The Manning Minute
February 2, 2025
Dear Manning Families,
Thank you to everyone who attended our last Parent Partnership Meeting. If you were unable to join but are curious about the topics we discussed, you can review the meeting minutes here. Mark your calendars—our final meeting of the year is scheduled for Thursday, May 15, at 5 PM.
Congratulations to our Manning Mustangs for their hard work last week in the Robotics competition, Future Cities competition and for presenting at NASA HUNCH in Galveston, Texas. See the Kudo's below for more information.
We also want to extend our appreciation to the families who have completed the annual family survey. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to make Manning an even better school. If you haven’t yet completed the survey, there’s still time—it remains open until Friday, February 7.
As we move further into the second semester, I’d like to remind everyone about the importance of safety around our school community, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Our parking lot, hug-and-go zones, and surrounding roads can become congested, so we appreciate your cooperation in keeping these areas safe and efficient. Please keep these reminders in mind:
When using the hug-and-go zone, close gaps between vehicles to help traffic flow more smoothly along 32nd Avenue and Alkire.
Avoid making left turns out of the hug-and-go zones during peak traffic times, as this causes additional congestion and impacts other drivers.
Always adhere to the posted school zone speed limits, which are periodically enforced by the Jeffco Sheriff’s Office.
Lastly, please help us by reminding your students that they should always have their student ID with them at school. This helps expedite breakfast and lunch service as well as to check out equipment at recess. If your student has lost their ID, the first replacement is free. Additional replacements cost $5.00.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Have a wonderful week!
In Partnership,
Spring Parent / Teacher Conferences 02/13
Thursday, February 13th - Will be parent and teacher INVITE ONLY conferences -
From 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Teachers will be reaching out to families by Thursday, February 6th with an email explaining the process. Parents are able to request a meeting as well, via email to a teacher.
We will have 10 minutes for each conference, as we are trying to touch base with as many families as possible during conference timeframe.
Please see Here for All Teacher/Staff Contact information.
Please note: If your student has a teacher for both a core class and an elective, you will only have the one time slot to meet with them to discuss both classes.
Finally, please continue to monitor your students' attendance and grades in Campus and if you have any questions, please feel free to email your students' teacher or counselor.
Britney Derhak - (Last Names A-L ) Britney Derhakl@Jeffco.k12.co.us
Jill Shulsinger-Wall - (Last Names M-Z) Jill.Shulsinger-Wall@Jeffco.k12.co.us
KUDOS Manning students!
Big congratulations!!
to Manning Middle School’s NASA HUNCH BioMed team - Keira Sherman, Avery Bagley and Hannah Robinson, led by Sarah Maud, for earning the incredible opportunity to present at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop (IWS) 2025! The team presented their work this past week as one of the top 25 Biomed HUNCH teams in the nation, and the only middle school in attendance.
IWS is where top researchers share groundbreaking work on keeping astronauts safe and productive in space—and Manning’s students were part of the conversation!
Way to represent the next generation of innovators! #NASA #HUNCH #STEMExcellence #FutureScientists
The STEAM Department had a busy weekend. Friday evening the Robotics Club had eight teams compete at the JeffCo Robotics Rapid Relay Competition at Wayne Caryle Middle School. It was a learning experience for all. Three Manning teams won an award. Alex Reese, Hannah Robinson, and Wesley Reese were awarded 1st place in skills. Henry Bower, Kellan Hamilton, Lief Barton, and Luke Feasler were awarded the Teamwork award. Carson Warren, Clark Speer, Emmett Rusin, and Weston Foster were awarded the Judge's Choice award. The teachers that work with these students each week; Ms. Maud, Ms. Pearce, and Ms. Schwindt are very proud of their diligence and efforts.
Saturday morning there were three Manning teams from the Future City class, taught by Ms. Schwindt during the 1st semester. Team 1 had the following members; Aaron Broyles, Ellen Merket, Gabriel Elson, Noah Jones, and Zuri Westerfield. Team 2 had the following members; Aiden Pena-Fletcher, Emmett Rusin, Quinn Feaster, and Teegan Root. Team 3 had the following members that placed third out of 31 teams in the Colorado Regional Competitions; Hazel Kuhl, Lila Kellermyer, Lillian Pemeber, Madelyn Pitts, Meher Baidwan, ZZ Hernandez. This group also won a special award for Focus on Education in Design, sponsored by WTS Advancing women Advancing transportation. This was Future City's best finish yet!
ATTENTION! A New club is starting at Manning!
The Gardening Club is getting off to a small start and needs donations and support. The Garden Club’s main focus is to start growing some flowers and other seedlings and to sell the plants in the spring to make money for next year.
We are in need of seed donations (leftovers from last year are fine), cups or small starter pots, seed trays, clear plastic juice bottles (to try winter sowing) and potting soil bags.
Please email Ms. K (kkeodone@jeffcoschools.us) to set up a drop off time and/or to ask questions.
Thank you,
Gardening Club.
Upcoming Promotions:
- 1/20 - 1/26: Quarter-Zips $10 Off
- 1/27 - 2/2: Crewnecks $10 Off
- 2/3 - 2/9: Pajama Pants 25% Off
Manning Links:
- Store Link: https://1stplace.sale/16896 or click image above
Attention- Parents of CURRENT 6th & 7th Grade Students- Sea Camp 2025 is coming!
Our Fall 2025 trip will take place from September 29 to October 3, 2025. For more information Please visit Manning.link/SEACAMP to learn more and join the interest form (the link is found at the bottom of the home page)
2025-26 Vice President Elect PTA Board Position | We’re looking for a Vice President Elect to take the reins July 1. Remember elementary school PTA? This is not like that! This position is a two year commitment, with year 1 learning the ropes and year two taking charge. Next year's duties include serving as aide to the president - Ashley Palubinski, i.e. performing her duties if she’s absent or unable to serve; and basically lend a hand to ensure all the amazing things PTA accomplishes here at Manning can be accomplished. Next year the role will require about 1-3 hours a month and the following year as President the role will require about 4-6 hours per month. If you are interested please reach out to manningmiddlepta@gmail.com. It may feel early, but we vote on board positions in April, so now is the time to inquire!
Note: we have nominees for Treasurer and Secretary BUT if you are interested please reach out to manningmiddlepta@gmail.com and we’ll be sure to include you in the nomination listing (we can create special roles just for you!).
Play sports and raise money for Manning PTA? What could be better!
i9 Sports is offering a partnership opportunity designed to directly benefit our school. Here’s how it works:
For every child from your school who registers for an i9 Sports program after 2/1/25 for the Spring 2025 seasons, we will donate $10 directly to your school’s PTA. Imagine if 50 kids sign up—that’s a $500 check going straight to Manning PTA!
i9 Sports hosts 3 programs within a 5 mile radius of your school grounds. This gives Manning students an opportunity to play several different sports within close proximity to their home and school.
Check out more detailed info HERE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
February 4, 11am-8pm - Dine for Manning at Bob’s Atomic Burgers, 1310 Ford St. Golden. Just mention you’re with Manning and PTA gets 10% back.
February 7, 2:15PM - PTA Board meeting, all PTA Members welcome. Manning LMC
February 11, 8:30AM - PTA General meeting - join us to review proposed bylaws, nominate next years board members, hear about PTA advocacy in forming local, state and federal laws that impact our kids and more.
Girls Recreational Fastpitch Softball
Golden Softball at https://goldensoftball.com/
2025 Spring/Summer Season Registration Now OPEN!
Click HERE to complete your registration. Returning players that register before Feb 1st will have prioritized team placement.
Girls recreational fastpitch softball in Golden, Colorado
Lakewood High School IB second round application is open!
Click here for more information
Looking for rigorous college prep program?
Scan QR code to apply!
2025 Next Level Spring Flag Football Registration - RVHS
Welcome to the 1st season of Next Level Spring Flag Football in Arvada at Ralston Valley High School! We are excited to get things rolling with Coach Jared Yannacito.
General Registration is now open for all participants!
For more information and a general overview of our specific Next Level Flag Football location at Ralston Valley High School, please click here.
8th Grade Workout Day at GHS
Calling all 8th grade baseball players. Golden High School Baseball program is having an 8th Grade Workout Day at GHS from 10:00-12:00pm on Sunday, February 9th. This is a great opportunity to be introduced to the GHS baseball program. Visit https://www.goldendemonbaseball.com/ to learn more about our successful high school program. If you would like to attend, please complete the google form linked below.
Manning School of Academics & Arts
The vision of The Manning School of Academics and Arts is to challenge all students to work to their highest potential and encourage student responsibility as they develop intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally and creatively.
Email: Matthew.Hilbert@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://manningschool.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 13200 West 32nd Avenue, Golden, CO, USA
Phone: 303-982-6340
Facebook: facebook.com/manningschooljeffco/