Dolphin Digest
October 7, 2024

Tuesday, October 8
- ELAC (English Language Advisory Council) Meeting, 8:15 am - Family Center
- Marine Science Institute Visit - 3rd Grade
Wednesday, October 9
- International Walk To School Day
Friday, October 11
- PTO Coffee, 8:15 am - Front of School
Monday, October 14
- No School - RCSD Holiday
Tuesday, October 15
- Title 1 Community Presentation, 3:00 pm - Library & Virtual
- School Site Council Meeting, 4:00 pm - Library & Virtual
Thursday, October 17
- The Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill, 10:17 am
Friday, October 18
- Move-A-Thon
- TK Field Trip - Lemos Farm
Friday, October 25th
- Principal's Coffee, 8:15 am - Library
Tuesday, October 29th
- Vision Screenings - TK, K, 2, 5, 8
Wednesday, October 30th
- R.C. Library Dia De Los Muertos Presentation @ Clifford
Thursday, October 31st
- Halloween Parade - 8:30 am, Blacktop
Friday, November 1st
- No School - Staff Professional Development
At Clifford, we focus on a different character trait each month. In September, our students practiced having courage by choosing what is good, right, and kind, even when it’s hard or scary. Each classroom recognizes one student with the Dolphin Award for exemplifying the monthly trait.
Congratulations to this month’s Dolphin Award recipients, who were honored with a certificate at our recent assembly!
TK: Harper Zimmerman, Marcel Mancuso
Kindergarten: Mateo Altschuler Malek, Salvador Acosta Mozo, Grettel Hernandez
1st Grade: Izarah Leilani Romero-Ruiz, Freddy Salto Amaya, Alisa Savostianova, Giselle Mora
2nd Grade: Dylan Salazar Garcia, Lucas Doubrava, Harriet Mabry
Third Grade: Janney Chavez Flores, Alex Alaniz, Wesley Lantz
Fourth Grade: Josefina Vail Vail, Christopher Alonzo
Fifth Grade: Ion Mina, Aubree Arredondo, Rex Zamora
Sixth Grade: Emily Aranda, Nola Norcott, Shea Jones
Seventh Grade: Rudra Panchal, McKenzie Crowell
Eighth Grade: Cailyn Peterson, Aiyana Zamora, Jose Figueroa
MOVE-A-THON - Friday, October 18
The Clifford Move-a-Thon fundraiser is starting! Online registration starts NOW. Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the PTO General Fund that supports Art, PE, music, teacher stipends, field trips and more and to strengthen our school community. This event promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. Students will be running, walking, jumping and dancing around the course. This year, middle schoolers will be participating in a color run! Please see Color Run information here including a permission slip to participate.
Here are a few things to know about this fundraiser:
If each student raises $60 we will reach our goal of $40,000!
All families can support our school by donating and/or sharing on mybooster.com; as an incentive, students can earn prizes as they increase donations.
All students get to participate in the Event day, regardless of financial participation.
All Students will receive a Clifford Move-a-Thon t-shirt
And all students will be entered into raffles at the Move-a-Thon to win prizes!
We are working hard to make this fundraiser safe, fun, and successful for everyone. We are grateful for our Clifford School family! Thank you for your support this year. We all need it more than ever!
Parents are welcome to come to school to watch their child(ren) participate in the Move-A-Thon or Color Run, however, they must sign in as a visitor before entering campus. Parents who are volunteering to help run the Move-A-Thon need to be cleared volunteers.
Here is the Move-A-Thon schedule:
8:30 - 9:00 am - TK, Kindergarten, & Mr. Chun Hoon's class
9:10 - 9:40 am - 1st & 2nd grades
10:25 - 10:55 - 3rd grade
1:50 - 2:35 - 6th - 8th Color Run
Thank you to all the parents who attended last month’s Principal’s Coffee! We had a fantastic turnout and engaging discussions about our school’s vision, mission, and goals for this year. If you couldn’t make it, you can review the presentation here.
We hope to see you at our next Principal’s Coffee on Friday, October 25th at 8:15 am, where we will be discussing Clifford’s Facilities Master Plan and the upcoming bond measure for campus improvements and modernization.
Hi Clifford families!
We hope you're having a great start to the school year! Here are some important updates from the Family Center:
Bread and Bag Wednesday
We will have Bread and Bag Wednesday this week. Please sign up on the email Victoria sends out on Monday if you would like to receive food distribution this week.
Parent Teacher Conferences
If you were unable to go to a conference last week, translation services are still available if you schedule time with the teacher. Translation services are available.
Walk to School Day
We are excited to celebrate International Walk to School Day next Wednesday, October 8th. Please feel free to walk, bike, or carpool to school that day in celebration of the day. We will give out prizes to students the morning of the day of to students on the front lawn of the school.
As always, please reach out with any questions.
Now that we are a few months into the school year, we want to emphasize the importance of regular attendance. Being present at school every day is crucial for your child’s academic success and overall growth. Each day of learning builds on the previous one, and frequent absences can cause students to fall behind, making it harder to catch up.
We understand that illnesses and unavoidable circumstances may arise, but we encourage families to make every effort to ensure students are at school and on time whenever possible. Consistent attendance not only helps students academically but also fosters positive habits and stronger connections with their classmates and teachers.
In October, we will be hosting a classroom attendance competition! The class with the highest attendance rate in each grade span (TK-2, 3-5, and 6-8) will win a special prize: an extra recess with popsicles! We shared this exciting news at our assemblies today, and the students are already looking forward to the challenge!
Thank you for your support in helping us provide a strong foundation for your child's education. If you have any concerns about attendance or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Welcome to our first newsletter of the school year! First and foremost, we greatly appreciate and thank you for your continued support of our program. We are thrilled to get this year started, and are looking forward to serving the community as best we can!
For the month of October, we will be covering basketball. For the younger K-2 classes, we will be exploring the following: rules of the game, dribbling, passing, shooting, and basketball-related mini-games. For the 3rd grade and older students, we will be covering the following: rules of the game, dribbling, passing and pivoting, shooting and rebounding, and playing half-court games.
PE+ will be having a team wide-wide training on October 14th. This training will not interfere with normal PE+ operation, as it happens to be a day off from school for the kids.
We will also be hosting a Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser, on Sunday October 13th. If you would like for information about the event and how to sign up, please contact Jeff at jefft@wearepcc.com. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to support out PE+ Program.
We’re thrilled to see so many students choosing to ride their bikes and scooters to school! However, we’ve noticed some riders making unsafe choices during arrival and dismissal. If your child rides a bike or scooter, please remind them about the importance of staying safe on the road and in the parking lot.
As a safety reminder, bikes and scooters should not be ridden once inside the school campus.
Thank you for your cooperation!
RethinkWaste is accepting submissions for our annual fall Poster Contest! The contest is open now through Friday, October 11th.
There are TWO contest categories:
- Elementary – 3rd through 5th grade
- Middle – 6th through 8th grade
All 3rd through 8th grade students from schools within the RethinkWaste service area are welcome to enter.
Contest winners can choose from a new selection of prizes and will be recognized at a special event this fall!
For full contest requirements and submission forms, please visit rethinkwaste.org/postercontest. Contest flyers and social media artwork can be viewed in this folder.
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the educational environment for our students and staff, we are excited to inform you about initiating the Facility Master Planning process for the Redwood City School District, funded by Measure S. This comprehensive plan addresses current and future facility needs, ensuring our schools continue supporting high-quality education and community engagement.
I am pleased to inform you that the process has already commenced, and our Facilities and Construction Team is conducting initial site assessments. These assessments are crucial in understanding the current conditions and identifying areas that require attention.
To ensure the success of this project, it is crucial to gather diverse perspectives from across our school community, therefore each school site will put together a Site Committee. This committee should reflect a broad range of voices, including classified and certificated staff, members of the community, and parents of our students. The committee should have a maximum of nine participants, plus the site principal, to ensure effective collaboration and discussion. The inclusion of these diverse stakeholders will provide valuable insights and help us create a master plan that meets the needs and expectations of all community members.
The Facility Master Planning process will involve at least two Site Committee meetings. These meetings will serve as key opportunities for committee members to provide input, discuss priorities, and review preliminary plans. We anticipate this collaborative process to culminate by the end of 2024, resulting in a strategic and actionable plan for the future of our school facilities.
We are confident that we can develop a master plan that will significantly benefit our students, staff, and the broader community. Your guidance and insights will be invaluable in this process.
If you are interested in being a parent member of our committee, please contact Kristy Jackson at kjackson@rcsdk8.net.
Academic Success: How to Help Students Build Critical Foundational Skills
Ana Homayoun, Author, Academic Advisor, and Educator
Tuesday, October 8, 2025, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Virtual Event (Live)
Register: https://anahomayoun2024rcsd.eventbrite.com
In this talk, academic advisor Ana Homayoun will explain how foundational skills -- including organizing, planning, starting and completing tasks, and being cognitively flexible -- are key to academic success, social connection, and emotional well-being.
Parents/caregivers, students, educators, health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available. Free admission.
This presentation is sponsored by the Redwood City School District, Redwood City Together, Sequoia Healthcare District, and The Parent Venture.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MEd, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture (The Parent Education Series), at cmargot@parentventure.org.
Why Joy Matters and How to Choose Joy Every Day
Kelly McGonigal, PhD, Author and Psychologist, Stanford University
Wednesday, October 9, 2025, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Virtual Event (Live)
Register: https://kellymcgonigal2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
What if joy isn’t something you have to wait for, but something you can choose? Stanford health psychologist Dr. Kelly McGonigal will introduce a fresh perspective on how joy works, and practical strategies for harnessing the power of joy in everyday life.
Parents/caregivers, students, educators, health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available. Free admission.
This presentation is sponsored by Sequoia Union High School District, Sequoia Healthcare District, Peninsula Health Care District, and The Parent Venture.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MEd, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture (The Parent Education Series), at cmargot@parentventure.org.
A Sense of Control: Lowering Student Stress and Improving Academic Success
Bill Stixrud, PhD & Ned Johnson, Bestselling Authors of The Self-Driven Child
Thursday, October 10, 2024, 6:00pm – 7:00pm PT, 2024, Virtual Event (Live)
Register: https://stixrudjohnson2024fuhsfoundation.eventbrite.com
Students at every achievement level are experiencing acute levels of stress and anxiety. In their groundbreaking books, The Self-Driven Child and What Do You Say?, Bill Stixrud, PhD and Ned Johnson reveal how you can raise children who are self-driven, self-confident, and not unduly stressed and anxious.
Parents/caregivers, students, educators, health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available. Free admission.
This special presentation is sponsored by the Fremont Union High Schools Foundation , in collaboration with The Parent Venture. For more information, email info@fuhsfoundation.org.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MEd, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture (The Parent Education Series), cmargot@parentventure.org.