Wattles Park Parent Connection
Growing LEADers May 3, 2024
M-STEP and NWEA Testing
Most of our students wrapped up the M-STEP this week. We have a few 3rd and 4th graders that will be finishing or making up the math portion Monday and Tuesday next week. All grades will be taking the NWEA Reading, Math, and Science assessments over the next three weeks. The NWEA tests are given 3 times per year to all our students to measure achievement and growth of our students. Please see the schedule bellow:
Monday, May 6th 1st Grade Math
Wednesday, May 8th 3rd Grade Reading
Thursday, May 9th Kindergarten Reading
Friday, May 10th 2nd Grade Reading
Tuesday, May 14th 1st and 4th Grade Reading
Wednesday, May 15th 2nd and 3rd Grade Math
Thursday, May 16th Kindergarten and 4th Grade Math
Friday, May 17th 2nd Grade Math
Tuesday, May 21st 3rd Grade Science
Wednesday & Thursday, May 22nd & 23rd 4th Grade Science
Wattles Park Fun Fair May 3rd 6-8PM
Our annual Wattles Park Fun Fair is tonight from 6-8PM hosted by our Parent Teacher Community(PTC). If the weather is good, almost all events will be outside on the playground. If it rains, then all the games and community partners will be mainly in the gymnasium, cafeteria, and hallways in the building. The food vendors will be in the bus loop and the cafeteria will be available for dining. This year's event will be one of the biggest ever with multiple food trucks, community partners, games for the kids, and of course the ever popular dunk tank! Tickets will be on sale at the event for 4 for $1.
Kids Heart Challenge
Wattles Park Elementary has kicked off our annual fund raiser to support the American Heart Association. Please visit www2.heart.org/goto/wpes to register your child(ren). Donations are due by Monday, May 13th. Any student that registers and has any amount of donations will be invited to participate in a Jump Celebration Event on Thursday, May 16th. Click here to see the flyer that was sent home with all students.
4th Grade Big Zoo Lesson
Our 4th grade students will be having their classes at Binder Park Zoo from May 6-10. Students will leave Wattles Park daily by bus at 9:00am and return to school close to 2:00pm. The Wattles Park 4th grade teachers will be teaching some of the regular 4th grade content while at the zoo, but the students will get some behind the scenes learning from the zoo staff during this week.
Upcoming Field Trips
May 13th-4th Grade Visit to Harper Creek Middle School 9-11AM
May 20th-4th Grade Chicago Trip 7AM-9PM
May 20th-Kindergarten Moo-Ville 9:15AM-1:00PM
May 28th-1st Grade Family Picnic 11:30AM-3:00PM @ WPMC
Wattles Park Career Day
Wattles Park is planning a Career Day on May 24th from 1-3 pm. We are looking for parents that could represent various professions for our Career Day. If you are interested, please complete that google form below. More information will be forthcoming to parents that have completed the form. https://forms.gle/LgLRAoYNqdTsbu8t7
4th Grade Clap Out May 31st
Parents are invited to join our 4th grade clap-out on May 31st. This event will start at 11:30AM. Parents can line the sidewalk starting at the main entrance and extending to the playground gate.
District Newsletter Article
Here is a pre-view of the district newsletter that will appear in the Battle Creek Shopper and News in the next couple of weeks:
At Wattles Park Elementary School, we believe in the power of unity and collaboration. As we navigate through the end of the 23-24 school year, our work remains steadfast: "We Are Better Together." This shows up in our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where every student, teacher, and staff member thrives.
Through Social Emotional Learning and inclusive classroom practices, we aim to instill the values of empathy, respect, and cooperation in our students. Whether it's working on group projects, implementing peer partnerships, or simply lending a helping hand to a classmate in need, our students exemplify the spirit of togetherness every day.
By embracing diversity and celebrating individual strengths, we create a vibrant tapestry of learners who understand that we are stronger when we stand united. Together, we can achieve anything, and together, we will continue to make Wattles Park a place where everyone belongs and succeeds.
School Calendar Events
A Night at the Art and Wax Museum-April 30th 6:30-7:30 pm
Fun Fair-May 3rd 6-8PM
Career Day-May 24th 1-3PM
Field Day-May 29th
4th Grade Clap-out May 31st 11:30AM
Birthday Message on the WPE Sign
Parents can pay $5 and put their child's birthday on the electronic sign in the front of the school.
Parent Teacher Community PTC
Next PTC Meeting - May 1st 6-7PM