Lincoln Lions "ROAR" Newsletter
FINAL Newsletter of the 2023-24 School Year
Lincoln Update: Mrs. Morrison, Principal
Lincoln Families,
I am sending the ROAR newsletter out a little later this week because I wanted to include some pictures from our 5th and 6th grade track meet and our all-school assembly on Wednesday afternoon. We had a warm track and field day but our students were amazing! Our students also had the opportunity to meet Mr. Lesan, our next Lincoln principal, during the assembly. He surprised them by coming in as our Lincoln mascot before he introduced himself. Such a fun way to meet our students!
This will be our last ROAR newsletter for the 2023-24 school year since our school year is quickly coming to an end. I wanted to thank our families for taking the time to glance through the newsletter. It was always our goal to keep families informed about events and activities at Lincoln and to share some insight into our school day. I hope you have enjoyed our bi-weekly communication.
I also wanted to thank the Lincoln school community for all of your support these past four years. When I first arrived at Lincoln, we were in the midst of the pandemic and life was SO different! I am thankful we have returned to a more "normal" school experience these past few years for our students, our staff and our families.
As the year ends, I will take many fond memories with me from my time at Lincoln. This school community will always hold a very special place in my heart. I am truly grateful to have worked in such an amazing school community!
Lincoln Lions ROAR!!!
Mrs. Morrison
Welcome, Mr. Lesan to Lincoln Elementary!
Mr. Matthew Lesan will be the next principal at Lincoln Elementary! I will continue to closely work with Mr. Lesan to ensure a smooth transition. Mr. Lesan has been a teacher and coach with Iowa City Schools and is excited for the opportunity to work with our Lincoln staff, students and families! Mr. Lesan will begin his duties as Lincoln's principal in July.
Calendar Reminders
May 27: District Closed/NO SCHOOL
May 30: 1:55 Early Dismissal
June 4: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration at 11 AM
June 5: 6th Grade Graduation Celebration at 10 AM
June 5: 1-Hour Early Release/Last Day of School (1:55 Dismissal)
*Report Cards will be sent home with Students on the Last Day of School!
All-School Assembly
5th and 6th Grade Track and Field Day
Our fifth and sixth grade students ran in the 68th Annual Track and Field Day event at City High on Monday, May 20. Our students represented themselves and our Lincoln School Community well giving their best effort and cheering each other on throughout the day!
Learning and Fun!
4th Grade Mini-Sessions: Great Learning Opportunities
Lincoln PTO News
What a “Roartastic” year we have had!
A bit of a recap to let you all know of some of the highlights PTO has sponsored this year to support our students and teachers: Fun Night, paying for the 5th graders to attend School of the Wild, Teacher Appreciation Week, field trip transportation, Pancake Day, clubs (ping-pong, chess and craft), t-shirts for all students and staff, DPO scholarships, teacher reimbursement and support for classroom supplies, STEAM night, international night and 5th and 6th grade graduation celebrations, and more!
PTO meets monthly and meetings are open to all staff and parents. Look for communication for next years meeting dates and times. We look forward to seeing you there! Generally, they are the third Tuesday of the month.
PTO Board for 2024-2025:
Sarah DeJong- President
Brett Watson- Vice President
Heather Rickels- Secretary
Julie Reynolds- Treasurer
A big thank you to former board officers and members that have supported the school
and new board with the transition- Terry Geneser, Anna Stone & Deb Pogemiller!
Thank you and best wishes to Mrs. Morrison on her upcoming retirement! We are grateful for
her support of the PTO over these last few years. We will miss her but wish her well on her
retirement adventure!
Lincoln Quilt: It’s coming together! A sneak peek picture can be seen further down.
Find our ICCSD website, with meeting information and minutes
If you have questions, you can email the PTO board directly at:
Thank you all! Lincoln Lions ROAR
-Your Lincoln Lion PTO
Our Lincoln Quilt.....a Work in Progress!
Pay-to-Ride Program
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We would like to notify you of the 2024-25 Pay-to-Ride program, which is available to families that do not qualify for mandatory transportation as required by the State of Iowa.
Iowa Code 285.1.a. The Board of Directors in every school district shall provide transportation, either directly or by reimbursement for transportation, for all resident pupils attending public school, kindergarten through twelfth grade, except that:
- Elementary pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than two miles from the school designated for attendance.
- High school pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than three miles from the school designated for attendance.
If you have any questions, before applying, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at
The Pay-to-Ride program details are available on the attached Pay-to-Ride application and on our District website at
Payment and Fees for Service
- Pay-to-Ride fee is:
- $650 per student, per year, round trip
- $390 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for reduced-price lunch.
- $0 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for free lunch.
- Full payments must be made no later than June 7, 2024, to be included on a bus roster for the start of the school year.
- Applications submitted after June 8th through September 8th will be included on a bus no later than September 27 if space available. Efforts will be made to make placements earlier; however, a date prior to September 27th cannot be guaranteed and remains dependent on space being available.
- After September 8 applicants will be notified no later than 10 school days from submission if space available.
- Applications will be accepted after the due date while capacity remains on existing routes. (Note: Students will only be assigned to existing bus stops and routes; buses will not be re-routed to accommodate requests.)
- Students are not eligible to ride until payment is received and the application is approved.
Application Process
- To apply for pay-to-ride busing, please complete the attached Pay-to-Ride application.
- Payment can only be made online:
- Mail or bring your application and receipt from MySchoolBucks to the following address:
Iowa City Community School District
Transportation Department
1725 N Dodge Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
If you are interested in participating in the Pay-to-Ride program, please return the application and payment no later than June 7, 2024, to be considered for a bus roster for the start of the school year.
Esme Davis, Transportation Manager
Iowa City Community School District
Helpful Information
Lincoln's After School Program
Please contact the Lincoln ASP director with questions.
(319) 430-4196
Summer Camps at City High
Registration is now available for our City High Summer Sports Camps.
They can be found at
Follow Us on Facebook!
Click here to follow our Lincoln Facebook page.
Photos, important dates, and special events are posted on Facebook.
Lincoln Elementary: Lincoln Lions Roar with Pride!
Location: 300 Teeters Ct., Iowa City, IA 52246
Phone: 319-688-1130
Twitter: @Lincoln_Roar