Anna Yates Newsletter
June: Mid Month Updates
I hope everyone is having a safe and happy summer thus far!
I wanted to share the Teacher's Award students for each teacher so that they can pick up their prizes tomorrow between 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. or on Monday, as well as add in a few reminders. The video below has the names and descriptions of each student that was chosen for Trimester 3 Teacher's Award!
TK/Kinder: Aalisha Jindal, Giovanni Woods, Clara Blanchard, Porsha Dedrick
First: Audrey Kemp, Noah Luulay, PrinceMa'si Wilder-Burse
Second: Eduardo Wiggins, Dima Shariff
Third: Kelsey Tanksely, Lorenzo Gervais
Fourth: Keyani Caston, Kristian Harris, Bea Blackwell
Fifth: Vikramjit Bal
Ms. Rhodes: Brandon Penn
Ms. Ljubica: Jurgen Martinez
Mrs. Shook: Axel Velasquez
Ms. Carter
Teacher's Award Trimester 3
Please Return Library Books
There is a box in the office to drop off any school library books that may be at home or hidden in a backpack. If you have any classroom books or textbooks (not workbooks), you are welcome to return those as well to the office; please state what classroom the books belong too.
Continue To Use Your Loaner Device To Access Digital Programs
Many of the online programs we have used throughout the year and during distance learning will continue to be available through the end of July, such as iReady, Accelerated Ready, RazKids, Zearn, etc. Families are welcome to continue to keep the device they received from the district (unless not returning next school year) during the summer so that you can continue to access the above programs until they will be collected at the end of July.
Didn't Pick Up Your Student Of The Week Ice Cream? Come Tomorrow!
We can't have an ice cream social but we can have ice cream pick up so any students that have been student of the week during distance learning can come at their designated time on Friday, June 12th to pick up an ice cream then go if you were unable to come this past Monday!
Still Waiting For Yearbooks To Arrive!
We have lowered the price of yearbooks to $10 so please order one once they arrive. When they arrive, we will send a call for pick up, which tentatively will be next month.