Eagle Express | August 30, 2024
Orchard Park Elementary
Important Dates
Friday, August 30 | Early Dismissal @ 12pm
Monday, September 2 | NO School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3 | Parents can begin visiting for lunch
Friday, September 6 | All Pro Dad at 7am
Friday, September 6 | Go Gold!
PTO Sponsorships
This year, the OPES PTO is offering our families the opportunity to enrich and support our community at a lower sponsorship fee than last year. The family sponsorship commitment this year is $150. Click here to become a family sponsor for this school year. The last day to become a sponsor is September 6th!
Thank you to all of our family sponsors so far (as of 8/29):
The Abbracciamento Family
The Amodio Family
The Beachy Family
The Bradley Family
The Byerley Family
The Chambers Family
The Cheval Family
The Davis Family
The Dyer Family
The Etheridge Family
The Groff Family
The Hull Family
The James Family
The Jansen Family
The Kirk Family
The Knight Family
The LaRoche Family
The Lawwill Family
The LeBlanc Family
The McDade Family
The McIntyre Family
The Moore Family
The Nagy Family
The Pacilio Family
The Philipkosky Family
The Regan Family
The Seguin Family
The Stack Family
The Watson Family
The Werner Family
The Wolfrom Family
Corporate Sponsors
Follow the PTO on Facebook & Instagram
Follow the PTO on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OrchardParkPTO
Follow the PTO on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/opespto.eagles/
PTO Website
Visit the PTO Website for to Update Your Child's Information
-Each student's grade and teacher must be updated each year-
PTO Email
If you are not receiving text messages from the PTO and would like to, please send your name, phone number and child's class to our email opespto@gmail.com
Upcoming PTO Events
VIC Card
Yearly, we ask you to link your VIC card to our school code, 4654. You only have to link your VIC card once each school year! Click here to link!
School Communication
Family Friendly Standards
As the 2024-2025 school year begins, parents and caregivers can visit expectmoresc.com for subject based Family-Friendly Standards on what their students should be learning in school. English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies guides are available in English and Spanish.
York County Emergency Management
Please review this important safety information from the York County Emergency Management regarding the emergency response plans and processes surrounding Catawba Nuclear Station.
Visiting for Lunch?
Due to increased security protocols and limited seating, parents and guardians may join their child during their lunch period up to four times per year per child. Visitors coming for lunch should limit the number of adults to two per visit.
We are excited to allow parents in for lunch. Parent lunches will not begin until Tuesday, September 3rd or after. We will also have to close lunches during testing windows and other school events. If your child has a birthday in the month of August, you will be permitted to visit prior to the Labor Day holiday. We have a list of students who have a birthday in August. Please email Kim Strickland | stricklandk@fortmillschools.org if this applies to your child.
Car Rider Line
When loading or unloading your child in the car rider line, please pull forward as far as possible before coming to a complete stop. Your assistance allows the entire line to operate more efficiently.