SOMOS SABE Noticias familiares
Vol. 2 No. 9 May 2024
Mensaje de la Sra. Reyes, Directora
Dear SABE Familias,
As we approach the end of another school year, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your ongoing support and collaboration throughout this academic journey. It has been a pleasure to work with you and your scholars, and I am incredibly proud of the progress they have made.
Reflecting on the past year, despite its challenges, I am amazed by the resilience, dedication, and enthusiasm demonstrated by our students. Their willingness to adapt to new learning environments, navigate uncertainties, and engage with their studies has been truly inspiring.
As we prepare to close this chapter and embark on a well-deserved break, I want to highlight a few key points:
Achievements: Each and every one of our students has achieved growth and success in their own unique ways. Whether it be academic accomplishments, personal development, or social milestones, every achievement is worth celebrating.
Gratitude: I am immensely grateful for the trust you have placed in our school community. Your partnership and involvement have played a crucial role in creating a supportive and enriching learning environment for our students.
Summer Break: With summer break approaching, I encourage you to take this time to relax, recharge, and create lasting memories with your families. It is a time for rejuvenation and reflection, as well as an opportunity for students to explore new interests and experiences outside of the classroom.
Continued Communication: While the school year may be coming to an end, our commitment to your child's education does not stop here. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or if there are any ways in which we can support your child over the summer months.
As we bid farewell to the school year, let us celebrate the growth, learning, and cherished moments that have made this journey so memorable. I am confident that our students will continue to shine bright as they transition to the next chapter of their academic endeavors.
Summer Activities and Resources: To keep our students and their families engaged, a separate summer newsletter will be sent out with ideas and suggestions for different family activities.
Thank you once again for your unwavering support and dedication. Wishing you all a safe, joyful, and rejuvenating summer break!
Warm regards,
Sra. Reyes
Upcoming Dates
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 8: Lottery closes
- May 9: Lottery for new families takes place virtually at 4:00 p.m.
- May 13: Registration packets will be sent out to returning students and siblings of our returning students via email from Schola
- May 14: PTA Meeting (in person)
- May 16: Equity Council Meeting
- May 18: Rio Rancho's Biggest Yard Sale
- May 20: Registration packets for returning students due
- May 21: Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony (daytime event)
- May 21: Explora Science Night @ SABE
- May 23: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony (evening event)
- May 29: Annual Field Day at Mountain View Park
- May 29: Last day of school for Kindergarten - 6th grade
- May 31: Last day of school for grades 7-8
We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. Our school has hosted and/or participated in different activities this last month and we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank those that made it possible.
SABE's Got Talent Show: A huge thank you to Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. Snodgrass for organizing the talent show this year. We would also like to thank Mr. Greenham for helping us with some of his audio equipment. It came together beautifully and we were amazed by the talents that were shared!
Isotopes Visitation and Mariachi Game: Our students enjoyed visiting with the Isotopes last month and recording the video of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" (Spanish version). Thank you to Mrs. Herrera, Lucky Tamm and a parent at SABE for making all this possible for our students, especially the partnership with the Isotopes. Due to this partnership, the video that was recorded was played on the jumbo screen during the 7th inning stretch at the Mariachi Game on May 5th. We hope to see it at other Isotopes Mariachi games through the rest of the season. We will have another opportunity for reduced pricing for tickets in September!
Mrs. Farrell and Classroom Teachers: We also want to thank Mrs. Farrell and the classroom teachers for preparing the students and teaching them "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" (Spanish version).
April Attendance Awards
Congratulations to the following classes for having the highest attendance percentage.
For grades Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, the grade with the highest attendance rate was 1st grade with 91.4%. ¡Felicidades!
Congratulations to 5th grade for having the highest attendance rate in grades 4th-8th. Their attendance rate for the month of April was 94.2%.
The grade level with the most improved attendance is 1st grade. Their attendance improved from 86% to 91.4%. Congratulations!
Kindergarten and 8th Grade Promotions
We can't believe that we are already planning promotion ceremonies. Promotion dates are listed below.
Kindergarten promotion - May 21st @ 9:00 a.m.
8th grade promotion - May 23rd @ 6:00 p.m.
Both promotion ceremonies will take place at SABE. Teachers will be posting information and contacting parents with specific details for the two ceremonies.
Thank you to our PTA for providing funds for the decorations and thank you to our teachers and educational assistants who are doing all the planning!
SABE Flood Make-up Days
If you remember, in September our school suffered some severe water damage and school was cancelled for four days. Unfortunately, those days have to be made up. Below are the make up days that will be added on to the end of the school year. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Reyes. The original last day of school for grades K-6th grade was May 22nd. The original last day for middle school students (grades 7-8) was May 24th.
Elementary Make-Up Days - Grades K - 6th
May 23, 24, 28 and 29
Middle School Make-Up Days - Grades 7th and 8th
May 28, 29, 30 and 31
SABE Lottery for 2024-2025 School Year
It's that time of year when families interested in SABE may schedule tours, visit our Open House events and enter the enrollment lottery for the 2024-2025 school year. Share your experience with friends, family, and neighbors and invite them to any of our school events. Below are some frequently asked questions. Please also see below how you can help with our student recruitment efforts for the 2024-2025 school year!
Who participates in the lottery?
Students new to SABE in all grades for the 2024-2025 school year.
If my child(ren) already attends SABE do they need to be in the lottery?
No. If your child already attends SABE, they do not need to enter into the lottery. They will have a secure spot for the 2024-2025 school year.
What students need to be in the lottery to attend SABE?
- New kindergarten students that do not have siblings at the school during the current school year.
- New students in 1st through 8th grade.
Does my child need to know Spanish to attend SABE?
Students new to SABE do not need to know Spanish to attend our school.
Important Dates to Remember
- May 7: SABE Bring a Friend Open House 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- May 8: Lottery enrollment closes
- May 9: SABE Enrollment Lottery. New families to SABE that will be participating in the lottery will be receiving information in a personal email message. Please see and share our website for more details.
Rio Rancho's Biggest Yard Sale
SABE will be participating in Rio Ranchos Biggest Yard Sale on Saturday May 18th from 8am to 2pm at Cabezon Park. We are asking parents for gently used school uniforms that we will be donating at this event. Please drop off uniforms at the front office during school hours. Thank you for your help!
Explora Science Night at SABE
SABE will be hosting Explora Science Night on May 21st at 6:00 p.m. This is a fun filled night where families can explore and learn about science through a variety of science experiments and activities. Please join us.
Thank you to Coach Garcia for organizing this year's field day!
Like last year, this event will be held at Mountain View Park. Student drop off and pick up will be at the park. The day will begin as normal with drop off beginning at 7:30 and we will have an early release on that day at 12:30pm. Lunch will be served at 12:00pm and we will be requesting lunches from Bernalillo Public Schools. Our fabulous PTA will be providing water stations, healthy snacks, and shade structures. Please thank a PTA member today!!! Please reach out to them if you would like to share your structure for the day.
Details for this day will be shared on ClassDojo as they day gets closer.
Thank you to all of our SABE families that joined us during ¡SOMOS SABE! Family Engagement Nights throughout the school year.
SABE is in it's ninth year as the first Kindergarten - 8th grade dual language free, state authorized public charter school. We will be completing our renewal for the NM Public Education Department and the Public Education Commission next year. Along our journey, we have had hurdles we have overcome and have seen immense success in our program and in all our scholars! We thank all our parent cheerleaders who have shown constant support of our dual language program and school. We continue to strive to continue celebrating and succeeding!
I am excited to announce that we have final approval from the NMPED and will be moving to our forever home for the 2025-2026 school year. There are still many steps to get there and much like buying a home, comes a large expense. Unfortunately, unlike the traditional schools, we do not have access to the same funds to build a new school to meet the needs of our SABE scholars--including adding a SABE Niños Pre-K program. We will be using saved funds, operational funds, Capital Outlay funds and continue to seek out and write private grants to fund and support the costs associated with the move and the new building. Please spread the word to your friends, family and exten
We will be in touch with more details as they become available and our Parent Advisory Committee will be part of our planning and building committee to offer input and help us through some of the building walk throughs.
SABE Budget & Student Enrollment & Recruitment
All charter schools, like all traditional school districts, are funded based on student enrollment. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! In our new digital era, we know how important social media and online outlets are for getting the word out about our school. We have worked very hard on these efforts but we are coming short in getting the word out about SABE to our local community.
We are seeking your help to pass out flyers and attending to informational tables. We have asked our PTA to assist us in organizing some of this work and ask that if you are interested in helping, please contact Mrs. Reyes via ClassDojo or call the school. THANK YOU!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Thank you to all SABE families for your support throughout the year.
Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education is committed to maintaining a safe school environment free from harassment and discrimination. SABE prohibits discrimination based on sex and sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or other persons, at school or school sponsored or school related activities. No student will be excluded from participation in or denied the benefit of any educational program or activity operated by SABE as a consequence of sexual discrimination or sexual harassment or retaliation for making complaints of sexual discrimination or sexual harassment as defined by Title IX.
Title IX Coordinator: Jackie Rodriguez, jrodriguez@nmsabe.org, 505-771-0555