Good Evening DRES Family,
We had a great first week of school. We are looking forward to our PreK and Kindergarten students all starting tomorrow. Please know that carpool will run slow in the afternoon for the next few weeks as our youngest students are learning their numbers, along with us putting their names and faces to their numbers. We ask for your patience as we move slowly but safely through this process.
Please take a few minutes to read over the information below.
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Ms. Nelson, Assistant Principal
Ms. Behr, Assistant Principal
Carpool Reminders
- You are doing awesome!! Thank you for having your tags and leaving them up throughout your entire time in the carpool lane in the afternoons!!
- Remember that we have all of our PreK & Kindergarteners starting tomorrow so carpool will be a little longer over the next few weeks while our young students learn their numbers.
- If your child needs assistance getting into or out of the car, please put your flashers on and a staff member will come to help.
- Please do not park and walk your child across because you do not want to wait in the carpool line. This actually slows the line up for others doing the right thing.
- PreK and Kindergarten parents may walk their children in to school tomorrow for their first full day of school. Starting Tuesday, the students will come through the carpool line. We will make sure they get to the correct classroom.
- If you need to buckle your child in their seats, please slowly pull up to the orange cab/carpool waiting zone to get out to buckle.
- Have your child practice buckling themselves on the weekends and evenings, as well as learning and recognizing their carpool numbers! These two things will help us keep our carpool line running smoothly.
Walker Parents
- AM- Please walk your child around to the front entrance in the mornings.
- AM and PM- Parents are not allowed to be walking around the back of the school to the modulars without checking into the front office first.
- PM- Walker parents are not allowed on campus until 2:55pm and should go straight to the pick up locations.
- K-3 students will get dismissed from the end of the Kindergarten hallway, but must first be signed out by parent.
- 4-5 students will get dismissed from the pavilion area and must be signed out first.
- If 4th or 5th graders have permission to walk home alone, they must first check out with the staff member at the pavillion.
Attendance & Absence Reminders
- Your child needs to be in school for us to teach them.
- Missing more than 10 days of school is excessive and tends to lead to students being behind academically.
- Send a note to the teacher within 2 days of an absence, in order for it to be considered for excused. The note can be written, in email, or through Dojo.
- Excused attendance reasons: Injury/Illness (sick, medical, dental appointments), Religious observation, Death in Immediate Family member, Educational Opportunities that are specifically designed for educational reasons and approved in advance (Not family vacations), Military Deployment Activities
Ideas to help at home with the morning routine.
- Go to bed on time.
- Lay clothes at night.
- Develop a back up plan for getting to school in case of an emergency or no bus.
- Set an alarm and teach your child a morning routine to help get them prepared for school. Making a visual or written checklist to hang on the mirror in the bathroom is helpful for building independent reminders.
24-25 Parent Student Handbook
Be sure to read this and refer to it throughout the school year. It is located on our school website in the Parents section.
Check out the new Cell Phone expectations which were added in this school year.
Free Reduced Lunch Application
If you would prefer a paper copy, these are available at the school.
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger