Evergreen Middle School
October 4, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
It is officially fall and we are excited to bring in October and all that goes with it! We have completed our beginning-of-the-year testing. Teachers and staff engaged in the analysis of that data, and the other information they've collected as they've gotten to know students. We have also begun to take a look at our attendance data. Please remember that in order to support academic growth, student attendance needs to be consistent! This means absences only for illness, medical/dental appointments, or funeral services. Our goal is for each student to have 93% or higher attendance- that means they can miss about 1 day per month maximum!
A big thank you to all the families that participated in our school fundraiser. Thank you for either purchasing or helping sell the items. The funds will go a long way in supporting our scholars and building. Next week is Discover U Week. During Discover U Week, Evergreen will join other educators and youth-serving organizations in Seattle and South King County in leading college and career activities that help students explore their futures. Each day centers on a theme the whole community can participate in. We will connect student aspirations with the pathways to get there! Research finds that attending a school with a college-going climate is one of the most important predictors of students attending college.
Career and college exploration is also important because:
· When students think about and plan for their futures, they do better in school
· Currently too few students are exposed to career awareness activities
· Research shows young women and students of color often limit their career choices early
· Middle school is a time when kids are forming ideas about careers, however, they often lack awareness about careers or have unrealistic ideas about the world of work
· Experiential learning opportunities help students develop and connect their interests to their academic pursuits.
In October our 8th grade scholars will take the PSAT. The PSAT helps scholars become more comfortable with the SAT and ACT tests, which are often required for college admission. These tests also provide opportunities to get financial aid and are offered at no cost to FWPS scholars.
On the test date, students are encouraged to get good rest, eat a balanced breakfast, if possible, and plan to arrive on time.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me or your child’s teacher.
Teaching Our Children the Virtue of Honesty
Having integrity—acting in a manner consistent with one’s moral principles—is reliant upon living honestly. It can often be easier and more convenient to bend the truth or look the other way instead of standing firmly on principle and doing the right thing. To help teach our children we must model honest behavior and create an environment where truth is valued. Here are some ideas that can be implemented at home:
- Demonstrate honesty in daily actions, even when it's difficult. Speak up against unfairness, and set an example.
- Discuss situations where telling the truth may be challenging, but explain why it's ultimately right. Share examples of times you chose honesty over comfort.
- Praise a child's honest moments, especially when it requires bravery. Help your child take pride in truthfulness.
- If a child is dishonest, remain calm and use it as a teaching opportunity. Teach children to acknowledge their mistakes, take responsibility for them, commit to making better choices, and make amends.
- Remind your child that nobody is perfect and that honest mistakes don't define a person. What matters most is learning and improving.
- Create an open family culture where truth can be shared without fear of excessive judgment. Be understanding but precise.
To help children learn to be individuals with integrity, it is essential to instill the virtue of honesty. At Evergreen Middle School, we teach children that honesty is a fundamental virtue that is essential for personal growth, healthy relationships, and happiness. Honesty is more than just telling the truth or avoiding lies—it means having the courage to recognize and accept reality as it is, not as we wish it to be.
As we work together with patience and care, we can teach children that living honestly, while not always easy, is an essential part of living a happy, productive life. Then, hopefully, and thankfully, children will continue to embrace this virtue long after childhood and use it as a guiding principle in their moral foundation.
I want to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support. Together, we can ensure that your child receives the best education possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
In partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Attend Life After High School, October 23
Evergreen Middle School scholars and family, please join middle and high school scholars from across the district at the annual Life After High School College and Career Fair on Wednesday, October 23, from 6-8 p.m. at Federal Way High School.
It’s never too early to explore options for after high school. At the event, scholars will have a chance to explore college and career options from various booths representing two- and four-year colleges and universities, apprenticeship programs, military academies, and trade schools. In addition, there will be several workshops and information sessions available that will help scholars make informed decisions, including:
Get Money for College (English and Spanish)
Apprenticeship Panel: Exploring a Career in the Trades
Getting Ready for Post-Secondary
How to Pick a College
NCAA and Playing Sports in College
HBCU Panel: The Historically Black College Experience
How to Earn College Credit in High School Through CTE
Private Colleges Are Affordable
And more!
There will also be High School and Beyond Plan and Financial Aid account setup support during the night.
Please visit www.fwps.org/LAHS to learn more.
Save the Date for Family Academy, October 24, 6-7:30 pm
The first Family Academy event of the school year, Innovate, Collaborate, Educate: Learning Beyond the Classroom for Future-Ready Families, is on Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 6-7:30 p.m. Families can attend in person at Sequoyah Middle School or through Zoom.
At this event, gain a deeper understanding of grade-level curriculum, assessments, college and career readiness, academic tools and resources, and more. You’ll walk away empowered with practical ways to support your scholar’s academic success.
Dinner, childcare, and interpreter services are available at the in-person option. Register early at www.fwps.org/FamilyAcademy/Register.
Multicultural Night & Community Resource Fair
Join Evergreen Middle School in celebrating the cultures that make up our Grizzly Community!
**Friday, November 1, 2024. 6-8pm
The night includes music, food, community resources, student work display, a performance program, and a cultural dress fashion show. Come dressed in your cultural attire!
Message from Mr. Wilkins, Intructional Coach
Dear Parents,
Hello! My name is Zephyr Wilkins. I’m so excited to be the new Instructional Coach at Evergreen!
A few things about me:
I was a classroom teacher (English) for 13+ years.
I was recognized as a model co-teacher at the most diverse high school in Colorado.
I am a graduate of the IB Programme and taught the IB in China and Thailand.
I look forward to working with parents, especially the PTO, on a variety of items.
The first two items are (1) HiCap Nominations and (2) iReady scores.
If you think your child is Highly Capable, please recommend them for testing using this link: https://www.fwps.org/academics/advanced-programs/highly-capable-services
Your child has recently taken the iReady which assesses their math and reading skills. I am working with the PTO on creating a system where students can be rewarded for doing iReady, Lexia, and/or CollegeBoard activities at home. More information to come.
Please feel free to reach out to me at zwilkins@fwps.org with any questions.
Important Dates
10/07 Mon- Fall Sports Picture Day
10/07-10/10 Mon-Thur- Discover U Week- an annual regional event designed to promote college and career readiness to grades K-12
10/08 Tue- Cross Country- Sacajawea @Evergreen
10/08 Tues- Softball-Varsity- Sac @ Evergreen
10/09 Wed- Popcorn Wed's- $1 a bag
10/09 Wed- Football-Varsity- Evergreen @ TAF/Sgh
10/10 Thur- School Picture Re-Take Day
10/10 Thur- Cross Country- Evergreen @ Kilo
10/10 Thur- Softball-Varsity- Evergreen @ Kilo
10/11 Fri- NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Development Day
10/15 Tues- Cross Country- Sequoyah @Evergreen
10/15 Tues- Softball-Varsity- Sequoyah @ Evergreen
10/16 Wed- Popcorn Wed's- $1 a bag
10/16 Wed- Football-Varsity- Lakota @ Evergreen
10/18 Fri- Early Release Friday's- out at 1:15pm