Newcomb News 9/1/24
Vol. 4 Issue 4
Dear Newcomb K-8 Families and Friends,
It was a great first week of school!!!!! Thanks for all you did to prepare students for a successful week and a positive start to the year. As a reminder, TK/Kinder students will continue to be dismissed at 1:00 pm until 9/13.
We need your help! We need all families to complete the Parent Information Packet by 9/13. Here is the link- We also have QR codes placed around school. All students will be entered in a raffle and classes with 100% completion will get a class prize. Thanks for your help.
Go Spartans!!!!!
Parent Information Packet (Required Action Item)
Parents and Guardians please complete this form by Friday, 9/13. (Video Overview Link)
One form per family. You will find information about the upcoming year and to review policies and procedures.
New Online Spirit Wear Sale
Hi Everyone-
If you missed the first Online Spirit Wear Sale we will be holding another on from 9/2 to 9/15 with delivery towards the end of September. We have added a brand new Newcomb Windbreaker.
Here is the Link-
**We will not be doing another online store sale until the Spring.
Middle School Sports Updates
Girls Volleyball Try Outs 9/4 & 9/5 from 3 to 4 pm (Gym)
Co-Ed Flag Football Try Outs 9/5 from 3 to 4 pm (Field)
Sato is hosting its first annual STEM night on Friday, September 20th from 4:30-6:30. There will be 4 stations set up for the students to visit on a set schedule. The cost is $20 per student and proceeds will benefit the student clubs sponsoring the event.
Registration is limited to the first 80 paid participants. Students must be 4th - 8th graders and come with a chaperone. The registration form and payment can be completed at the Sato Academy Webstore by Friday, 9/13.
School Site Council Nominations
We have one parent/community member opening on our School Site Council. We are taking nominations from 8/23 to 9/6. We will then hold elections the week of 9/9 to 9/13. Please follow this link for more information.
School Site Council Information
Annual Verification (Very Important!!!!!!!)
This is also located in our Opening Parent Information Packet. We are asking that all Newcomb Families log into their ParentVUE account to verify and/or update their information by completing the Annual Student Verification. This is something that not only helps maintain contact information and communication preferences, but it also identifies students for various services/programs and determines school needs.
To complete the verification, use the link to log into your ParentVUE account: ParentVUE link.
If you need assistance, feel free to check out the instructions we’ve provided at the link below, which will walk you through the verification process.
DIRECTIONS: How to Complete Annual Verification
For questions and further assistance, please contact your child’s school.
Important Dates
8/27 to 9/13- All TK-Kindergarten Students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. This will allow teachers to meet individually or in small groups with students and for relationship building and connection with families. There will be no after school supervision for TK/Kinder students until 9/16.
Family & Friends Fridays (These are days that we will be inviting families on campus before school to hang out and build community) 9/27, 10/25, 11/22, 12/20, 1/24, 2/21, 3/28, 4/25, 5/30, 6/12 (Last Day of School)
Coffee with Chris (These are informal parent meetings with the Principal to discuss important topics) 10/11, 12/12 (6 pm), 2/21, 4/25
Lunch With A Loved One- 10/11/24 and 3/21/25
Click this link to access Newcomb's Google Events Calendar. You should be able to add to your calendar so that you can keep up to date on all Newcomb Events. (Calendar Link)
After School Supervision
After school playground supervision will begin on the 2nd day of school. Supervision will run from the end of school until 3:00 pm M-F. All students must be picked up by 3 pm. After 3 pm we do not have any adult supervision. Any students who are not picked up will be brought to the main office.
***The only exception will be on minimum days, when supervision will go from 1 pm to 2 pm.
PTSA & Foundation Updates & Information
Sign Up to Volunteer with the PTSA and/or the Newcomb Academy Foundation
Are you interested in volunteering with one of our parent/caregiver organizations this year? The Newcomb Academy Foundation and PTSA put on events throughout the year and need your help! Sign up here to join the volunteer list! We'll reach out to you whenever there is an opportunity to volunteer. Make friends while giving back to your student's school community!
Newcomb Academy Foundation Fall Donor Drive
The Newcomb Academy Foundation has launched our Fall Donation Drive. This year our net goal is to raise $150,000 to continue our support of vital programs. The Foundation has already committed $143,840 to Newcomb Academy for the 2024/2025 school year! This funding will profoundly impact our students by supporting STEAM enrichment programs, including Science Lab, Music, Art, Middle School Drama, and an exciting new Robotics program for TK-5. Additionally, we've protected our Literacy and Math Intervention for K-5 and are continuing STAR Tutoring to provide essential support in core subjects. The Foundation is also proud to support the Middle School Scholarship Program, fostering community service and academic excellence among our middle school scholars.
Go here to donate today to ensure our students continue to have access to these phenomenal programs and opportunities!
The PTSA and Newcomb Academy Foundation are excited to meet with Newcomb families! Some great opportunities to learn more about our parent/caregiver organizations would be to join us for our first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm in the Newcomb Library (childcare provided) or at the Parent/Grown-Up Mixer on Friday, September 27th at 6:30pm (location TBD). Please see the flyer to learn more about how the PTSA and Foundation work together to support our amazing school!
PTSA Contact Information-
Instagram- @newcombacademyptsa
Foundation Contact Information-
Instagram- @newcombacademyfoundation
PTSA Movie Night (Moana)
Newcomb Sankofa Parent Village
After School Golf- TGA Golf @ Newcomb
September 20 - November 1
January 17 to February 28
March 28 to May 9
Monthly Breakfast & Lunch Menu
2024-2025 Schedules / Important Policies / Procedures
Staff Contact Information
Chris Thompson, Principal-
Ross Morinaga, Counselor-
Dylann Castro, Office Supervisor-
Nurse CJ-
Judy Caceres, Attendance-
Sharon Onaroti- Enrollment-
Kids' Club Contact Information
Newcomb Kids' Club Director-
Lacey Rogers-
Newcomb Kids' Club Main Line- (562) 430-7104
Kids' Club District Contact Information-
Shannon McCone, Manager, at (562) 627-1022, extensions 296, 297, or 299.
Title IX Parent Notification
Newcomb K-8 Academy
Principal Email:
Location: 3351 Val Verde Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562)430-1250
Instagram: @newcomb_k8_lbusd