Elmdale School
April Newsletter
Principal's Message
March was a busy month at Elmdale! As teachers worked to prepare student report cards, the students were able to show a lot of their learning to their teachers. It's so exciting to see the progress throughout the year!
A highlight for March was definitely Elmdale Extravaganza week! Monday had many students with crazy hair, Tuesday was our annual pancake breakfast and PJ day, Wednesday was hat day, Thursday was "normal" day, and Friday our school was filled with a sea of green for Green Shirt Day! So fun to see students showing their good behaviour with their "green slip" green shirts!
We are looking forward to spring with April approaching. The schoolyard always gets a little sloppy as the snow melts, so just a quick reminder to send rubber boots, splash pants, and a change of socks to store in your child's backpack! Spring also brings our annual Exhibition Assemblies from our grade 1's and 2's, and our Variety Shows. Stay tuned for further info on these exciting events!
Vince Hiebert
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: elmdale.hsd.ca
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 2043263325
Twitter: @ElmdaleHSD
Elmdale Extravaganza Week!
Report Cards
PrinciPal Winners for March
Adriel 1E; Jasper 1M; Hayley 1/2J; Elliott 2F; Colten 2M; Max 2T; Alcyone 3M; Honey 3/4B; Jayden 3/4G; Roslyn 3/4T; Cassandra 4D; Ariana 1E; Kalesha 1M; Hailey 1/2J; Alexei 2F; Samuel 2M; Henry 2T; Niklas 3M; Parker 3/4B; Zoe 3/4G; Finley 3/4T; Jonathan 4D; Havana 1E; Faby 1M; Micaela 1/2J; Lily 2F; Quiny 2M; Abigail 2T; Tessany 3M; Olivia 3/4B; Briyana 3/4G; Raina 3/4T; Gabriel 4D.
Stars of the Future
Kindergarten Registration
If you have a child born in 2014 please visit our new online kindergarten registration to register your child if you haven't done so already. Click on the following link for more info: https://hsd.ca/schools/kindergarten-registration/
Class Lists for 2019-2020
Please note that we are starting the process of creating class lists shortly. If a parent would like to make a specific request for a friend or teacher placement, these should be based on academic and learning needs, and be submitted in writing to Mr. Hiebert (vhiebert@hsd.ca) by May 15, 2019. All requests submitted by that date will be considered, however we cannot guarantee that all requests will be honoured. Late requests will not be considered.
"Soup's On" School Lunches
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
Please check our website for the bus pick up times and location near your house.
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Elmdale School
Publisher: Mr. Hiebert
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd