Warrior Newsletter
2024-25 Volume 5
A Note from Principal Marvel
I sent out a blackboard earlier in the month regarding the gains we are making at WHS. I’d like to reiterate those accomplishments and once again give a shoutout to our wonderful students, teachers and parents/guardians. Our semester I data was off the charts! Many might not know, but I was a former basketball coach and I am very competitive. I enjoy being #1. Our Wasilla High School community should be very proud of the accomplishments and gains we are making. Your student(s) attend a great school. Following is our semester I data:
- Course pass rate: 96% (this means that only 4% of our population failed a class or multiple classes). WHS has the highest pass rate in the district among high schools.
- Discipline: 3% (it is actually 2.7% but we rounded it up). This is the lowest semester I suspension data we have had since this current administration started (2018). Our lowest has always been in semester II. For perspective, when this current administration started, the out of school suspension rate data was 24%. We attribute this success to the structure and predictability WHS has for students. Too, it stresses to our community that WHS continues to have a great school culture and climate.
- District common assessment data: The district's common assessments for Algebra I and English I were taken in December by all students in the district who were in these classes. This common assessment tests essential skills and is tied to Alaska State Standards. Historical data shows that doing well in both Algebra I and English I correlate to success in high school and, ultimately, graduation. Dr. Trani stopped by last Friday to congratulate WHS on our exceptional results. Our students outscored all other high schools in the Mat-Su Valley by about 6% on both of these assessments. Our teachers and students are doing wonderful things!
As always, please reach out if you have questions and thank you for sharing your children with us!
Email: Jason.Marvel@matsuk12.us
Office Phone: 907-352-8214
Cell Phone: 907-232-7849
Jason Marvel
Wasilla High School
Congratulations Robin Lockwood
Robin Lockwood won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). She is one of 336 teachers and mentors from around the nation to win this award. To further recognize her accomplishment, she will receive a signed award from the president and be given the chance to visit Washington D.C. Wasilla High school is incredibly lucky to have a teacher that has been nationally recognized and awarded. Robin is a leader within our community for students and adults alike. Her strengths lie in her ability to connect math to real world concepts as well as her ability to make meaningful connections with her students. Warrior Nation is proud of her accomplishments and thankful for her dedication and passion for learning.
Engineering Forum
Health Program Forum
Financial Aid Information
Congratulations Tyler Martin
Congratulations to our very own Mr. Tyler Martin for being selected as the NFHS (National Federation of High Schools) Outstanding Music Educator of the Year for the State of Alaska.
This award acknowledges organization and continuance of an activity program, significant and ongoing contributions to the field of music and years of both curricular and co-curricular service.
Warrior Nation is proud of you!
Congratulations to the more than 102 Sophomores and Juniors that are eligible to apply for the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Students can check the list in the commons to see if they are eligible and pick up an application from Mrs. McDonald in room 221. Applications are due Friday, February 7, 2025. Please contact Mrs. McDonald if you have any questions. nikki.mcdonald@matsuk12.us
WHS Tardy Policy
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This message outlines Wasilla High School's Unexcused Tardy Policy:
- Unexcused Tardy: Arriving late to class without a valid reason.
- Excused Tardy: Arriving late with a valid excuse (call the front office).
- Consequences:
- 1-4 tardies: Warning
- 5-6 tardies: Meeting with the school administrator- email home
- 7 unexcused tardies: SERVE
- 8 unexcused tardies: 2 SERVE’s
- 9 unexcused tardies: 3 SERVE’s
- 10 unexcused tardies: Saturday school
- Further unexcused tardies: Out-of-school suspension (at the discretion of the administration)
SERVE involves helping around the school.
We encourage you to help your student arrive to school on time.
If you have concerns or need to discuss your student's attendance, please contact the school.