Raider Nation News
Week of February 3, 2020
Important Information
Mark Your Calendar
February 4 -- School Closed -- Special Election Day
February 17 -- Schools Closed -- President's Day
Super Bowl Sunday !
Dear Atholton Families,
It is Super Bowl Sunday! I hope everyone enjoys the game this evening. Whether you are a Chiefs or 49ers fan, best of luck to your team. As a result, this week’s newsletter will be short.
This past Friday was Atholon’s first ever WINTER PEP RALLY! We had such a great time celebrating our winter sport athletes. This will definitely become an annual event. It was nice seeing all of the school spirit under one roof in the gym. Although the students were victorious in the volleyball game against the staff, I have already set up a practice schedule for teachers to prepare for next year (Lol!). Congratulations to the Atholton Dance Company for a great performance this past weekend. I am so amazed by the talent in this school!
I want to personally thank all of the parents and students that came out to welcome our new families to Atholton last Tuesday. From the presentations in the auditorium to the tours of the building, our new Raiders felt welcomed and appreciated the time everyone took to accomplish this goal. What a great introduction to the awesome place we call Raider Nation.
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, school is closed this Tuesday, February 4, due to the 7th Congressional District special primary election. As of today, there will not be any adjustments to the school system A Day/B Day calendar at this time and continue forward with the calendar as published. There is an updated calendar on the HCPSS Website which reflects the closure of schools and the unchanged A/B day rotation.
Lastly, it is hard to believe but this past week we held our first graduation meeting with seniors. They received information regarding cap and gown purchases as well as graduation announcements. You may find more information on our website.
Wishing everyone a fantastic week!
Robert A. Motley
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065