Message from the Superintendent
September 3, 2021
In this Message
- 2021-2022 Safety and Health-Driven Plan
- COVID-19 Testing Clinics
- Measure S Update
- Verizon Innovative Learning Schools
- Chargers Coach of the Week
- Free 24/7 Tutoring
- LCAP and COVID Relief Funding
- Free Meals for All Students
- Ways to Connect
- Job Opportunities
Upcoming Events
- September 6 – Labor Day Holiday
- September 9 – DELAC Meeting; Board of Education Meeting
- September 14 – Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – Spanish
- September 16 - Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – English
- September 21- Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – Spanish
- September 23 - Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – English
- September 28 - Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – Spanish
- September 30 - Disciplina Positive Parent Workshop – English
Dear OUSD Community:
The safety and well-being of our Orange Unified School District (OUSD) students, staff, and community remain at the forefront of our efforts as we continue to provide high-quality in-person instruction districtwide. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked non-stop to implement enhanced safety and sanitization measures on our campuses and enforce the latest public health guidance as it has become available.
Additionally, OUSD has upgraded to the highest-level filters compatible with the existing ventilation systems, which are also treated with an anti-microbial solution as an added layer of protection.
A review is being conducted of current COVID-19 policies, procedures, and controls, including but not limited to the possibility of procuring medical-grade High Efficient Particulate Air (HEPA) filter air purification systems for every OUSD classroom. Changes will be implemented as needed to augment the current measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Contact tracing continues to be conducted in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance, and appropriate notification is provided to families and staff within the required timelines. Updates regarding confirmed positive cases within OUSD are available on the OUSD COVID-19 Dashboard.
Information shared regarding any Public Health investigation, including the name(s) of ill or exposed persons, is confidential in order to protect patient and student privacy. Individual names will not be released to the public, including our school community. Due to privacy laws, we cannot share further details about the individuals affected. Thank you for your understanding.
In an abundance of caution, staff has also been working with the OC Health Care Agency to facilitate additional COVID-mitigation health protocols. In addition, we are working to ensure student and staff safety by:
- Sanitizing and deep cleaning classrooms daily, utilizing the Victory Sprayer nightly as an extra precaution
- Applying Bac-Shield quarterly
- Adding individual hand sanitizing units to each classroom
- Replacing all on-site HVAC filters quarterly
- Supporting four additional hours of daily custodial support for disinfecting touchpoints
- Making handwashing stations available around the school grounds for students to use while outside (in addition to the restrooms)
- Enforcing mask-wearing indoors and highly recommending it outside
- Encouraging the use of hand sanitizer as students enter and exit the classroom
OUSD is doing its part to keep COVID-19 transmission out of our schools. Parents can help by limiting student exposure while not in school. As a reminder, students and staff should not attend school/work if they are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
The district now offers free testing opportunities to all students and staff, and we encourage those interested to sign up for an appointment. More information can be found in the Health and Safety Guidelines & Resources section of the OUSD website, including our 2021-2022 Safety & Health-Driven Plan: Transition to Phase 3.
Those age 12 and up can also receive free, effective COVID-19 vaccines — regardless of immigration or insurance status. To find a vaccine clinic near you, visit the California Department of Public Health My Turn website or call 1-833-422-4255 to make your appointment or find a walk-in clinic today.
Finally, I would like to wish you a wonderful Labor Day weekend! We are counting on our community to work collaboratively with us to keep students and staff safe. If you will be out and about this long weekend, please follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, and getting vaccinated if you are able.
Warmest Regards,
Gunn Marie Hansen, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Orange Unified School District
Measure S Update
Verizon Innovative Learning Schools
Congratulations to Yorba and Portola Middle Schools on being selected as the first Verizon Innovative Learning Schools in Orange County! In partnership with Digital Promise, Verizon donated LTE-enabled devices and internet access to each student and staff member at both Yorba and Portola! Thank you, Verizon and Digital Promise, for your generous support of our students.
Chargers High School Coach of the Week
Congratulations to El Modena High School Football Coach Matt Mitchell on being voted Chargers Coach of the Week in Orange County! This program recognizes high school football coaches who have made a difference in the lives of their players through leadership, hard work, and a special dedication to their young scholar-athletes.
More information is available at https://www.chargers.com/community/coach-of-the-week
free tutoring 24/7
Paper Education is a free tutoring service available to all students in grades 4-12. Students access it through their single sign-on dashboard.
LCAP and COVID Relief Funding
Free Meals for All Students
Due to federal waivers issued by the USDA, Nutrition Services will be serving breakfast and lunch free of charge to all enrolled students for the entire 2021-2022 school year. Meal Applications will not be collected this year, however, school funding depends on parent completion of an online Alternate Funding Application. OUSD encourages all families, regardless of income status, to complete the Alternate Funding Application to maximize the amount of money the district receives from the state. Only one Alternate Funding Application is needed per household. If you have any questions please call Nutrition Services at 714-997-6354.
Ways to Connect
We invite you to take a moment to follow Orange Unified on social media to receive the District’s latest news and announcements. Social media may also be a critical line of communication during emergencies and will be an excellent place for you to get up-to-date information: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
You can also subscribe to the OUSD Master Calendar on Google at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=myorangeusd.org_va2n797ts4adrug5eebkbkiq7s@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles
If you have unsubscribed from School Messenger at any point and would like to receive these valuable emails, please contact your school site.
Job Opportunities
Orange Unified School District is gearing up for its Spring recruiting and hiring initiative. Are you interested in a profession that makes a positive impact in the community? If so, please visit our website at www.orangeusd.org/jobs to view a vast array of employment opportunities that span from entry-level to upper management, classified, and certificated. Join the Orange Unified family and Inspire our learners of today to be purposeful leaders of tomorrow.
Connect with Us
Email: communications@orangeusd.org
Website: www.orangeusd.org
Location: 1401 North Handy Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: 714-628-4000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrangeUnifiedSchoolDistrictCA
Twitter: @orangeunifiedCA