News and events

November 2024
November 22 - End of Trimester 1
November 25 - No School (Staff Development Day)
November 26 - No School (Staff Planning Day)
November 27 - No School (Staff Conversion Day)
November 28-29 -- No School (District Closed)
December 2 -- Musical Auditions -- Gr. 4 & 5 students only
December 3 -- Musical Auditions -- Gr. 4 & 5 students only
December 12 - PTO Meeting
December 20 - January 1 -- No School! (winter break)
January 2 - School Resumes
Message from Principal Zimmerman
What a wonderful November at Lincoln!
As I write this, we’ve just wrapped up our first “Arts Jam” Day of the school year. This exciting all-school event gave students the opportunity to explore a wide variety of arts activities led by our talented staff. It’s always a joyful day, and I’m sure your children will have lots to share about their experiences!
In addition, our students enjoyed a fun and interactive assembly hosted by the Minnesota Wild hockey team. The theme, "Faceoff for Fitness," featured Rusty, a former Wild announcer, along with Olympic hockey player Natalie Darwitz, former MN Wild player Nate Prosser, and, of course, the Wild mascot, Nordy! It was a great experience, and I was so proud of how our students listened attentively, laughed, and fully engaged in the event.
As we approach the second trimester of the school year, I’d like to send a quick reminder about the importance of being on time to school. Our school day officially begins when the second bell rings at 8:50 AM. When students arrive late, they miss important instructional time. Please help ensure your child arrives on time so they can make the most of their learning each day.
Thank you for your continued support!
Michelle Zimmerman, Principal
Office Reminders
Student absences can be reported via the web at ahschools.us (you will need to know your parent account information to log in) or via the ParentVUE Mobile App. Instructions can be found here.
You will still be able to contact the attendance line at 763-506-3106 to report an absence 24/7.
Every day that your student will be late or absent, you must enter attendance online or call the attendance line in order to have your students' absence counted as excused. Please DO NOT email your child's teacher with attendance information.
What you can do to get your student to school on time/be at school:
Set regular bedtime and morning routines
Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep
Elementary Reports Cards Online
How to view report cards online (view detailed instructions):
Login to ahschools.us
Click on the ‘My Student Information/Synergy’ icon.
Select a student from the dropdown menu.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card from the ‘Documents’ window.
The report card will open in a new tab where the capabilities to download or print will be available.
View from the ParentVUE app (view detailed instructions):
Go to the AppStore or Google Play and search for the ParentVUE app.
Enter your zip code when prompted, and select “Anoka-Hennepin School District” from the menu options.
Confirm ‘yes’ and select ‘Already Activated,’ if prompted.
Use login/password to login.
Select a student from the student list.
Select ‘Documents.’
Select and view the applicable report card.
Click the share button to save or share the PDF.
If you need assistance logging in or forgot your password, call 763-506-HELP (4357) or email 506help@ahschools.us.
Musical Auditions
We will be hosting auditions for this year's musical, BOTS!, on December 3 and 4 from 3:20-4:30 in Room 211. Students auditioning for the musical only need to come to one audition. Parents will need to come and pick up students from Door 6 promptly at 4:30, unless students are already enrolled in the A+ program. Permission slips were sent home with all 4th and 5th grade students and should be returned on Monday, December 2. Musical auditions are for 4th and 5th grade students only.
Kindergarten News
We are just wrapping up our first trimester! The kindergarteners have worked hard to learn expectations and routines, build stamina and grow their brains! We are looking forward to another trimester filled with learning and fun!
We are excited to end our trimester celebrating our 50th day of kindergarten and our first Arts Jam of the school year…an entire day of art and learning fun!
In reading, our Wonders themes this month will include: Rules to Go By, Sounds Around Us & The Places We Go. We continue to work hard to learn our letter sounds and sight words and are using what we know to read decodable words and write sentences.
In math, we will continue to work on number sense (counting to 50, back from 10). We will order and compare numbers from 1 to 10, solve addition and subtraction problems within 10 and compare objects to see which is longer, shorter or the same length.
As the weather gets colder (and maybe snowier!), please be sure your child has all their winter gear at school every day and shoes to change into for the school day. We want students to stay warm at arrival, recess and dismissal. Thank you!
Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Ovitt, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Munga and Ms. Costello
First Grade News
Hello First Grade Families!
How is it already November? Time is flying by and we are already seeing such great growth from your first graders! We can't wait to keep working hard.
This month in Math we are still working on word problems, adding, subtracting, making ten, simple fractions, and even telling time! Your students are working so hard. Some things that you could do at home to practice these skills… baking- looking for fractions in recipes, going on a walk and looking for numbers in the community, or even playing a board game or cards.
In ELA this month we are working on word families, tapping out words, identifying heart words in books and signs, and we are working on our “How to…” writing. This month we wrote about how to catch a turkey. We are also still working on handwriting, it's getting better but we still have a lot to work on with our handwriting. Some things you can do at home to help improve your first graders skills… reading with your students, writing letters to family members, writing your grocery list for you, even drawing a picture will increase their handwriting skills.
This month is also all about Gratitude! We have been making lots of lists about what we are grateful for, don’t forget to ask your students what they have shared!
As a first grade team, we are grateful for your help and working as a team to ensure your student gets and has everything they need to be a successful first grader!
Mrs. Hustad, Mrs. Mehan, Mrs. Skinner and Ms. Walz
Second Grade News
Happy November! As we approach the winter season, we would like to remind you to have your child bring warm clothes everyday. This would include boots, snow-pants, coat, hat, and gloves. We will plan to go outside each day if it is not too cold. Please label all of their gear with their name. Be sure to also send their gym shoes each day.
In ELA we will begin working on our second Wonders unit. The big idea for Unit 2 is: Animal Discoveries – How do animals play a part in the world around us? In math we will finish up our Unit about Place Value and Measurement and then the focus of instruction will be Addition and Subtraction within 100. Throughout the unit we will practice this by making graphs and answering questions about them, solving story problems, using efficient strategies, and representing the problems on the number line. Please continue to read at home for 20 minutes each night!
Mrs. Coubal, Mrs. Pitzl, and Mr. Robertson
Third Grade News
We have had a busy month, even though it is a short month. We took the CogAT test. This test helps us see how students think and solve problems! It’s a bit different from regular tests because it helps us understand how well students can figure things out and notice patterns. It’s like a fun puzzle that shows us how students think and it helps us know how to support them in learning new things.
We are working in ELA on the Essential Question: Why do People Immigrate to New Places. Reading and discussing stories about people immigrating to the USA. It prompts some interesting conversations and discussions. Unit 2 has the Big Idea: What it takes to solve a problem. We are reading a lot of stories about solutions to problems and why these solutions work.
In math, we will be finishing Unit 2 on multiplication. We have also introduced fractions in Number Corner. Students have had the opportunity to work with bar graphs and graph favorites of many topics.
We are also continuing and trying to finish before the trimester ends in November our Social Studies Unit on Government and Geography. We are currently working on looking at maps. Students really like examining them. Maps are new to them with GPS now available.
Mrs. Arendt, Mrs. Luongvan, and Mrs. Olson
Fourth Grade News
Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We are almost done with our first trimester! In math, we are starting Unit 3. We will be working with fractions and mixed numbers for this unit. In science, we've built a car that we call an egg racer. We have been figuring out different ways to apply force to our egg racer. We've attached sails to harness the wind's energy, and attached rubber bands to create our own winding mechanism. We've raced our egg racers down ramps, and have studied forces when they collide. In the end, we will learn how to protect our passenger, "egg" from a collision, and test our designs.
In ELA, we have started Unit 2. The Big Idea in Unit 2 is: What can animals teach us? We will read folktales, plays, fables, informational text and poems about the big idea. Our focus in these stories will be the theme, main idea and point of view throughout the unit. Some students are still putting the finishing touches of their personal narratives.
Please continue to read every night.
Ms. Carlson, Mrs. Gaspar and Mrs. Nye
Fifth Grade News
This time of year is always an exciting time and this is true in 5th grade, too. 5th Grade is celebrating the end of our dance residency with Heart of Dance on December 18th with a culminating event. At this event, students will get to show off all of their dance progress for families and friends. More information will come out about the culminating event in the coming weeks so be on the lookout.
In Math, we are wrapping up unit 2 on fractions. We have been working hard on finding common denominators to help us solve problems that contain fractions and whole numbers. After thanksgiving we will be moving into Unit 3 which will expand on our fraction knowledge and dive into the wild world of decimals.
In Science, we are still observing matter. We have been identifying mystery materials to see what they could be made of and we have been observing chemical changes. Ask your students about the cabbage water and what chemical change we observed!
In Reading, students are researching a country that one of our dance residency dances came from and are making travel brochures for them. We are also reading stories about solving problems. Students will be learning about John James Audubon and his revolutionary observations of birds.
Mr. Gamache and Mrs. Mercer
Volunteer Program
Lincoln Volunteer Program
Welcome! To date, our 120+ volunteers have given 900+ hours of their time to help our students! They worked with students, did clerical projects, organized a fundraiser, cashiered the Book Fair, provided food for Staff Appreciation, helped w/parade and PTO Boo Bash…. As November is a time of giving thanks, Lincoln’s Volunteer Program gives a BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers! You give your time and energy to this school and our students and you make events happen! Thank you volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities- Complete 2024/25 Lincoln Volunteer Forms and contact the VSC today!
* Enrichment- Challenge Reading Groups / Math + Groups / Destination Imagination
* Events- Reading Night / Arts Jam
* PTO Fundraising- Chairs / Box Top Coord. / Apparel Coord.
* PTO Positions- Secretary / Staff Appreciation Coord. / Fun Run Co-Chair / Event Co-Chair
National Parent Involvement Day - November 21
When families, teachers, students and others view one another as partners in education, students succeed! Here are a few ways to be involved-
* Volunteer in the school or at home
* Provide care, safety, good nutrition and proper sleep to a child
* Model a positive attitude toward school and learning
* Help children learn through family activities
* Provide healthy activities for students in the community
* Listen to and talk with others
* Join activities that support students - such as PTOs, boosters, Partnership Teams, etc.
Keep healthy & prevent the spread of illness
* Wash your hands frequently
* Get plenty of rest/sleep
* Engage in physical activity
* Manage stress
* Drink water & eat healthy
* Cover your nose/mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough
* Stay home if you’re sick
If you have any questions or need information, please let me know.
Diana Orr / Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
Diana.Orr@ahschools.us / 763-506-3130
Tues. 8a.m.- 3p.m./Wed. & Thurs. 8a.m.-2:45pm.(schedule may vary- Out Thanksgiving Wk)
Volunteer Handbook - Manual para voluntarios / Safeguard Privacy / Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines
Community Education
The Anoka-Hennepin School District allows qualifying flyers from nonprofit groups to be distributed at school and sent home with students. These flyers have gone through the district approval process. These events, classes and activities are not sponsored or endorsed by Anoka-Hennepin Schools. Click below for a virtual gallery of available flyers.
Lincoln PTO
Thanks to all the Lincoln Families who supported PTO over the last month with participation in the Lions Night Out Restaurant Night at Baker’s Square and the Lincoln Lions Pride Apparel Fundraiser. We appreciate your support of the PTO!
PTO launched a new website, where you can find information about upcoming events, PTO meeting dates, volunteering opportunities, and sign up to join our email list and more! Check it out at www.LincolnPTO-Anoka.org. To stay in the loop with all the PTO happenings you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LincolnElementarySchoolForTheArtsPTO.
Upcoming Events
December 5th is our first Lions Night Out- Family Fun Night at Urban Air in Coon Rapids (near Northtown Mall). From 4pm to 8pm 20% of sales are donated back to Lincoln! Check out more details on our FLYER.
The week of December 9th-13th PTO will be bringing back a staff favorite Fill the Fridge Staff Appreciation Event! We will be collecting monetary donations through our Square Site and using all the money raised to go buy treats and goodies for the Lincoln Staff to help keep them going in the weeks leading up to Winter Break. Watch for posts on Facebook, our new website, and emails asking for donations the week of Thanksgiving.
The Lincoln Lions Pride Apparel Fundraiser is over. If you missed it, we plan to do another order this spring. For those who ordered this fall, watch for an email/facebook post that items will be going home with students before Winter Break.
Lincoln School along with the PTO are planning the 2nd annual Warm Up with Arts & Culture event for Thursday, January 23rd. Part of the event is spent outside at the skating rink and snowshoeing (weather permitting) from 5-6pm. Then from 6-7:30pm, families will be invited inside to explore some Arts & Culture booths and presentations. If you are interested in sharing your family's heritage or culture at the event please fill out this GOOGLE FORM and we will get in contact with you about participating in the event.
Upcoming Meeting
December 12th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the conference room at Lincoln.
Childcare is available for potty trained children during the meeting. Enter on South St (door 6) or join us virtually with the meeting code: https://meet.google.com/uzr-oofz-wgt
MCA Scores Available Online
The 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) Individual Score Reports for students who took a test during the 2023-24 school year are available for families to access online. Families can access the document by logging into A-HConnect or viewing it on the ParentVUE mobile app.
Who takes the MCA test?
Students in grades 3-8 and in grades 10 and 11 take MCA tests each year. MCA reports will only be available for students who took an MCA test during the 2023-24 school year.
In addition to detailed test results, the report also includes a QR code directing families to an individualized video report of the student’s score. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student will be able to access the student’s MCA report online.
Winter Weather Reminders
Minnesota weather is shifting gears, and the Anoka-Hennepin School District has plans in place for when extreme winter weather arrives.
The safety of all students is the first priority when determining if schools should stay open in adverse weather. If a determination is made to close school due to extreme winter weather, the district will alert families in a variety of ways, including:
Text and email message from #AHSchools. (For parents/guardians only.)
District and school websites.
District and school social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Media outlets including WCCO, KSTP, FOX 9, KARE 11, CCX Media, WCCO radio and Star Tribune newspaper.
Those responsible for activities scheduled in schools over the weekend will determine if adverse weather conditions necessitate a cancellation.
Read more about the district’s policies on extreme winter weather at ahschools.us/weather.
Family Tech Information
Click here for resources to protect sleep, attention and family relationships provided by the Anoka Hennepin Tech Department.
Parent Resources
Parent Involvement [PI] Facebook- has info on what's happening in the district and PI (fundraisers, events, volunteering, PI team activities, etc.).
PI Free training workshops- gives parent/teacher organizations, booster clubs & nonprofits a boost as they help support the efforts of Anoka-Hennepin students, schools and community.
The Bolster (subscribe)- a newsletter for PTO’s and Booster Clubs that shares resources, ideas, and tips to improve their organization.
Parent Resource Center (PRC)- is located at the AHSD Educational Service Center (ESC) and lends library materials to parents, families, and staff. Families are welcome to browse our library-
Online: PRC library/Use Library Name: AHPRC (no password required)/ Visit us on the Web / Follow on Facebook and Instagram
Stop-in: Use the self-service check-out and return. Enter Door 1 on the west side of the ESC (2727 N. Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303)
Phone: 763-506-1587 or 763-506-1278 to discuss your resource requests. Selections can be delivered to your school and sent home with your child.
Lincoln spirit wear is available online for all families to purchase. If interested in purchasing spirit wear, please visit our vendor Innovations Plus. Items are available for purchase 24/7 and can be shipped to your home or to the school.
This e-newsletter is published by Lincoln Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.