Mac El Weekly News
Week of May 3, 2024
From the Principal
We are down to the last couple weeks of school and there is A LOT going on! I would like to thank all of the families and friends that supported our 4th and 5th grade students at the Spring Concert. It is a great way for the students to demonstrate what they have learned in music throughout the year. Thank you also to Mr. and Mrs. Byrne and all the teachers for their work to make the evening such a success.
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Our teachers go above and beyond to meet the needs of our students. They put in time planning lessons, monitoring students' academic progress, analyze data, helping students, all while providing emotional and behavioral support. They are amazing! It would be great if our students or families could send our teachers some notes to show them how much they are appreciated!
5th grade students performing
4th grade students performing
IMPORTANT - Afternoon Pick-up Change
Starting Monday, May 6 ...
The lane closest to the sidewalk will be for OFFICE VISITORS ONLY until 3:05pm. If you are picking up your student prior to 3:05, you will need to use the lane closest to the grass/road or park in a designated parking area.
This is for the safety of our students as well as to prevent a back-up for visitors who are needing to drive through the parking lot. If you do not follow these guidelines, you may be asked to move or drive back around to pick up your student.
🗓 Mark your calendar
May 6 - 10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
- Scholastic Book Fair
May 8 - Family Night - 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm **
May 10 - 4th Grade Pioneer Day
May 13 - 5th Grade field trip - Lost Sister Trail (Eash/Kelly)
May 14 - Talent Show
May 15 - 5th Grade field trip - Lost Sister Trail (Chapman/Heady)
May 17 - 5th Grade field trip - Lost Sister Trail (Ross/Ward)
May 20 - Field Day
May 21 - Last Student Day
May 28 - May 31 - Summer IREAD remediation and retake
We have several events coming up that we can use lots of help with at Maconaquah Elementary . If you would like to volunteer for any of the events below please send an email to howayc@maconaquah.k12.in.us or call 765-689-9131 x. 3006. All events will take place during the school day.
Book Fair: May 6-10, schedule may vary by day of the week
Terrific Thursday: Thursday May 16, need volunteers from 11:30am-2:45pm
Field Day: Monday May 20, all day event- we need approx 50 volunteers to help for this day be a success
Cereal Box Domino
Students brought in 170 cereal boxes to make the Domino display! Thank you to our families for your generosity. It's so much fun to watch them topple. Great job Student Council! The boxes will be donate to Helping Hands.
Parent Requests
If you would like to submit a request for your child for the next school year, please complete the following:
- Write a letter/email to Mrs. Tidd (tidds@maconaquah.k12.in.us) including your child's name, grade, and reason for a request.
- Do NOT include a specific teacher as letters requesting specific teachers will not be accepted.
- Do describe the needs of your child and the best learning environment for them to be successful.
Letters must be received by May 10th. Classroom placement will be available when fall registration for the 2024-25 school year is completed.
From the Nurse
Attention 5th grade Parents
Fifth grade students will need to have Tdap & meningitis immunizations going into 6th grade, if they have not already done so. Please start scheduling appointments now. If you have questions, please contact your child's doctor or the school nurse.
Attendance (765) 689-9131
Parents or guardians must call the school attendance line when their child is absent. Call 765-689-9131 and wait to hear Maconaquah Elementary School and then attendance. Contacting the teacher is not the same as reporting it to the attendance line in the front office. When you call the attendance line to report a student's absence, please include why the child is absent, or it will be marked as unexcused. If a child is absent for a medical appointment, it is necessary to bring a doctor's note for the absence to be excused.
Elementary FCA Huddle
This is a new club for students but parents must register their child. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Hatcher for more information.
PBIS Spirit Fundraiser
Kiwanis Coats for Kids
Donate any gently used coats
Before you get rid of a winter coat your child has outgrown, please consider donating it to Coats for Kids. There is a box in the front office to put any gently used coats. The coats will be cleaned and distributed in the fall to help families in need. More information will follow with the distribution dates.
Mac El PTO
The Book Fair is May 6 - 10, with family night on Wed., May 8. It is buy one get one free! If you are able to volunteer any time during the school day or help with family night, please contact Lindsay Conner, PTO president at macelpto@maconaquah.k12.in.us. If you are already an approved volunteer, you will just need to email with your availability. And if you have not completed a volunteer application, please do so. Thank you! Your time and efforts will make so many students so happy!
*NOTE: if we don't get enough volunteers, the book fair will not be able to be open every day. Thank you in advance!
🍕 Weekly Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Braves of the Week
2nd Grade: Cooper Groover
Cooper is a hardworking student with a great sense of humor. He has made great progress in reading and math this school year, and we are lucky to have him in our classroom. Cooper is a friend to all and is always ready to tell a good joke.
3rd Grade: Annabelle Snyder
Annabelle is a hard worker in class. She is a great friend to others and loves playing basketball. She is a great example to other students in how to be a good friend to others and to always try your best! Great job Annabelle!
4th Grade: Elise Sheets
Elise is the epitome of kindness and care and exemplifies what it means to be a Brave. This year, her reading journey has been remarkable, soaring through five whole reading levels. She's the kind of person who brightens up any room with her friendly nature and infectious sense of humor. This year, I have enjoyed learning about her love of animals, especially goats. Elise is blossoming into a beautiful soul who makes the world a better place. I will miss my little Swiftie next year when she goes on to do great things in 5th grade.
5th Grade: Keira Nead
Keira is a great example of what it means to be a Brave! She is respectful and organized, and always strives to do her best. She is a good listener and friend. She is always ready to lend a helping hand. Even though I will be sad to see her go, I have no doubt that Keira will thrive next year in middle school! Keep up the great work, Keira!
Mrs. Tidd
Email: tidds@maconaquah.k12.in.us
Website: https://mes.maconaquah.k12.in.us
Text/phone: 765-689-9131 x. 3000