Coordinator
Algebra 1-2 Family Night
Come learn how our IXL software program can support your student’s growth and help them succeed in Algebra and subsequent math classes. Join us this Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00-8:00pm in the Cleveland Library for a presentation and conversation about IXL, family support, and math classes at Cleveland High School. Please reach out to Ian Maurer at imaurer@pps.net if you have any questions.
2025-26 Forecasting (Course requests for next school year)
This is the time of year when students need to start thinking about what classes they want to take next school year. It's early, but there's a lot that goes in to making the schedule next year and it starts with knowing what classes students are planning to take.
Counselors presented information to 10th and 11th grades last week and are presenting to their 9th grade academies this week. All forecasting material, links and tutorials are available on this CHS website link. READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS. It's a THREE step process.
Deadlines for completing forecasting is:
9th grade - 2/17
10th grade - 2/24
11th grade - 2/10
Evening Scholars Registration
Evening Scholars is one way to make up credits that your student may have not earned in core classes. Registration for evening Scholars in now open. Students should see their Counselor as soon as possible to sign up; classes are FREE and they fill up fast. Classes start on 2/24. See link below for more information, schedules and classes offered.
Portland USA Gap Year Fair at CHS
Why take a gap year after high school? Learn about options for travel, cultural immersion, service, work experience, and mentorship from the experts at the USA Gap Year Fair at Cleveland High School on Wednesday, February 12th. The event begins at 6 PM with a presentation in the auditorium by gap year advisors and alumni, followed by opportunities for face-to-face conversations with program providers in the cafeteria until 8:30 PM. Admission is free! Register at: https://portlandgyf2025.eventbrite.com/
Seniors - Class of 2025
Important Dates
March 21 - Baby Ads Due for Yearbook
March 31 - 60 Day Rule Begins
April 16 - Senior Class Meeting
April 17 - Jostens graduation gear pick up
April 25 - Prom
May 1 - Celebrate College Decision Day
May 27-28 - Senior Finals
May 29 - Last day for Seniors
June 3- Graduation
Grad Night 2025
GRAD NIGHT, June 3rd 8pm-Midnight
Buy your ticket on SchoolPay under 12th grade Gear-Up Days Grad Party
We will be posting senior news with dates and links on the CHS Website under the Senior News tab. Check under Quick Links or Student Activities to stay current on all the senior happenings.
Mel Krause Athletic Hall of Fame This Week
Please join us on February 14, 2025 to honor the new inductees. Four Cleveland alumni have been selected for induction into the Mel Krause Athletic Hall of Fame. The inductees are:
Howard Lao (Class of 2010)
Sam McIntyre (Class of 2007)
Julie Ann Willis Class of 1975)
Daniel Winn (Class of 2010)
Please join as we celebrate these outstanding athletes on Friday, Feb. 14 at 6:45 p.m. in Cleveland’s gym. All CHS alumni are invited to attend this ceremony, free of admission charge. The evening schedule is a follows:
4:15pm - Boys JV Game vs Jefferson
5:45pm - Boys Varsity Game vs Jefferson
Induction Ceremony
7:30pm - Girls Varsity Game vs Jefferson
Green Out Alert!!
Friday, February 14th is the Hall of Fame Basketball games and Inductions and we would like the gym to be a sea of green!
Grover's Student Store is selling limited edition "Green Out" shirts for only $10. These can be purchased in the student store or at the games. Additionally, the first 30 students in attendance wearing green will receive a free green pompom.
See you there, in your green!
Go Warriors!!
Spring Season Registration is Open!
Register for - Tennis, Golf, Softball, Baseball and Track & Field
We are pleased to announce we will not be changing our registration platform for the 2024-25 school year. Our spring registration is now live, spring sports have been added. If you have already registered for the school year you may log in and add a spring sport to your current FamilyID/Arbiter registration, or you may complete this form and we will do it for you. If it is your first time playing a sport with us this year- please follow this link to sign up.
More information about tryouts will be coming in February. First day of spring sports is March 3rd. (Please note this is a No School Day for students).
Varsity Football Coach - Meet & Greet on Feb. 13, 2025
To celebrate and welcome Coach Hopper, the Cleveland Football Booster Club is hosting a Meet & Greet on Thursday, February 13, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at Hopworks on Powell Blvd.
We invite all cluster families and anyone interested in Cleveland football, youth through high school, to join us for this special event. Come grab a drink, meet Coach Hopper, and hear his vision for the program!
Boys Volleyball
Cleveland High School is proud of the role it's played in the emergence of high school boys volleyball in Oregon. Last season, Cleveland's team consistently ranked in the top 5 throughout the state, ended with a 17-4 record, and took 3rd in the state tournament. And then, we proudly watched 10 (of our 15 players) become 2024 graduates. Our program honors the alumni players by remaining determined to be a part of the growth of boys volleyball in Oregon.
The program is embarking on a "rebuild" season, with the intent to maintain its competitive status. We are looking for athletes who are interested in the opportunity to be a part of this movement, learn the game of volleyball, find joy in the sport, be in a team environment, and join our small -- but passionate -- community! Tryouts are March 3rd through the 5th. For more information, updates, open gym and conditioning opportunities, join the team's BAND page and follow the team's Instagram account: @pdx.chs.bvb. For any inquiries, feel free to contact the head coach, Katie Young, via email: kfujimotoyoung@pps.net.
Cleveland Girls Lacrosse is recruiting new players
Come out to our preseason workouts and give lacrosse a try – see if it's the sport for you! We’re a no-cut team and welcome athletes of all levels. Please email a.einstein@comcast.net if you are interested in playing or learning more!
Caring Closet
The Caring Closet offers clothing, shoes, school supplies, shelf-stable food, and
hygiene items at no cost to students and is available to all CHS students in need.
Volunteer Sign Up HERE. All volunteers must first complete the PPS Volunteer application process (see link under volunteer section below)
We have been overwhelmed with all the generous donations recently.
(Due to our small space and limited staffing, we are only able to accept new or gently used
clothing that is washed, in style, free of stains, pet hair, and odors)
Please limit your donations to 15 items at a time. We are in need of the following items:
Winter jackets (Medium-2XL)
Jeans (All sizes-Larger sizes in demand)
Winter gloves
Winter hats
Sweatshirts and Fleeces
Winter boots (waterproof
Shampoo and conditioner (travel size)
School Supplies
Pens and pencils
February 10th Meeting
Join us for our next meeting on Monday, February 10, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the CHS library. We will be talking about the ways we can support student affinity group efforts and elevate their priorities in the Cleveland community. All are welcome to attend! Have questions? Contact us at chsparentequity@gmail.com