Principal's Page
Last Week of School
It is hard to believe that the last week of school is here! I can not tell you enough how much we appreciate all of your help. From volunteering in reading groups, field trips, recess, to simply making sure your child started their day with a great breakfast and positive ride to school.
Our last few days together will be a whirlwind of fun and emotion. Below are a few important dates to remember.
Up Coming Dates
6/5/19 Shay Triathlon - 12:30 start time
6/6/19 Gear Up Day
6/6- Half Day of School (11:00 am dismissal)
6/7/19 Last Day of School (11:00 am dismissal)
Shay Triathlon Information
Calling All Volunteers... The Shay Triathlon Needs You!
If you are able to help at a location on the Triathlon course please let me know. The Triathlon is Wednesday, June 5th. The first swimmer will enter the water at 12:30 pm. Please e-mail me at or call 231-526-4531 if you are able to help.
Parking at the Track-Parents, this year we will be having you use the E. Lake Street entrance for parking. The parking lot entrance across from Bay Bluffs will be closed to ensure the safety of our bikers. Thanks for your help in keeping our students safe.
Lastly, a personalized reminder letter went home in the Friday folder on 5/31. This will allow you to see what event or events your child will be participating in next week. It also has information about what your child will need to have the day of the Triathlon. Please look it over carefully and save it on the refrigerator for next week. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Gear Up Day
We will release class lists and specific teacher placement as they become available and we are relatively certain that there will not be changes.