The Buzz

Message from the Head of School
So far this week Y2, Y1 and Reception children have had the opportunity to perform their Christmas show to their grown ups and have done an amazing job. We look forward to Nursery’s performance tomorrow. We are so proud of every child for trying their best and joining in with such enjoyment and enthusiasm. The dress rehearsals were all filmed; Nursery and Reception will go on Tapestry and Year 1 and 2 will be put on the home learning site. This gives the wider family the opportunity to see how amazing they were!
We look forward to our Christmas parties and lunches next week. Click on the ‘What’s happening this Christmas’ link below for further details.
The last day to post HISN Christmas cards in the post-box is Monday. Please remember to put every child's name and class on the envelope to ensure we can deliver the cards correctly. Y1 and Y2 children have enjoyed their delivery duties!
Please remember to bring any wrapping paper to donate to the Cocoon charity that we are supporting and remember it is Christmas Jumper day (non uniform) tomorrow.
A group of Y1 children sang at Linden hall last week and some Y1 and Y2 children sang at Marling Court care home this week. They sang beautifully and performed the actions with such enthusiasm and made the audiences day! We are extremely proud of them and enjoyed getting involved with the wider community.
Please take a look at the Spring dates section below as we have added class assemblies and showcase events for next term.
Finally we are pleased to let you know that we have now achieved our Bronze rights respecting award and we look forward to working towards our Silver. Thank you to Miss Berry for all your hard work on this.
Claire Cook
Head of School
Recorder Lessons Year 2 pupils
Following parental feedback we are pleased to be able to offer recorder lessons from the Spring term to Year 2 pupils, these will be delivered by the Richmond Music Trust. There are 8 spaces available and the lessons will take place on Monday afternoon during the school day.
Music Makers Year 1 pupils
In addition we will also be starting a Music Makers club, this will be an afterschool club on Monday for Year 1 pupils only.
Booking information for both clubs will be sent at 6pm tomorrow (Friday 13th December)
Makaton Sign of the Week
Certificate of Excellence
Certificates have been handed for following the HPP principle of:-
RC Belle
RK Aiden
RP William
RY Elizah
1B Isabella
1C Yusuf
1D Poppy
1GC Reggie M
2B Alex
2D Ava
2M Alvaro
2P Louis
🟨 Nursery
This week we have been gearing up for all things Christmas. We have learnt all about the Nativity story and learnt to sequence it, remembering all the characters too. We thought about the language to use when telling a story, for example, first, then and next. The children loved retelling the story and it was great to hear the children act out the Nativity with small world characters.
We also watched the Reception Nativity play, where we recognised lots of the Nativity characters. We loved listening to the singing, remembering a few of the songs. We were also introduced to the word, audience, and learnt that we were audience members as we watched the show so beautifully. Inspired by this show, we are so excited for you to watch our Christmas singing and be our audience members. See you all on tomorrow!
Time to talk Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
This week, you could talk to your child about your winter break. What will you be doing? What yummy foods will you be eating? Are you doing anything special over this break?
🟥 Reception
Reception have been embracing Christmas this week. The children have been making paper-chains for the classroom, decorating baubles, designing their own Christmas jumpers and more. The children have enjoyed learning about the Nativity story, especially in light of their own Christmas show performance. We really enjoyed watching the Christmas shows from year one and year two earlier in the week - the costumes and songs were brilliant and our Reception children were spellbound!
We were so impressed by Reception's show on Thursday - it took a lot of courage for many of them to stand up and perform in front of a grown-up audience and we thought they looked wonderful in their costumes. We were so proud of them! Thank you to everyone who came and supported. For those who were unable to make it, a recorded version will be published on Tapestry next week for you to enjoy at home.
In phonics, we have been consolidating the sounds /k/, /l/, /r/ and /u/. In maths, we have been exploring capacity through measuring how much water different containers could hold, as well as comparing the heights of different zoo animals and learning basic directions through instructing Beebots.
Time to talk Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
This week, you could talk to your child about their Nativity show. What role did they play? What did they wear? What was their favourite song or part?
🟦 Year 1
Well done to the amazing Year 1 children for performing so well in our Christmas production of ‘The Nativity’. We have all enjoyed learning the festive songs and actions that go alongside the Christmas story, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. You can find the videos of the performances on the school website to enjoy again at home with your family.
In English, we have designed our own wanted poster for the naughty elf that has been causing havoc in our classrooms. We have been recording his adventures in a class diary. We have also created our own character descriptions of some of the characters from the nativity story.
In maths, we have been consolidating all the facts, concepts and skills we have been learning throughout the autumn term. We have been using this mathematical knowledge to practise our reasoning skills, problem solve and complete challenges.
We have completed our last lesson in our Geography topic ‘Our Local Area’. We have looked at the route we took for our local walk on a map. We looked at how the main features that we saw were represented on a map using ordinance survey symbols. We then created our own map of our route and incorporated these symbols to show the things we passed on our journey.
We are very excited about our trip to Hampton Hill theatre on Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school in a warm coat as we will be getting public transport to the event.
The children have worked so hard this term and we are all immensely proud of every single one of them and the progress they have made, both in their work and in their transition to year 1. We hope you enjoy a well-earned break over Christmas and that you have a joyful, relaxing time. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year refreshed and ready for the spring term!
🟩 Year 2
What a joyful week we have had in year 2! Well done to the amazing year 2 children for performing wonderfully in our Christmas show. We have all enjoyed learning the festive songs and actions that go with them, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. You can find the videos of the performances on the school website to enjoy again at home with your family.
We have been really enjoying our new focus book ‘The Snowman’ illustrated by Raymond Briggs which surprised us as a story without words. However, we loved exploring this delightful picture book and sharing our ideas about what we think is happening in the story with each other. We are looking forward to becoming authors over the next week and writing the words to accompany the beautiful illustrations for this book. We are also excited to read our stories to reception next week! We have enjoyed acting out scenes from the book on Wednesday and exploring the different emotions of the boy and the snowman in the story.
In Maths we have been thinking about our knowledge of shape and naming properties of 2D and 3D shapes, we have talked about how many sides and vertices these shapes have.
In science, we have been learning all about hygiene and germs. We investigated how soap works by conducting an experiment. We compared the effects of washing our hands with and without soap, sharing our observations as a class. We concluded the lesson by emphasising the vital role soap plays in removing germs and preventing the spread of illnesses, reinforcing the importance of thorough handwashing as a key hygiene practice.
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to St Michael’s church last week and loved taking part in the Christmas story!
MHST Coffee Morning: Managing Emotions
On Tuesday 14th January at 9am we will be holding a parent coffee morning in the Rose Hall at Hampton Junior School.
The coffee morning will be led by Jess Butler, the Child Wellbeing Practitioner allocated to our school from the Mental Health Support Team.
Jess will be doing a presentation around what emotional literacy is, as well as tips for promoting emotional literacy and effective emotion regulation at home. Following the presentation there will be the opportunity to ask questions and to share your tips and experiences with other parents and carers.
Parents from HISN and HJS are welcome to attend.
Fraser Portraits
School Photographs
As Christmas is just round the corner we would like you to know that there is still time to order your school photographs in time to give as gifts to loved ones.
If you no longer have your proof card please call our office on 01202 692433, or email sales@fraserportraits.com and we will be happy to help.
Please place your print orders by Monday 16th December for delivery to home addresses, digital downloads are instant.
All at Fraser Portraits would like to wish you a Very Happy Christmas!
TfL Zip Photocards
Zip card applications now open
TfL have reopened applications for Zip photocards after the recent cyber attack.
You can now apply for Zip photocards for ages 5-10, 11-15 and 16+ at Free and discounted travel
TfL services will continue to accept expired 5-10 and 11-15 Zip photocards until 31 December 2024. After that date customers will need a valid pass.
Please make sure you apply in time as the Post Office is often busier around Christmas. The last posting dates is 18 December.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815