Family Connections
Bi-Weekly, School-Wide Newsletter
Friday, November 15, 2024
We Are Connected
Kids, Technology and Screen Time
There is no doubt that technology has reshaped our lives over the last decade or so. Check out any educational research, however, and one will easily learn about the ramifications, mostly negative, when children are exposed to too much unsupervised screen time. Add to this the ability for our children to access sites that are clearly inappropriate and/or cell phone access that often leads to interpersonal texting drama, and one can clearly realize that technology can be a deterament to your child's educational growth and development. This week alone, I've been involved in (4) relatively serious student issues that all stem from outside of school student technology use. Let's all work together in raising awareness about both the good and bad qualities with technology. Please!
Please Note: All Chromebooks issued by our district have multiple layers of security and 'blocking' abilities for inappropriate sites.
NF Teachers Sincerely Thank Our PTA for the Dinners Provided During Conferences!
Fun in Art!
'We Are Connected' Tree
Courtesy of Ms. Miller & NF Staff & Students
Recent Spirit Day Winners
Look at the 7 Mindsets Focus for November/Click Below
Month of November: 7 Mindsets Theme: We Are All Connected
- Monday, November 18, BOE Monthly Mtg., 7:00 p.m., NF Cafeteria
- Wednesday, November 20, Rescheduled PTA Meeting, 4:00 p.m., Annex
- Wednesday, November 20, Educational Support Professionals' Day
- Wednesday, November 20, Young Rembrandt's Art Club, After School
- Wednesday, November 27, Thanksgiving Break Begins
- Tuesday, December 3, School Resumes from Thanksgiving Break
- NF Earns Praise: U.S. News and World Report just announced this week that Northfield Elementary School earned special recognition as a high performing elementary school in Ohio.
- World Kindness Day: On Wednesday, NF students and staff celebrated World Kindness Day. Our goal is to make every day filled with kindness; however, we made a special attempt and rewarding those students who go 'above and beyond' in their kindness behaviors. Congratulations to our student winners. There were (4) identified students in each classroom.
- NF Shines at BOE Meeting: On Monday, our school will be the featured presenters at the monthly BOE meeting. There are (6) wonderful third grade students who will present their Community Service projects from earlier this fall.