STA School Eagle Newsletter
June 3, 2024
We are so proud of our graduates!
Jayden Acosta-Ruacho-La Serna High School
Adrian Castellanos-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Aidan Cortez-Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Joaquin De Dios-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Noah Dena-Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Evan Garcia-Bishop Mora Salesian High School
Maya Gomez-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Benji Grijalva-La Serna High School
Dana Hernandez Briones-Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Alejandro Medina-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Melody Portillo-Schurr High School
Genesis Ramirez-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Leana Torres-Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Nicolas Vazquez-Bishop Amat Memorial High School
Eric Villanueva-Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
News for 2024-2025 School Year!
STA Community,
We have exciting news about our 5th grade class joining the middle school departmentalized structure for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read the letter attached below for additional details.
A Message from Father John
Fr. John's Sabbatical
Dear School families,
Greetings to all of you. This is a very unique year because we have many transitions taking place in our parish community. Fortunately they are all leading us to growth in a positive direction. I would like to share with you about my sabbatical coming up.
In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, any archdiocesan priest who has
served in a full-time active assignment for seven continuous years is
eligible to apply for a four months sabbatical. A sabbatical for a priest is
an extended period of time away from his normal duties for the purpose of
renewing and enriching himself both as a person and minister.
After serving for 26 years in full time ministry, I will be taking my
first sabbatical from July 1st to October 31st 2024, and return to STA to
continue my ministry.
Fr. Victor Zavala, a missionary of the Guadalupe Missioners community,
and who currently assists with the Cantonese Mass on Sundays, has
agreed to take my place for Masses and sacraments during my
absence. You will see Fr. Victor at the English and Spanish Masses, and on the weekly Thursday School Masses.
What will I be doing on my Sabbatical?
I will focus my energy on the following things.
1. In the past five years, I have been doing a private study about the
Bavuma tribe of Buvuma Islands, my birthplace in Lake Victoria, Uganda.
I have been putting emphasis on a brief history of Buvuma Island people
from 1973 to present. This research is about the history of a small tribe of
about 20,000 people whose oral history is slowly experiencing
the sunset of life as the elders die, and the young get immersed into
various cultures and traditions. In the past thirty years due to social and
cultural changes, the culture and catholic faith of these island natives are
becoming almost extinct through the decline in church influence,
attendance and an increase in inter-tribal marriages and interactions with
other religious and tribal groups. I will continue writing and doing more research on this topic.
2. Part of this sabbatical will include installation of a clean water
well in one village community that currently lives far from the water
source on Buvuma island in Lake Victoria.
3. In addition I will spend time with my mother who is now in her
mid 90s, and work on the family farmland with animals and
crops, plus assist with Mass and sacraments in the parish church
which covers several nearby islands.
Please keep me in my prayers as you are in mine always. I look forward to seeing you on the first Sunday in November 2024.
Fr. John Kyebasuuta.
Spirit Week (5/28-6/3)
Mon, June 3: Tie-Dye Day
Tues, June 4: MASS UNIFORM (Mass with Bishop Nunez)
Tues, June 4: Third Trimester Awards Assembly (after 8a Mass)
Wednesday, June 5: TROPICAL DAY (12:30p Dismissal) (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!) (No Daycare)
Ice Cream Social- Friday, August 9 (5:00p-7:00p)
First Day of School- Monday, August 12 (8:00a)
Back to School Night-Friday, August 30 (6p-7:30p) (Church & classrooms)
First Trimester Parent/Teacher Conferences-Nov.20-22 (2p-8p)
Thanksgiving Break-November 25-November 29
Christmas Break-December 23-Jan 3
Easter Break-April 21-25
Last Day of School-June 6
Fundraiser Recap for 2023-2024
Profit for each event:
Sunday Funday: $4,088.00
Winter Gala: $7,554.27
Winter Raffle: $20,730.22
Casino Night: $13,598.99
Spring Raffle: $16, 672.85
Jog-a-Thon: $4,694.44
Harvest Festival: $2,683.59
Krispy Kreme: $2,992.61
Total Fundraising Profit: $99,622.52
Please see the link below to access our Summer School 2024 Newsletter with all info you need. Registration is open now!!
YEARBOOK 2023-2024 SALE!!!
Yearbooks are here and ready to purchase!
Cost: $20 per book
Please pay for yearbooks in the school office. They will be handed to students and/or parents, once they are paid for.
We have 15 yearbooks remaining for purchase. Once they run out, we will end the sale.
June 4-All School Mass with Bishop Nunez
June 4-Third Trimester Awards Assembly (after 8:00a Mass)
June 5-LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (12:30p Dismissal)
Re-registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Attached are the re-registration form and tuition/fees sheet for the new school year.
STA Catholic School Faculty/Staff 2023-2024
Fr. John Kyebasuuta-Pastor (frjohn@stampk.org)Fr. Joseph Li-Associate Pastor
Mrs. Stefanie Lutero-Principal (slutero@stampkschool.org)
Mr. Marco Juarez-Co Principal (juarez@stampkschool.org)
Mrs. Adriana Armstrong-Vice Principal (armstrong@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Urena-Office Manager (info@stampkschool.org)
Mr. Padron-Bookkeeper (accounting@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Vazquez-Office Aide
Ms. Gutierrez-TK/Kinder Aide
Ms. Marcilla-Extended Care Staff
Ms. Balbuena-Extended Care Staff
Mrs. VillaseƱor-TK/Kinder Teacher (villasenor@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Salcedo-1st Grade Teacher (misss@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Iniguez-2nd Grade Teacher (iniguez@stampkschool.org)
Mrs. Arriaga-3rd Grade Teacher (arriaga@stampkschool.org)
Mrs. Armstrong-4th Grade Teacher (armstrong@stampkschool.org)
Mr. Contreras-5th Grade Teacher (contreras@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Vierra-6th Grade Homeroom/Middle School ELA & Religion (vierra@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Venegas-7th Grade Homeroom/Middle School Math (venegas@stampkschool.org)
Ms. Campos-8th Grade Homeroom/Middle School Social Studies & Science
Mr. Rios-PE Teacher (rios@stampkschool.org)
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
Email: info@stampkschool.org
Website: www.stampkschool.org
Location: 1501 South Atlantic Boulevard, Monterey Park, CA, USA
Phone: (323)261-6583