Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School -2/23/24 - Week 24
Principal's Message :
Good Afternoon, Maple Place!
This was another busy week at the middle school which culminated with our annual Student vs. Teacher volleyball games at each grade level. As a culmination to the PE classes' volleyball unit, Mr. Coles and Ms. Bernth organize a volleyball game at each grade level where the teachers play against their students. The students are organized into teams, and those teams rotate through until each team has had the opportunity to play their grade level teachers. It is such a fun day, and one that seems to become more and more competitive each year. By the time the students reach 8th grade - they show absolutely no mercy to their teachers! Thank you to Mr. Coles and Ms. B. for organizing a great day!
Just a reminder that Spring Conferences are coming up on Thursday and Friday, March 7th and 8th. These days will be Early Dismissal days with a 12:15pm dismissal for Maple Place. Conferences will run from 6:00-8:00pm on Thursday evening and 1:00-3:00pm on Friday afternoon. Please keep in mind that Spring Conferences are based on student need. The teachers will be reaching out to parents if they feel your child is in need of a conference. After those conferences are scheduled, all available slots will be offered to parents upon request. If you have a concern, and would like a conference, please reach out to your child's teachers. In grades 6 through 8, the conferences will be done as a grade level team.
Lastly, Friday, March 8th, will also be Spring Picture Day. Ordering information is coming home with the students.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Melissa Keiser
Students vs. Teachers Volleyball Games:
NJHS Book Drive:
Our National Junior Honor Society at Maple Place is hosting a book drive across the district beginning on Monday, February 26th and running through Friday, March 1st. Please see the flyer below for more information!
LinkIt! Parent Portal Now Open:
The LinkIT® parent portal has been updated to include your child’s winter assessment data. To login to Oceanport’s LinkIT® Parent Portal, please visit: https://oceanport.linkit.com/Parent
When reviewing your child’s scores it is important to remember that each assessment provides A SNAPSHOT of how your child is performing. No single test can provide a complete picture of on-going growth. For this reason, the district uses multiple measures to assess student performance, always in conjunction with a teacher’s professional evaluation of student progress, parental feedback, and student report card grades. If you have any questions about your child’s assessment scores please contact your child’s teacher and/or building principal for more information.
If you have any difficulty accessing the site please contact Mrs. Gerri Martinez, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at gmartinez@oceanportschools.org.
Winter Sports:
Our Lady Chargers have advanced to the playoffs with the three seed! This has earned them a home game against Tinton Falls on Monday, February 26th at 3:30. The outcome of Monday's game will determine whether or not the girls will move on in the playoffs.
In honor of this great achievement, Maple Place will be hosting a BLUE OUT at school on Monday! We are asking all students to wear blue to fill our hallways (and hopefully our gym for the game) with blue in support of our Lady Chargers!
Blue Out - This Monday!
Spring Sports:
Spring Sports sign ups have taken place for Baseball, Softball, and the Volleyball Club. Students in Grades 6 through 8 can sign up to try out for Softball or Baseball. Students in grades 5 through 8 can sign up to take part in the Volleyball Club. Students were asked to check in with Nurse Dora to see if they need paperwork or physicals. Physicals for spring sports were due on 2/15, but we are still missing quite a few. If you have not sent in your child's physical paperwork, please reach out to Nurse Dora at jdora@oceanportschool.org.
If you need the sports physical paperwork, I have linked it HERE.
In looking at the lists which are currently hanging in the Nurse's office, there are numerous students who are still not cleared to try out or participate in spring sports. Many need the Health Update completed, while some still need sports physicals. ALL OF THIS PAPERWORK IS DUE BACK BY NEX FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST!
Mr. Vaccarelli will be holding a meeting for all boys trying out for Baseball on Thursday, February 29th from 2:45-3:15pm in Room 106. All boys who plan to try out must attend the meeting!
Ms. Docherty will be scheduling a Softball meeting once she has finished up with the basketball season. More information will be forthcoming!
Notes from Nurse Dora:
We have been having some issues with students wanting or needing to sit out of PE class for a variety of reasons. Please understand that PE is a required class, and it is important to follow the proper protocol if your child is injured and cannot participate in physical activity. If you have any additional questions that are not answered below, please don't hesitate to reach out to Nurse Dora.
If your child needs to be excused from gym, recess, and other physical activities, please send in a doctor’s note stating what they are excused from and the duration for which they will be excused. If the note states that they will need to be cleared before returning to gym, recess, and other physical activities, you will need to get another doctor’s note stating that they are cleared to return to these activities. We cannot accept an email or note from a parent as an excuse. Also, there is no partial participation or “light gym.” Your child should either be cleared for full activity or will not be able to participate until fully cleared. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Additionally, it is also important to note that if your child is not able to participate in PE, then the student may not participate in recess or participate in school sports or schools sports clubs.
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, February 26th:
Charger Band - 7:15am - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Mean Girls the Musical - Full Cast - 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Stage Crew Meeting - 2:45-5:00pm - Cafeteria
Tuesday, February 27th:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Jazz Band - 2:45-3:30pm - Band Room
Wednesday, February 28th:
Charger Band - 7:15am - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Maple Place Alliance - 2:45-3:45pm - Room 131
Mean Girls the Musical - Full Cast - 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Stage Crew Meeting - 2:45-5:00pm - Cafeteria
Thursday, February 29th:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Debate Club - 7:20am - Room 109
Mean Girls the Musical - Lead Characters - Rehearsal 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Art Club - Grade 8 - 3:00-4:00 - Art Room
Baseball Meeting - 2:45-3:15pm - Room 106
Friday, March 1st:
Charger Band - 7:15am - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Fun Fit Sports Club - 2:45-3:45pm - Gym
8th Grade Information:
Shore Regional High School Honors Placement Assessments for our current 8th graders will be administered during the month of March. If you would like your child to take any of the placement assessments being offered, please click on the link below for more information. The students will need to register in order to take a placement assessment. The link for registration is below, and it is also included within the information provided in the first link.
Honors Placement Exam Information
The deadline for registering for the Honors Placement Exams is this coming Friday, 3/1/2024.
Additionally - just a reminder to check your child's school trip account. The payment schedule was broken down into multiple payments with sums being due on 1/15, 2/15, 3/15, and 4/15. Please reach out if any assistance is needed.
Also, please know that you can keep an eye on your child's progress with their behavior contract in the Realtime Parent Portal under the discipline tab. Any and all discipline infractions are posted for you to view. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Keiser.
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, February 28th - Board of Education Meeting - Wolf Hill School - 5:30pm
Monday, March 4th - ADL Meeting - Maple Place Media Center - 7:00pm
Thursday & Friday, March 7th & 8th - Early Dismissal Days - Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 8th - Spring Picture Day
Friday, March 8th - PTO Spring Auction
Monday, March 18th - Dine to Donate at Enzo's to support the 8th Grade Class of 2024
PTO News:
Save the Date!
Half-Day Bagels: Mar 7 and 8 (last two days)
March 8: Spring Auction
March 16: Bowling for boys in Grades Pre K-8th with their special gal pal
April 26: Sweet Heart Dance for girls in Grades Prek-6 and their special guys
PTO Photo Shoot Fundraiser:
PTO Spring Auction:
PTO Bowling:
Advocates for Diverse Learners:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS
Instagram: @MaplePlaceOP