October Newsletter 2024
Bluffs Middle School
Stay Connected
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Email: bms@sbps.net
Website: www.sbps.net/bms
Location: 27 East 23rd Street, Scottsbluff, NE, USA
Phone: 308-635-6270
Principal's Message
Welcome to October! We are quickly approaching the conclusion of the first quarter, which wraps up on October 17, 2024. Our students continue to excel both academically and through their involvement in various extracurricular activities. We understand how busy our students are both in school and beyond, so please continue to encourage them to utilize the extended learning opportunities available during the WIN period, as well as after-school tutoring, which takes place Monday to Thursday from 3:05 to 4:05 PM.
Our October CAT meeting for parents is scheduled for October 9th at 4:00 pm at Bluffs Middle School. We will continue to plan events for the school year aimed at supporting both teachers and students. I look forward to collaborating with all of you.
The Parent Portal on Infinite Campus is an excellent resource to stay updated on your student's academic progress. If you require assistance with your account, please don't hesitate to reach out. Student summary pages have been sent home for you to verify the emergency and contact information on file. If any updates are necessary, please return the revised summary page or contact us at 308-635-6270 or 308-635-6282.
October presents a wonderful variety of performances from our talented choir, band, and orchestra students. Keep an eye out for more details from our teachers. We would love to have you join us and experience the remarkable abilities of our students.
We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and dedication to the success of our students at Bluffs Middle School. Together, we are stronger, and we are truly grateful for your partnership. As always, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Jana Mason
Parent Teacher Conferences
The fall parent teacher conferences will be held at Bluffs Middle School. The dates and times are listed below.
- Wednesday, October 23, 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM
- Thursday, October 24, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
- Friday, October 25, No school for students or staff
Parents will be able to schedule conferences beginning October 14th using the online scheduler, PTC Wizard. More information and a tutorial video from Erin Shaddick will follow soon.
The first quarter of school ends on October 17, 2024. First-quarter report cards will not be printed, but you can access your student's report card through Infinite Campus. If you do not have an Infinite Campus Parent Account, don't hesitate to contact our main office for assistance. Attached you will find a tutorial video to access the first quarter report card.
Custodian Appreciation Day - October 2nd
Technology Tips
BMS students utilize Google Classroom to access their coursework. This organizational tool allows teachers to easily assign work to students and provide timely feedback. For more details on Google Classroom, please click the link below.
Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Google Classroom
Every SBPS student Chromebook is monitored using GoGuardian. This tool allows schools to comply with federal laws such as the Child Internet Protection Act. GoGuardian enables teachers to create classroom sessions that keep students focused and actively engaged. For more details on GoGuardian, please click the link below.
What Parents Should Know About GoGuardian
For questions about student technology at Bluffs Middle School, contact Erin Shaddick at 308-635-6286 or eshaddick@sbps.net.
PBS First Quarter Assembly
Our first quarter Positive Behavior Support assembly on October 16th @ 2:30 pm in the gym.We are very excited to celebrate our amazing students and all the great work they have accomplished thus far. After the presentation of awards, Mrs. Shaddick will show the first quarter highlight video. Watch for more information from teachers.
LMHP and Counseling Message
Hello, October! This month’s message may feel like a “Big Yikes” but as a counseling department, think is very important to touch on – Digital Safety. Many of our students utilize devices daily, whether cellphones, gaming systems, or school issued Chromebooks. It is important our youth know how to use devices safely and responsibly in a world that is so connected to technology. Youth can be exposed to a multitude of unsafe/harmful online content and interactions, even when acting safely and responsibly. The following terms are examples of unsafe digital use or digital misconduct our youth may be exposed to:
- Cyberbullying: Bullying that takes place over digital devices. Cyberbullying is sending, posting, or sharing negative content about someone else and can include sharing another’s private information, resulting in embarrassment or humiliation.
- Inappropriate Content: Virtual spaces and content that are not appropriate for students.
- Sexting: Sharing and/or receiving inappropriate content in the form of explicit messages, photos, or videos through messaging or apps.
- Oversharing: Sending/sharing too much personal, private, or identifying information.
- Online Enticement: When an individual communicates online with a child with the intent to commit an offense that could harm the child, whether verbal, physical or via electronic interactions.
- Sextortion: When an individual uses technology to entice, coerce, or blackmail people into sharing sexually explicit images or videos online.
While there are many great resources at their fingertips, there is also great risk. Parents, we encourage you to have conversations with your child about safe technology use and steps they can take if they feel a digital experience is not safe, such as telling a trusted adult, asking for help,
reporting to school officials, and involving law officials in unsafe or harmful digital interactions. Through understanding and educating, we are able to empower our youth to develop a healthy and responsible relationship with technology.
We know this information may be heavy, and such conversations can be scary and uncomfortable to have with our children. Please contact us with any questions or for more information regarding safe digital use. We have also included links for more information and ways to promote cyber safety for your child.
Teen Word/Phrase of the Month: “Big Yikes,” meaning Yikes, kicked up a notch
Upcoming Events
October 3 Choir Concert 6:00 PM at BMS
October 8 Community-Wide Emergency Response Simulation
October 9 CATS (Parent Group) Meeting 4:00 PM at BMS
October 10 Jazz Band Concert 7:00 PM at BMS
October 12 A Night to Remember at SHS Auditorium
October 15 Winter Sports Meeting 6:00 PM at BMS
October 16 First Quarter PBS Assembly 2:30 pm at BMS
October 17 End of 1st Quarter
October 18 Professional Development/Work Day (No school for students)
October 23 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 PM
October 24 Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 AM-8:00 PM (No school for students)
October 25 No School for students and staff
October 29 Orchestra Concert 6:00 PM at BMS
A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember: Supporting Our Auditorium and Future Performances!
Mark your calendars for A Night to Remember, an exciting fundraiser benefiting the Scottsbluff High School Auditorium Improvement Project! This special event, open to families of all grade levels, will feature encore performances from past SHS musicals, brought to life by alumni and directed by both current and former choral directors.
After the performance, enjoy light refreshments and participate in silent and live auctions in the SHS cafeteria. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with friends, support our school, and
invest in the future of the auditorium—a space that is used for academic events, performances,
and community gatherings.
Join us for an unforgettable evening of entertainment and help make a lasting impact on our
school and community! All proceeds from the event will go toward improving the safety, functionality, and quality of our auditorium. We hope to see you there! Tickets can be
purchased here: Tickets
For more information contact Beth Rohrer - brohrer@sbps.net
Health Office Information
Heath Office Staff are starting student school health screenings. These screenings will be performed throughout the year until finished. Health screenings are performed per Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services schedule. Nebraska guidelines require all K-4th grades, 7th grade, and 10th grade students to participate. The purpose of screening is to identify those students needing further evaluation or assistance in the areas screened. Parents/guardians will be notified through Remind or a letter if the student is found to need further evaluation. The cost of such evaluation is the parent’s/guardian's responsibility.
Another friendly reminder, that all kindergarten students need updated immunization records, physical, and vision exam. 7th graders need a physical and updated immunization record. All new transfer students need updated immunization records and if your student is transferring from out of state, a physical and vision exam is also required.
Winter Sports Meeting
The Winter Sports Meeting is on Tuesday, October 15th, at 6:00 PM in the BMS gym. If your student did not participate in a fall sport, you will be required to fill out the appropriate paperwork on Arbiter Sports. More information will be provided during the meeting.
National Junior Honor Society
EL Family Community Night
Bluffs Middle School, along with various community organizations, joined together last month to offer valuable information and resources to our families. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Immigrant Legal Services, CAPWN, CAPstone, Panhandle Public Health Department, WNCC, and the Scottsbluff Public Schools Family Success Center for their partnership and collaborative endeavors. It was an amazing evening and a great way for our families to access school and community resources.
I would also like to thank our Bluffs Middle School English Language teachers, Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Lofink, paraeducators Rita Galindo, Ingrid Lenhardt, and Rosa Bravo and Irma Torres, LMHP for their ongoing support and commitment to our students and families.
Sodexo Food Service App
Multicultural Youth Leadership Conference
Students from Bluffs Middle School attended the Multicultural Youth Leadership Conference. We would like to thank Maricia Guzman-Marquez of Empowering Families for providing this opportunity for our students. Thank you, Mr. Castle, Mrs. Dick, and Mrs. Kosman, for attending this event with our students.
Community-Wide Emergency Response Simulation on October 8th
On Tuesday, October 8, Scottsbluff Public Schools, Educational Service Unit #13, WNCC, UNL Panhandle Extension Office and Education Center, and other area schools will conduct a joint emergency response simulation. Emergency response personnel will coordinate activities at each school. Students and parents will be given advance notice that the activity is occurring and is only a simulation – not a real event.
Emergency responders who will be coordinating the exercise include members of the Scottsbluff Police Department, Scottsbluff County Sheriff’s Office; Scottsbluff Fire Department, Gering Fire Department, Nebraska State Patrol, Region 22 Emergency Management and 911 Communications. James Todd, SBPS Director of Safety and Security will be overseeing the simulation. The simulation incorporates advice from each of these agencies to help all schools improve response protocols and enhance security practices.
Emergency readiness in schools includes four key areas: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This planning drives the schools’ efforts to ensure a high-quality school emergency operations plan.
The exercise is intended to operationalize the procedures detailed in SBPS’ “Emergency Operations Plan” which follows guidelines from the National and State Emergency Management Systems, the US Department of Homeland Security, the FEMA Incident Command System, the “I Love You Guys Foundation,” and the Nebraska Department of Education School Safety Center.