SMS Weekly Newsletter
Monday, September 23rd, 2024
News and Notes
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to enjoy the last days of summer.
Tonight is Back to School Night for grades 6th-8th. I look forward to meeting you all tonight. For grades 6 and 7, the night starts at 7pm in the gym and will end by 8. 8th grade parents have a mandatory 8th grade parent meeting at 6:30. This is a parent only night. No children are permitted in the school!
We have a new music teacher, Ms. Karen Mansfield, who started today.
We are still looking for a 6th-8th cheerleading coach, as we have students interested in starting a team. This team would be a competition only team and would not perform at games. Please contact me if you are interested.
Please make sure to read the newsletter in its entirety, as there is many important announcements regarding HSA events and our new After School classes.
Have a fabulous day,
Ms. Kazan
From the HSA
We have some exciting events coming up in the next few weeks. Please see the flyers below. Each event needs volunteers. these events are a fun way to earnactivity hours. If you are interested in any of the activity hour opportunities, please email Kim Rodrigues at
We need volunteers during pickup day on 11/18.
We will need volunteers during the walkathon.
We will need volunteers on the day of the event. We will also need volunteers to donate the pumpkins. If you donate all 360 pumpkins you will receive all your 100 activity hours. If you donate 180 pumpkins, you will receive 50 activity hours.
New After School Programs
After School STEM Classes
After School Coding Classes
After School Snapology Classes
After School Karate Class
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 23rd- 8th Grade Parent Meeting 6:30
Monday, September 23rd- Back to School Night 6th-8th 7pm
Sunday, September 28th- Feast of St. Michael fair
Friday, October4th- Noon Dismissal
Wednesday, October 9th- Wak-a-thon
Margaret Kazan
Location: 1212 Kelly Street, Union, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-688-1063
Twitter: @stMichaelsunion