Edmonds eLearning Academy
Family and Student Newsletter
Important Dates
Wednesday, September 4: First day of School!
11:00-12:00: All School Parliament for Full-Time Students *Required*
(Check your email on September 3rd for the Zoom Link)
2:30-3:30: Part-Time Student Orientation
Thursday, September 5:
11:00-12:00: Parliament for Full-Time Students *Required*
(Your Parliament teacher will email you the Zoom link)
2:30-3:30: Part-Time Student Orientation
Friday, September 6:
11:00-12:00: Parliament/Mini Conferences for Full-Time Students *Required*
Monday, September 9:
Campus Resource Center and Zoom Help Hub begin. Scroll down to see more information!
From the Principal, Kim Hunter
Welcome back to the 2024/25 School Year!
Our staff is excited to partner with you for the school year. We have some new opportunities for credit recovery and many of our tried and true supports that you have come to expect.
We will launch our school year with an all school Parliament where you can get oriented, meet the staff, and even win a prize. Keep an eye on your email for the Zoom link. It will be sent from your Parliament Teacher on September 3rd. We can't wait to see you!
Getting Involved: Would you like to be more involved with eLearning as a student? Let me, Principal Kim, know if you would like to be considered to represent eLearning on the Superintendent's Advisory Committee or to participate in the Principal's Advisory Committee.
Creating Our Campus: Would you like to help us decorate our new space? Come to the Campus Resource Center on Monday, September 23rd or Tuesday, September 24th during our open hours to help create our shared learning space.
Stay tuned for more opportunities and information on our back to school night.
Keys to Success at EeLA
- Spend about one hour per school day per course working towards success.
- Have an academic exchange with your teachers once a week. (Weekly Contact)
- Reach out to our staff as soon as you need help.
Full-time students:
For the first two days of school, all full-time students will be meeting (via zoom) with their Parliament class from 11:00am -12:00pm. Similar to an Advisory class, Parliament is unique to Edmonds eLearning in that students meet with their class once a week, conference with their Parliament teacher monthly, and earn credit each semester for attending and participating. On September 4th and 5th, students will be welcomed back, meet their Parliament class, learn about Edgenuity, our online learning platform, how we take attendance, and any tips/tricks you need to know to be successful at EeLA. Teachers will be sending a zoom link/invite on Tuesday, September 3rd. Make sure to check your STUDENT'S DISTRICT EMAIL for more information.
Student and Family Handbook
Please review the Student/Family Handbook by Friday, September 6th
We've Moved!
Our new address is 23200 100th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98020. You can now find us on Google Maps, just put in Edmonds eLearning Academy. We are located on the Former Woodway Campus - Building B on the back side of the campus by the tennis courts. Look for our banner above the main office door.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this time of change. We look forward to seeing you at our new location!
Campus Resource Center (CRC)
In-person learning is back! The Campus Resource Center (CRC) will open on Monday, September 9th!
Our on-campus support classroom is open Monday through Friday from 11:00-4:00. Students can drop-in at any time to ask questions, get one-on-one help from teachers, or just have a quiet place to work.
The CRC will follow district holiday and half-day schedules.
Help Hub via Zoom!
Links to virtual support sessions can be found on our school's Google Calendar, which will be included in students' welcome emails from their teachers or accessed through the student's Maestro dashboard.
Writing Center
Did you know that you can drop into the eLearning Writing Center to get help with your essays or other writing assignments? You can also submit drafts to get teacher feedback before turning in your final draft! Take advantage of this great, free resource every Monday through Thursday from 11:00-4:00.
Edgenuity's Parent Portal
Weekly Contact
Our goal at Edmonds eLearning Academy is to partner with families to ensure that students are meeting their attendance requirements. One of the most powerful ways to prepare a student for success in life is through regular school attendance.
How do we take attendance at EeLA?
Attendance is monitored through weekly contact. Our weeks start on Sunday and end Saturday at midnight. To be marked present, students are required to make two-way academic contact with at least one teacher, one time per week. Academic progress in classes is not the same as weekly contact, and parent/guardian contact does not count towards weekly contact.
Examples of weekly contact include but are not limited to:
A student discussing feedback with their teacher to improve a writing assignment or a student meeting with their teacher in a Zoom session to gain a greater understanding of mathematical concepts.
A student messaging their teachers through Edgenuity to discuss their goals for the week in their EeLA class(es).
A student/teacher phone call to check in about progress, goals, or any questions the student has.
If a student has valid justification for missing weekly contact, as defined by the Edmonds School Board, a guardian must contact the attendance office within two school days, and provide valid justification and documentation to excuse the missed contact. The attendance office phone number is 425-431-3908. Alternatively, guardians can complete the Absence Excuse Form.
Attendance is a mandatory requirement and must be fulfilled as part of your student’s enrollment at EeLA. Consequences for missed weekly contact without valid justification are as follows:
One week of missed contact - Student and guardian are notified of an unexcused absence by email address on file.
Two consecutive or three cumulative weeks - A mandatory student and parent conference will be scheduled by email. The student’s needs will be evaluated and a written improvement plan will be established.
Four cumulative missed contacts: A letter will be mailed home informing parents/guardians that the student is at-risk of a truancy referral.
Five consecutive or six cumulative weeks - EeLA is required to refer the student and parent for truancy as stated in WAC 392-550-040.
Edmonds eLearning Academy
Email: coffmank965@edmonds.wednet.edu
Website: https://eela.edmonds.wednet.edu/
Location: 23200 100th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425-431-7298