The Rocket Glare
Keeping RCHS Students, Families, & Staff Connected!
Friday, December 6th
Principal's Message
December 6th, 2024
RCHS Students & Parents,
Greetings from The Rock!
RCHS Band Christmas Concert Monday, December 9th
The RCHS Band will have their annual Christmas concert Monday, December 9th in our auditorium. Various ensembles will be performing featuring the Nick Baker Trumpet Studio (4:30pm), Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Groups, Percussion Methods Ensemble (5:30pm), and RCHS Concert Band (6:00pm), expect an extended evening of Holiday tunes in the RCHS Auditorium - pay what you can admission! Click on the link for more information. RCHS Band Winter Harmonies
RCHS Drama Performance Tuesday, December 10th
The RCHS Drama class will have their performance of “A Christmas Carol” on Tuesday night, December 10th at 6:00 pm in the RCHS auditorium. Our students will have a chance to attend during the school day on the 10th.
Winter Ball December 14th
RCHS’ Winter Ball will be Saturday, December 14th from 7-10 pm in the RCHS Gymnasium. Cost of a ticket is $20 and have been on sale for the last couple of weeks. All RCHS students grades 9th-12th can attend but any student not attending RCHS must complete a form to attend. Nobody 21 years of age or older can attend & nobody middle school or younger can attend. All students out of high school must provide a copy of a valid driver’s license or valid ID for a background check. If the guest attends another high school, they must have permission from their school’s principal on the form.
RCHS Choir Christmas Concert Tuesday, December 17th
The RCHS Choir will have their annual Christmas performance on Tuesday night, December 17th at 6:30 pm in the RCHS auditorium. Our students will have a chance to attend during the school day on the 17th.
Club Day December 20th
Our 3rd Club Day of the school year will be Friday, December 20th.
Last Day of School Before Christmas Break is December 20th
Rockcastle Co. Schools will be closed for Christmas Break from December 23rd – January 2nd. Students will return on January 7th. Happy Holidays!
After School Tutoring (Success Lab) Continues
ESS tutoring which we now call “Success Lab” will be after school on Thursdays until 4:45 pm. A meal & transportation will be provided. Please encourage your child to stay and receive some extra work with his/her teacher.
NTI Days at RCHS
Rockcastle Co. Schools has the option to use “Non-Traditional Instruction” Days in the event of inclement weather. All RCHS teachers will be available during regular class times to assist students with assignments. All students will receive an assignment in each of their classes in Google Classroom. The assignments are due 1 week from the date the assignment is posted and they will all count as a grade. For a detailed explanation you click on the link SY25 RCHS NTI Day Student Expectations.
Last Day of 1st Semester is January 17th, 2025
This year RCHS begins granting ½ credits for each class upon completion of the semester. The grade the students have on January 17th will count as a ½ credit on transcripts. It is extremely important that students get their grades up before January 17th. January 21st will begin a new semester and grades start over.
Student Attendance “No Pass / No Drive”
The "No Pass/No Drive" statute (KRS 159.051) became law on June 25, 2007 with implementation beginning August 1, 2007. This statute involves every public and private school (including homeschools) in Kentucky.
The "No Pass/No Drive" statute results in the denial of the school compliance verification form or the revocation of a student's driver’s license for (1) academic deficiency (2) dropping out of school (3) missing 9 or more unexcused absences in one semester.
At RCHS, academic deficiency is defined as a student who does not have passing grades in at least five of 7 courses, or the equivalent the preceding semester. A sixteen or seventeen year old student is deemed to have dropped out of school when he/she has voluntarily withdrawn or has nine or more unexcused absences in the preceding semester. Any absences due to suspension shall be unexcused absences. An eighteen year old student may not have KY state driver’s license revoked but they will be ineligible to park on RCHS campus.
For further details, please visit: No Pass No Drive Explanation
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
I encourage all parents to check your child’s grades on IC Parent Portal regularly. Because we have been unable to physically send home report cards, it is imperative that parents check grades online. You can go the link: https://kyede11.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/rockcastle.jsp and if you have issues logging on, email Ms. Sherri McKinney: sherri.mckinney@rockcastle.kyschools.us or call RCHS for login information.
Be safe & please contact me at RCHS if I can be of service.
J.D. Bussell
Guidance Counselors' Corner
Guidance Counselors: Mrs. Amy Lewis & Mrs. Casey Harper
Email: Amy.lewis@rockcastle.kyschools.us / casey.harper@rockcastle.kyschools.us
2024-25 Senior Website Linked HERE!
FAFSA Information for Seniors
Completing the FAFSA? On Tuesday, December 10, KHEAA Representative Joplin Rice will be at RCHS to help you with your FAFSA. Dinner from Fazoli's will also be provided.
Parents are welcome from 2:00-6:00 in the RCHS Cafeteria.
See the flyer for more information, including a list of necessary information.
Notes from the Book Cart - RCHS Library Updates
Library Media Specialist: Mrs. Joanie Lake
Email: Joanie.lake@rockcastle.kyschools.us
RCHS Library Website
Click HERE to access!
The RCHS Library Media Center is open from 7:45-3:00PM each day! Stop in to checkout materials, visit Red, White, & Brew, receive help from the Writing Center, & more!
RCHS Writing Center
The RCHS Library Writing Center aims to help students find their writing voice and tackle various writing and interview challenges. The writing center is able to help with revisions/editing, job applications and interviews, resumes, and college applications and essays. To schedule an appointment, click HERE!
Monthly Programming and Class Visits
Throughout November, students participated in literary library mini golf during their monthly class visit. Students also participated in a half class period checkout time to browse the library and check out new materials. All students will have the opportunity to visit the library again next week to return items and check out new materials for the break.
RCHS Drama to Perform "A Christmas Carol"
The RCHS Drama Class will perform "A Christmas Carol: The Musical" on December 10! Students can pay $1 to see it during the school day. Anyone can come that night at 6pm and see the show for $5!
RCHS Student Council
December Service Project
The RCHS Student Council is participating in a blanket making service project to create 100 fleece blankets for the Brodhead Health and Rehabilitation Center. Other organizations participating are Launchpad Volunteers, Honors Club, and Cheerleading. The StuCo invites other students to participate as well. Blanket creation will be after school on Monday, 12/9, from 3:15-4:45PM in the Library. See Mrs. Joanie with questions!
Holiday Spirit Week
Student Council, in conjunction with Rocket Club, will be hosting a Holiday Spirit week before winter break. Please stay on the lookout for more details, coming soon! Themes will be released on Monday.
RCHS Student Council Leads Initiative to Create Student Thankful Wall
Yearbook Information
This year's yearbook is now on sale! All sales are online and you must order through the link below. Yearbooks are currently $68, but will increase in price as the year progresses.
Senior Ads (in the back of the RCHS Yearbook) are also still available, but limited. If you are a senior, please see the information below.
Paid Summer Internships Offered for 2025 Graduates
Our amazing grant partner, Partners for Rural Impact, is excited to present PAID SUMMER INTERNSHIPS for Summer 2025! To qualify, students must be 16-19 during the summer of 2025 with a minimum GPA of 2.5. They must also be able to provide their own transportation. 2025 graduates are eligible!
See the flyer below for more information. Click the link to apply!!!
TSA Holiday Ornaments For Sale
TSA has 2024 edition ornaments ready for the Noel Night Market (tomorrow, 12/7), and they will be $10 each. If you missed getting a 2023 ornament last year, they have some remaining for $5 each. Thank you for your support of the RCHS Pre-Engineering students.
If you'd like to purchase and are not able to attend tomorrow, please email travis.brenda@rockcastle.kyschools.us
Launchpad Volunteer Club Participates in "Mini Acts of Doing"
New RCHS Club, Launchpad Volunteers, promotes volunteerism and community service at RCHS. Students worked to develop ways that they could make volunteerism part of their every day lifestyle through "Mini Acts of Doing". During their last meeting, students walked the halls of RCHS and took down 50+ outdated flyers, posters, etc. Thank you, volunteers!
About Us
Assistant Principal & Athletic Director: Mr. Mike McNabb
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Brandy Smith
Guidance Counselors: Mrs. Amy Lewis & Mrs. Casey Harper
Email: james.bussell@rockcastle.kyschools.us
Website: http://rockcastle.kyschools.us/rchs/
Location: 1545 Lake Cumberland Road P.O. Box 1410 Mt. Vernon, Kentucky 40456
Phone: (606) 256-4816