Tales From The Nest
January 12th, 2024

September 20th, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Urbana Middle School Families,
I want to commend our students for how they stepped up and responded to this past Tuesday when we needed to proceed with Emergency Protocol SECURE after receiving information from our School Resource Officer (SRO) and Central Office personnel about the safety concern identified in our community. Our students were able to quickly pivot and instruction was able to continue while under SECURE.
We have been made aware of additional rumors circulating about potential violence at schools next week. We are working with Urbana High School as well as our SRO and other Law Enforcement Partners to investigate these rumors. These rumors have been unsubstantiated.
We will send a follow-up message to the UMS community should this change.
We want to remind our community that we take all reports and threats to school safety seriously and collaborate with multiple stakeholders including UMS staff, FCPS personnel, and the Frederick County Sheriff's Office when they are investigated.
We appreciate your continued support as we ALL work together to ensure UMS remains a safe and productive place for learning. See Something, Say Something
Thank you for your time,
Drew Kibler
Dates to Remember
Sept. 20th: 3-1/2 hour early dismissal
Sept. 26th: School Picture Day
Oct. 1st: UMS Parent University 5:30-6:30pm
Oct. 3rd: No School
Oct. 7th: 4 hr late arrival, Parent Conferences
Oct. 8th: 4 hr late arrival, Parent Conferences
Oct. 9th: 3 -1/2hr early dismissal, Parent conferences
Oct. 18th: School Closed
Oct. 25: Last day of Term 1
Oct. 28th: School Closed
Nov 5th: School Closed
Nov. 11th -15th: Scholastic Book Fair
Nov. 14th: Picture Retake Day
Parent Conferences
Parent teacher Conferences will take place October 7th - October 9th. Information about signups will be coming soon. If you require an interpreter for your conferences, please contact Assistant Principal, Tricia Brdecka, at tricia.brdecka@fcps.org by 9/19.
First Parent University Session
UMS will be hosting its first Parent University session on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 5:30-6:30 in the UMS cafeteria. This session is titled Schoology 101, and we will be reviewing platform basics, account settings, and communication capabilities. There will also be a Q&A session for individual questions within that time
If you are interested, please consider filling out this interest form to help us better gauge how to use our time! We hope to see you there!
i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment
The i-Ready diagnostic is one assessment that provides families with important feedback on the progress their child is making on the FCPS Learning Journey. This year, schools will provide information to families to help them access their child's performance results after the diagnostic window closes. For students with one-to-one devices, families will be able to see their child's i-Ready beginning of year results by logging into their student's i-Ready account beginning on September 30, 2024. Information for schools with linked resources can be found in the i-Ready for Families Report – Information for Schools document. This document provides directions on how to print reports or to help families logon to see their child's results if they can access their i-Ready account. Here is a Families Report One-Sheeter with login information, guidance on how to interpret reports, and links to additional resources. Schools should send this information to relevant families prior to September 30.
Math and literacy specialists will receive additional information about the family report during their September or October meeting. It will be helpful to plan with teachers for some possible questions that families may ask about their child's performance. If you need assistance, please contact Marianne Morgan, Technology and Training Support Specialist in the Office of Assessment, Data Reporting, and Strategic Improvement.
UHS Football Game Guidelines
UHS Football Games - Middle School and
Urbana High School is very appreciative of the tremendous support the Urbana community provides at our home football games. These events truly become a celebration of our community. We are looking forward to seeing our community as we celebrate Urbana Youth Athletic Night this Friday, Sept 20, 2024.
For the Fall 2024 Varsity Football Season, FCPS has moved to a cashless admission system. Tickets to games are only available for purchase as follows.
Digital Tickets through https://gofan.co/app/school/MD24851
Credit Card purchase at the main ticket booth
No cash sales will be permitted.
In supporting the continued safe and positive experience for all spectators at these events, the following policies are in effect for middle and elementary school students. Middle and elementary school students and their parents/guardians who plan to attend any Urbana High School sporting event are expected to review the policies below.
Middle and elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult and remain in the spectator bleachers under the direct supervision of their parent/accompanying adult. Students must sit with the accompanying adult.
Picture Day
Gentle reminder that Picture Day is scheduled for next Thursday, September 26th!
Spirit Wear
Hello UMS Families,
We are excited to be opening the UMS 2024 Fall Online Spiritwear store to support our UMS PTA! You will find some fun new UMS swag designs including car magnets. The spiritwear store will be open until Friday Oct 11th. All orders will be shipped directly to us, and we will email everyone once orders are in with pick up directions. Please email us with any questions. Happy shopping!
SHOPPING LINK: http://tinyurl.com/urbanamiddle
UMS Spirit wear Co-Chairs,
Ashley Sowers (ashleyesowers@gmail.com)
Angie McLeod (angela9317@aol.com)
UMS Clubs
Teachers are starting to organize clubs for this year. As clubs are formed and are ready to start, the information will be posted on the UMS Website under the Parents & Students tab>UMS Clubs 24-25. Please note that most clubs are made possible by UMS teachers and staff volunteering their time after the school day.
Past Tales From the Nest
Looking for a previous version of a Tales From the Nest Newsletter, check out our website under the News tab. You can visit the link directly here.