Health and Safety Weekly Update
Week of Monday, October 19th - Friday, October 23rd
Good Day South Brunswick,
Each week we see more students back in our buildings as we prepare for in-person learning on November 16th for those students wishing to return. In looking at our numbers, I believe that families are more diligent in checking for symptoms and keeping students home if they are experiencing symptoms. We have improved greatly, and it is of extreme importance that this positive shift continues and even improves. While we only had one case of anyone showing up to a school with symptoms, it is important that this number be at zero day in and day out. A student can always jump into a zoom meeting if they need to be home due to symptoms or potential exposure.. Kudos to the majority who are strictly adhering to the safety guidelines! That is how we will continue to keep everyone in our buildings safe and healthy...
This past week South Brunswick saw the number of positive cases climb to the double digits, with 24 new cases reported. It was shared that the factors that may have caused this increase appeared to be that several cases involved significant spread contained within family groups, meaning that efforts to quarantine from the community at large were effective, but the virus still spread within their individual households.
Last week, I shared information that had been given to me advising that a full orange designation necessitated a school closure. However, based upon what we are hearing now the designation of a region being a full orange, in itself, may not in fact necessitate a closure. I am in the process of getting more clarity on color designations and their impact and/or potential impact and hope to share this information with you shortly.
I know that many have questions with Halloween and the holiday season approaching and suggested guidelines. Therefore, I wanted to share with you information that was provided by the CDC with regard to gathering for holiday celebrations and safety. Please click on the following link for guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays.html
At Thursday’s Board of Education meeting Jennifer Diszler will be presenting on Technology Tools for Remote Learning. We hope you can join us that evening virtually. Please click on the following link prior to the start of the meeting to join the meeting. https://www.sbschools.org/board_of_education/meetings/agendas__minutes_and_videos. Information on how to join the meeting will also be available on the South Brunswick School District website at www.sbschools.org on the banner.
This Friday is our last day of the Remote Learning Centers as we prepare the buildings for in-person learning. I wanted to give a big shout-out to the faculty and staff in each of our RLCs for the outstanding job that they did in making sure that all safety protocols were followed at all times mitigating any chance of spreading the virus.
Please see below for the weekly data report.
Thank you and stay safe everyone!
Regional Rating
(Latest Published Results)
Yellow - Moderate
Number of cases (last 7 days) in South Brunswick
Number of juvenile cases (last 7 days) in South Brunswick
Number of Students and Staff in Buildings (Daily Average)
Number of students/staff sent home during the day with symptoms
0 students/1 staff
Number of COVID confirmed cases reported to the schools
(Students tested positive in two different schools, but had no school connection
and were not in school leading up to it.)
Athletics Reporting Over a 6 day period (HS & MS)
Athletics Reporting (Daily Average)
475 athletes/33 coaches (daily average)
Number of athletes/coaches sent home during the day with symptoms
3 athletes/0 coaches
STATE (most current reporting)
State Transmission Rate (most current reported)
Regional Positivity Rate (Central East)
Regional Case Rate (Central East)/100,000 residents
Statewide School Outbreaks/Middlesex County
(the State uses the term "outbreak" when a minimum of
two cases independent of each other are in a school)
25 statewide/4 schools in Middlesex County all in one district
What guidance exists at this time:
- The CDC recently modified their definition of a close contact. New definition is now “A person who spent 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period and was within 6 feet of a person who is infected with COVID-19. Exposure must happen while the infected person is infectious (2 days before onset to 10 days after)”
- Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware meet the criteria for New Jersey's travel advisory. Non-essential travel to and from these states is highly discouraged.
- Resumption of indoor sports.
- Indoor dining allowed 25% capacity, Capacity limits still in place, Fall athletics in operation, all mask and social distancing requirements still in effect
- COVID Alert NJ is NJ's free and secure mobile app that anonymously alerts users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
- Governor Murphy gave rules and guidance regarding Halloween. (Click here)
- For information and considerations for events and gatherings for holiday celebrations and safety, follow the link to the CDC holiday page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays.html
- Free Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinics - In order to help keep its residents safe and continue to practice social distancing, Middlesex County Office of Health Services will be offering drive-thru flu clinics beginning Wednesday, October 28th. This is a free service being offered to all Middlesex County residents ages 6 months and up that meet a set of criteria. To learn more about how to get your free Flu Shot, upcoming clinic dates, and tips on how to fight the flu this year, residents can visit: http://www.middlesexcountynj.gov/flu
Other local district progress with cases and quarantine
- Pierrepont School (Rutherford School District) closed for in-person learning until October 30th
- 4 Woodbridge Schools go remote after 36 COVID cases in district
Self-reflection effectiveness rating (1-4)
Incidents of student or parent non-compliance
1 student/0 staff
One student was not admitted due to symptoms in the RLC.