Welcome Back to School
Let's Get Rolling, 2024-2025!
Back to school Letter:
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Welcome back to Success Academy! We hope you’ve had a fantastic summer filled with family fun and relaxation. Our dedicated team has been busy preparing for an incredible school year, and we're thrilled to welcome you back. With our exciting new 8th grade addition and an enriching curriculum ready to go, we can’t wait for our students to join us and dive into the new academic year.
Here are some important dates to mark on your calendar:
- Aug. 29: Open House
- Parent Session at 5:00- 6:00pm.
- Sept. 3: First Day of School (Grades 1-8)
- Sept. 4: First Day of School (Kindergarten)
Below, you’ll also find important information about our supply list, uniform requirements, and other details to help you prepare for the upcoming year. We look forward to seeing everyone back and making this year our best yet!
Warm regards,
Safiyo Hassan
Campus Director,
Success Academy
Ku soo dhowow dib ugu noqoshada Success Academy! Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad fasax wanaagsan aad hesheen dhamaantiin.
kooxdeena dadaalka badan waxey isu diyaarinaya shaqooyinka sanadkan iyo soo labashadeena. Aad ayaan ugu farax sanahay sonoqashadiina, waana u xiisney. waxaana si weyn ugu faraxsanahay fasalkeena sideedaad oo nagu cusub iyo manhajkii oo diyaar ah,
Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah taariikhaha muhiimka ah ee lagu calaamadiyo jadwalkaaga:
- Agoosto 29: Guri furan
- Kulanka Waalidka 5:00-6:00 galabnimo.
- Sebtembar 3: Maalinta Koowaad ee Dugsiga (Fasalada 1-8)
- Sebtembar 4: Maalinta Koowaad ee Dugsiga (Kindergarten)
Hoos, waxa kale oo aad ka heli doontaa macluumaad muhiim ah oo ku saabsan liiska sahayda(supply), shuruudaha labbiska, iyo faahfaahinta kale si ay kaaga caawiyaan inaad u diyaargarowdo sanadka soo socda. Waxaan rajeyneynaa in aan aragno qof kasta oo soo laabtay iyo samaynta sanadkan sida ugu fiican!
Salaan diiran,
Safiyo Xasan
listen to audio in Somali to find out more information about the school.
School Calendar and Important Dates
Hello Families,
Check out our school calendar for important dates to mark on your calendar! Click on the link to access the full calendar and stay updated with all our exciting events.
Click to Access Success Academy Supply List 2024-2025 ( K-8th )
Uniform Policy
- Navy blue polos or turtlenecks
- Navy blue sweatshirts or sweaters (solid color, no designs)
- Khaki slacks or knee-length shorts
- Girls: Khaki skirts/jumpers
Current Office Hours
- August 6- 9 9:30am- 1:00pm
- August 13- 15 9:30am- 1:00pm
- August 19- 30. 7:30am - 3:00pm
Important Events
Back to School Night
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024, 03:00 PM
809 12th Street North, St. Cloud, MN, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Resources for Parents
District Information
Address: 809 12th Street North
Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Phone: 320-640-3525
Email: info.stcloud@successacademymn.org
Website : www.successacademymn.org