The Herald
District News & Updates - September 16th
Dear Hoboken Public School District Families,
This edition of The Herald highlights a number of accomplishments across the district and upcoming events that will be taking place. Our students and staff are engaging in such wonderful academic, co- and extra-curricular activities.
Please enjoy reading news from each of our schools. Take a moment to learn more about our early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school programs by looking at each of their weekly updates, as linked below:
Also, if you are not already following us on social media, please do so:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HobokenPublicSchoolDistrict/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hobokenpublicschools/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hobokenpublicschooldist
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBeIpvP_DOKu3nNUs3t0baQ
I hope that you enjoy the upcoming Back To School Nights at our schools. Our staff members are working hard to prepare robust information to share with you. Some families have asked about our 2024-2025 District Calendar. It is posted on our website, but for easy access, you may download and print it by clicking here.
In closing, I want to thank all of you for your steadfast cooperation, patience and partnership. All three ingredients make for an incredible school district. I could not ask for a more committed collection of guardians and parents. You are truly amazing and I am honored to serve the Hoboken Public School District.
Christine A. Johnson, D.Litt.
Superintendent of Schools
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to the Students, Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Parents of the Hoboken Public School District. Today is the first day of #HispanicHeritageMonth!
We celebrate to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic and Latino champions who inspire others to achieve success. #HispanicHeritageMonth #HereWeComeHoboken
International Olympiads Celebration
On Tuesday, September 10th at the September Board of Education meeting, we had the pleasure of honoring students from our three elementary schools and Hoboken Middle School who received medals as a result of their participation in the International Schools Olympiad.
The International Schools Olympiad is a distinguished competition that brings together brilliant young minds from around the world, offering them the opportunity to showcase their talents across various disciplines, including Mathematics, Science, English, Reasoning, and General Knowledge.
This year, our students excelled tremendously, earning a total of 129 medals—117 Medals of Excellence and 12 Medals of International Distinction. Their outstanding achievements are a testament not only to their hard work and dedication, but also to our district's commitment to fostering and empowering gifted children.
Hoboken Public School District Upcoming Events
Hoboken HS Cupcake Wars
Do you have the best cupcakes in Hoboken??
Saturday, October 5, 2024, 2:30pm
Hoboken HS Gymnasium
800 Clinton St. Hoboken, NJ 07030
$5.00 Admission, $2.00 per Cupcake
(Contestant do not need to pay Admission Fee)
5 Competitor categories - one winner from each.
Adult & Student Catergories
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Adults, and Fan Favorite.
Judging will be done by 3 celebrity judges. (Judges TBA)
Contestants must bake and decorate 3 dozen cupcakes for the
competition. Judges will be scoring based on
One Flavor per registration Only.
$20.00 registration fee to compete
All contestants must be registered by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 .
You will receive an email containing instructions for the competition.
You can pay registration fee by Cash, Check, or Money Order.
Checks or Money Orders can be made payable to Hoboken HS Class of 2025.
You can mail all Checks or Money Orders to:
Hoboken HS Class of 2025
Attention: Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
or you can drop off registration fees in an envelope with your name with the subject: Cup Cake Wars to the Security Desk at Hoboken HS.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Munoz at Christopher.Munoz@hoboken.k12.nj.us or call (201) 356-3738.
Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeVcQ32lj4.../viewform...
Alice and Wonderland Auditions
Hoboken Field of Heroes
Dear Hoboken Community,
In honor of Veterans Day, the Hoboken HS Student Government would like to invite you to participate in a special program to honor our heroes. The front of our beautiful Louis M. Taglieri Jr. Stadium will be decorated with American Flags. Each flag will represent and honor members of our Armed Forces, past and present.
Please consider honoring these great men and women by purchasing a flag for their service.
Each flag costs $5.00 and will represent an honoree for their service.
To honor a hero, fill out the form and return it along with your donation in the form of a check or money order made out to: Hoboken HS Student Council. The cost is $5.00 a flag.
All forms must be completed and returned by Friday, October 25, 2024.
Thank you very much for your support of our Hoboken Heroes.
Christopher Munoz
Hoboken HS Student Activities Coordinator
Mail to: Hoboken High School
Attn: Christopher Munoz, Student Council
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Hoboken Public School District: Fine & Performing Arts
Art at Wallace School
After the observational exercise, the students commenced to illustrate some of Matisse's most well-known organic forms.
Art at Brandt School
Welcome back to Art class! We are so excited to have so many familiar students (and brand new ones) to enjoy creating art with this upcoming school year with!
It was a great first week back. The students seem super happy and ready to create and ignite their imaginations.
We began by going over classroom expectations, safety, and goals for our year. We then moved onto drawing self portraits and creating an “All About Me” worksheet!
We will begin to work on our Autumn inspired Zentangle drawings next week using many lines patterns and designs to create a beautiful pumpkin image.
Music at Brandt School
It was a busy week of handing out instruments to all of our returning and new band and violin players! We are super excited to get started with our morning music programs in the next weeks!
Third, fourth, and fifth grade are all establishing, or re-establishing, steady beat. Third grade learned “The Steady Beat Rap” while the third and fourth grade played steady beats on drums. The fourth and fifth grade had a chance to bean bag toss to the steady beat!
Music at Wallace School
Chorus will be starting soon and a notification will be sent out to all registered through class dojo. If you have any questions about band, violin, or chorus, please email us in the music department. Have a great weekend!
Music at Connors School
This first full week of music class, the students were very busy reviewing some music theory lessons and singing songs that brought them together as a new class.
In Arciero’s class the students had some fun reviewing their notes and rests. After we reviewed the musical notation, they had some fun coloring all of the correct notes and rests. Here is Aleena with her autumn notation picture. What a great musician and artist she is!
In Ms. Celentano’s class the students reviewed their musical math and passed with flying colors. After we were done, it was time to sing. There are many songs about making new friends and starting a new year of school. Here we decided to sing a song about making new friends. Here is Paton with her lyrics to “You’re My Bud”. A song that is about doing things together and having some fun with your classmates!
Hoboken MS Chorus
Chorus Classes have been choosing their repertoire for the Winter Concert on December 3rd! The students have been picking from Christmas carols, Hanukkah songs, and songs in other languages.
The students also had their first Pre-AP Music lesson on Friday - some students learned about programmatic music, others learned about major and minor scales, and others learned about motives in a piece. There is a wide variety of concepts being taught in Chorus Class, and the students are ready to jump into learning music next week!
Theatre with Ms. Rotondi
5th grade at Connor’s is rocking and rolling! We started theatre with a fun activity of having to work in groups to create a structure, without verbal communication!
Students had to think outside of the box to get ideas across and work together as a team. This is setting us up for a marking period of group work and collaboration.
Pre-AP Visual Arts
Pre-AP Theater
This week in Pre-AP Theater students across all grade levels enjoyed warming up each day with a round of Zip-Zap-Zop. 6th graders were introduced to the wonderful world of West Side Story and will work towards acting out Act II Scene II as part of the first module.
7th graders have begun exploring different theatrical structures and have each completed their own outline of a well known story as it follows climactic narrative structure. 8th graders are discussing Commedia Dell'Arte and performed 1 minute retellings of popular stories. The catch was they had to communicate the plot of their story without speaking!
Rockin Redwings
This past week, the Rockin' Redwings debuted their fall show, "Late in the Evening," at our first home football game. The show features the music of songwriting legends Simon & Garfunkel, from the upbeat Latin party groove of the titular song to the somber tones of "The Sound of Silence." Led by a brass trio of senior Nathanael Quiñones (trumpet and vocals), sophomore Tyler Mara (mellophone & vocals), and junior Gabe Rivas (baritone), "Late in the Evening" starts off the performance with a bang.
The quite familiar "Sound of Silence" is led by a clarinet duet of senior Zoe Magaletta and junior Emily Critz. The show ends with a rendition of "Keep the Customer Satisfied," with sophomore Christian Escamilla switching from baritone sax to guitar and vocals by Nathanael Quiñones and Tyler Mara.
Hoboken Public School District: On Social Media
Grade & Content Level ~ What Have We Been Learning?
Joseph F. Brandt School
1st Grade at Brandt School
First graders had a great first full week of school. They spent much of the week learning about their new teachers, classmates, and classrooms.
In ELA, students discussed topics such as: first day feelings, what makes a great classmate, and all about me. Students participated in lots of discussions, games, reading, writing, and coloring activities related to these topics.
In Math, students explored the many math manipulatives that they will use this school year. They practiced counting and writing numbers and completed a "Math About Me" activity.
In Social Studies, students spent most of the week learning the procedures and routines of first grade. Students were also introduced to our Move This World, a social emotional learning platform.
3rd Grade at Brandt School
In English Language Arts (ELA), students shared stories about their summer adventures while reviewing sentence structure and paragraph formation. It was great to hear about all the different experiences over the break. In Math, we revisited two digit addition and subtraction with regrouping, as well as place value. The students took some time to set their academic goals for the year. We’re all looking forward to a fantastic school year ahead!
5th Grade at Brandt School
It has been a wonderful start to the school year here in 5th grade!
In ELA, we have been working on building a tight-knit classroom community and ensuring we are following classroom procedures.This includes our brilliant 5th graders creating All About Me posters and sharing them with their classmates. We began our first ELA novel, Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan. We also began our reader and writer’s workshop.
In Math, we began Unit 1: Puzzles, Clusters, and Towers. Throughout this unit, we will be investigating factors, multiples, and building arrays. This week students focused on solving number puzzles and the concept of order of operation. Using the acronym, PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) was a helpful tool for our mathematicians. Our scholarly 5th graders will be exploring properties of numbers as well as multiplication properties.
In Social Studies, we began our year by exploring the Growth Mindset. We focused on creating goals and "the power of yet." Students shared different strategies they have to conquer their goals for the year. As we closed the week, we shared different ways we can be mindful to others.
Let’s have a rockin’ school year!
Thomas G. Connors School
1st Grade at Connors School
Math: This week, fabulous first graders have been introduced to different ways they can count up to a larger number using objects and a number line. Students were introduced to Start With/Get To, an activity that will become one of the yearlong Classroom Routines. In this routine, students mark a start number and an end number on a number line and count from one to the other. We also established routines for using, caring for, and storing math materials, and spent part of math workshop exploring connecting cubes, pattern blocks, GeoBlocks, and Power Polygons. Next week, we will continue these practices by adding new fun math games in our math workshop stations. Great job First Graders!
ELA: This has been such an exciting week in ELA. Students are learning our new routines and materials used for reading and writing. We began Smart Start Week 1, which is a review of skills learned in kindergarten. Our essential question this week was, "Who am I?" Students used their reading/writing workbooks to write about their favorite books or what they enjoy reading about. We reviewed asking and answering questions while listening to stories. Students were introduced to our 3-part drill. This focuses on letters, sounds, and blending. We had fun using our sand trays during this time. We learned about new jobs in the classroom during ELA as well. Students practiced working in centers and were exposed to all of the fun reading and writing tools for the year. We can't wait for you and your children to see how much their writing will grow in the upcoming weeks. As we begin new units in Reading Wonders, students will be exposed to different genres to write about, as they answer questions. We also learned how to use our writing checklist called CUPS. This will be used all year for students to check over their sentences. We also had our school pet, Rosie with us this week! She had so much fun learning in Ms. Vayda's first grade class.
Social Studies: This week in social studies, we learned about local leaders and their jobs, like the mayor of a town and the principal of a school. We also learned about town rules, services, and laws. We practiced voting, and how local laws are made.
3rd Grade at Connors School:
Math: This week third graders began their first unit of math: exploring addition, subtraction, and the number system! Students used place value and base ten blocks to see addition and subtraction in action. Students reviewed various addition and subtraction strategies. Third graders played games like “Capture 5” and “Closest to 100” to further explore place value and strengthen their understanding of the number system.
ELA: The third graders were so excited to begin their first ELA unit! This week the students began learning an important reading and writing strategy called “RACE”. This strategy helps third graders create effective written responses when answering text-best questions. The students began their “RACE” exploration by focusing on restating questions, answering questions and citing evidence. Additionally, the third graders analyzed genre and story elements as they began the first core novel of third grade, The Littles by John Peterson. They can't wait to continue reading!
Social Studies: This week third graders gained an understanding of the zones of regulation, which is a social-emotional tool that teaches students how to recognize, react, and regulate their emotions. Understanding the different emotions we feel each day empowers learners of all ages to understand the full range of their feelings, as well as explore tools and strategies to support their well-being. Third graders will utilize the zones of regulation each day as both a proactive and reactive tool to regulate our emotions and help get us ready to learn!
Third Grade Thrill: This week third graders started our first core novel study! Core novel studies provide students with the opportunity to apply the learned skills and strategies with an authentic literature experience. Our first core novel is The Littles by John Peterson. We look forward to exploring the tiny world of the Little family and their experiences that teach us some big lessons!
5th Grade at Connors School
Math: This week our mathematicians were able to use multiplication equations to describe arrays of dot arrangements, they identified and discussed prime and square numbers with given factors, students had to solve number puzzles based on clues and used the order of operations to solve computation problems.
POR: In ELA we are enjoying our new novel Esperanza Rising. We have been focusing on the author's perspective and how it affects how a story is told. We are also continuing to build on our knowledge of writing RACE responses. In math we have been revisiting arrays. We have been using arrays to help us determine the difference between both prime and composite numbers! We have been off to a great start and are excited for the school year ahead!
PTL at Connor School
PTL is off to a great start at Connors School! This week we are highlighting Sports & Organized Games taught by Ms. Bruce and Mr. Favino. Students had a blast playing Hungry Hippos. Our 5th grade students were team captains with our K-2 students to help facilitate class rules and expectations, as well as build leadership qualities.
Students exemplified teamwork by working together, agility and balance by moving quickly on the scooters while staying on the scooters, and good sportsmanship!
Wallace School Elementary School
1st Grade at Wallace School
In ELA, we worked on letter sounds, letter formation, sight words, alphabetical order, rhyming, and writing complete sentences.
In math, the students focused on building numbers and story problems.
We are working hard at getting set up with IXL, MindPlay, & Raz Kids. Celebrating our community and “All About Me” activities were the topics of this week in Social Studies!
We are so proud of the kids! It’s been a great start to the year!
3rd Grade at Wallace School
What an exciting first full week of third grade!!
Math - Students practiced making pictographs and began reading and solving math stories using sticker stations, this is exactly where they left off as 2nd graders. However, this year we began right away with three digit numbers and multiple step story problems.
Social Studies - Community has been our main focus this week. Building a community within our classrooms, within our school, and within the town of Hoboken. We are studying different types of communities learning how people live in urban, suburban, and rural communities.
5th Grade at Wallace School
Welcome to the second week of school! We’ve already had such an exciting start to the year, and it’s been wonderful getting to know your incredible children. They are settling in beautifully, and we’re seeing so much enthusiasm and curiosity in the classroom!
Our 5th graders are diving into math by exploring the properties of numbers, like identifying factors, and multiples, and understanding if a number is prime, square, or even. They’re engaging in fun activities like “Number Talks” to build skills in using arrays for multiplication and recognizing patterns. They're also learning the "Order of Operations," which involves using parentheses, brackets, and braces to solve expressions. With a mix of diagnostics and interactive lessons, we’re helping them build confidence and deepen their understanding of math in an exciting and supportive environment.
Language Arts:
In Language Arts, our 5th graders are working on a fun "Biography Art Project" where they explore writing and creativity. They're starting by gathering key facts and ideas using graphic organizers and then drafting biographies about their classmates. They’ll be refining their drafts by providing and receiving constructive feedback from peers. The project wraps up with students writing a final biography that includes an introduction, life events, and a conclusion. As a creative twist, they'll design a poster using Google Slides, selecting colors, patterns, and adding photographs to represent their classmate's story. This project combines writing, art, and collaboration, making learning both meaningful and enjoyable!
Social Studies:
In Social Studies, our 5th graders are learning about digital citizenship and how to navigate the online world responsibly. They are exploring topics like finding a healthy media balance, understanding the tactics of clickbait, and defining digital footprints. Through engaging in discussions and activities, they are learning to analyze different types of online friendships, recognizing the benefits and risks, and building strategies for safe and thoughtful digital interactions. This unit helps students develop critical thinking skills and fosters a positive approach to their online presence.
Hoboken Middle School
6th Grade Social Studies at Hoboken MS
All of the 6th graders received their binders! The black spiral notebook is for their Cornell Notes. Parents feel free to look in them to see how your child did! We started learning about what the British colonies were like in the 1770’s. They also learned that the Spanish and French were in this country as well and that St. Augustine is the oldest city in America. We explored a website called slavevoyages.org.
They had a visual representation of the 30,000 plus slave ships that sailed from West Africa to the America’s. A lot of students were surprised to learn that only 5% of those ships came to the United States. The students started exploring the classroom artifacts. There are lots of interesting items in the classroom. And finally, we are still learning the 50 states song.
7th Grade Social Studies at Hoboken MS
By participating in a “Gallery Walk,” students were able to identify the key components of each of the themes and will be using their understanding of each theme to create advertisements of hoboken next week focusing on a theme of their choosing. The 7th graders will also be learning about latitude and longitude next week, where they will be able to locate countries based on their coordinates.
8th Grade Social Studies at Hoboken MS
This week in Social Studies, we were very busy and excited to dive right in. We got lockers, made our binders, and got to know everyone in all of our classes. We commemorated 9/11 by learning about the history of the attacks and constructing critical questions that students tried to answer through visiting the 9/11 Memorial Museum's website and a timeline of the history of Afghanistan. Students listened to personal accounts that day and reflected on what they noticed, surprised them, and wondered after the lesson.
To close, students wrote about the impact of 9/11 on their generation and the future generations to come. To begin our curriculum, students gained an understanding that geographers use a variety of tools to understand location in earths' surface and how to apply the five themes of geography.
Pre-AP World History
This week in Pre AP World History and Geography, students were very busy setting up their College Board accounts, setting up their 8th grade finders, and getting lockers. We commemorated 9/11 by learning about the history of the attacks and constructing critical questions that students tried to answer through visiting the 9/11 Memorial Museum's website and a timeline of the history of Afghanistan. To close, students wrote about the impact of 9/11 on their generation and the future generations to come.
We began our first Pre-AP lesson, Principle of Geography, to challenge students to explore how geographers pursue questions. Students analyzed sources of the Dubai skyline and street maps, the London skyline and street maps, and an excerpt from research of a London's taxi cab driver brain to explain how geographers use maps and data to contextualize spatial relationships and examine how humans organize space.
Hoboken High School
Congratulations Madison Walia-Peters
English Department at Hoboken HS
Ms. Gomez's English IV
We had a great start as we completed our first full week of school in our Senior English classes. After participating in team building activities, students began a writing unit to develop and enhance their writing skills.When implemented, these techniques will strengthen and improve each student’s writing.
Students also submitted their personal narratives this week. They will have the opportunity to revise and edit these pieces using specific writing strategies.
Looking ahead, we will work on our speaking and listening skills, as well as participate in close readings in order to create strong text evidence to support inferences. We will continue to work on these and others skills as we continue this first marking period.
Physical Education at Hoboken HS
“Fall into Fitness”
Welcome back! We are so excited to enjoy the beautiful weather and start bringing our Physical Education classes outside.
We will start the fall season off with some fitness activities. Students will have the opportunity to engage in their baseline testing of sit ups, push ups and the pacer test. These three tests are all part of the fitnessgram. The fitnessgram is crucial in helping identify potential risks for chronic illness, providing early interventions that set students on the path to lifelong health. It is our goal to work with the students throughout the year and stress the importance of lifelong physical activity as well as proper health and nutrition. With the help of the fitness gram testing, we are able to pinpoint some students who may need additional support in these areas. We hope to see an improvement towards the end of the year when we revisit these tests for a final assessment.
Upon completion of the fitnessgram, we will engage the students in numerous activities such as flag football, tennis, soccer, volleyball and fitness walking. They will be able to choose which activities they would like to participate in each day. Students will be graded on active participation starting at the beginning of class in walking attendance, the class warmup and of course in their chosen activity.
Please be sure to email any of the physical education staff members if you have any questions or concerns at any point throughout the year.
Mrs. Joanne Bevacqua- joanne.bevacqua@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Mr. Shaun Kolmer- shaun.kolmer@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Mr. Felipe Fernandes- felipe.fernandes@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Mr. Joseph Borkowski-jborkowski@hoboken.k12.nj.us
We look forward to having a healthy and fit year with all of our Redwings!!
Science Department at Hoboken HS
Ms. Patel's Biology Class
As the Biology CP classes begin their school year, they have been busy reviewing the basics of scientific inquiry. The students have been outlining the steps of the scientific method by exploring each step in depth. They have also been practicing their measurement skills while engaging in a scientific measurement lab this week. The lab was the students’ first opportunity to handle equipment and perform measurements.
They were able to demonstrate the proper techniques for using a metric ruler, digital balance scale, and a graduated cylinder while collecting data. These important skills will serve as the backbone for their laboratory experience this year.
Mr. Thomas's PLTW Biomed Sciences
PLTW freshman biomedical students began their investigations on Anna Garcia’s mysterious death! The crime has been examined and evidence has been collected.
Students also learned about the growth mindset to start off the year.
History Department
This week, students in history classes at Hoboken High School commemorated the 23rd anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001 by participating in a variety of lessons dealing with various aspects of the event. In keeping with the promise made after that day to "never forget," students discussed the context of what led up to the attacks and the examined stories of the heroic responses. Many students shared experiences that their families shared with them, highlighting the deep connection that Hoboken bears in the history of September 11th.
Additionally, students discussed the response in the aftermath of the attacks. Students examined how Americans and the world became more aware and united. Students were able to examine how people came together through shared experiences such as community gatherings, concerts and sporting events including the 2001 World Series which would take place in New York just weeks after the attacks. These events highlight how the country sought to process its collective grief, but also demonstrate resilience.
By examining these events students were also able to see how the world has changed with increased security measures, including the creation of the department of Homeland Security and the TSA. Leading to discussions regarding the delicate balance of protecting the freedom of all Americans while also striving to guarantee collective security.
New Course Offering at Hoboken High School: The Social, Political, and Economic History of Hoboken - Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School debuted an innovative and engaging course this fall: The
Social, Political, and Economic History of Hoboken. This new offering promises to
immerse students in the rich tapestry of Hoboken's past, providing them with a
comprehensive understanding of the city's development and its role in broader
historical contexts.
A Deep Dive into Local History
This course will take students on an insightful journey through Hoboken's unique
history, starting from its early days as a Dutch settlement to its transformation
into a vibrant urban center. The curriculum is designed to explore the city’s social
dynamics, political milestones, and economic shifts, offering a holistic view of
Hoboken’s evolution.
Students will examine key historical events and figures that have shaped
Hoboken, from its maritime heritage and industrial boom to its cultural
renaissance and contemporary challenges. By studying these elements, students
will gain a deeper appreciation of how local history intersects with national and
global trends.
Course Structure and Content
The course will be structured to cover a range of topics, each focusing on
different aspects of Hoboken's history:
1. Early Settlement and Growth: Students will learn about the Dutch colonists
and the city’s early development, including its role as a key port and
industrial hub.
2. Industrial Era: This section will delve into Hoboken's transformation during
the Industrial Revolution, examining the impact of shipping, manufacturing,
and labor movements on the community.
3. Social and Cultural Developments: Students will explore the diverse
cultural landscape of Hoboken, including the waves of immigration that
have shaped the city and its vibrant neighborhoods.
4. Political Milestones: The course will cover significant political events and
figures in Hoboken's history, including local governance, major policy
changes, and their implications for residents.
5. Modern Challenges and Innovations: The final segment will address
contemporary issues facing Hoboken, including urban development,
economic shifts, and social change.
Interactive Learning Experience
To bring history to life, the course will incorporate a range of interactive learning
methods. Students will engage in field trips to local historical sites, participate in
interviews with long-time residents and local historians, and use primary source
documents to conduct research. This hands-on approach aims to foster a deeper
connection to the material and enhance student's analytical skills.
Community Engagement and Project-Based Learning
One of the course’s standout features is its emphasis on community engagement.
Students will have opportunities to work on projects that benefit the local
community, such as creating historical exhibits for local libraries or developing
presentations for local schools. These projects will not only help students apply
what they’ve learned but also contribute to the preservation and appreciation of
Hoboken’s history.
A Step Toward Local History Education
The introduction of The Social, Political, and Economic History of Hoboken reflects
Hoboken High School’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded
education that includes a strong understanding of their local environment. By
integrating local history into the curriculum, the school hopes to foster a sense of
pride and connection among students, encouraging them to become active,
informed members of their community.
In the fall of 2024, The Social, Political, and Economic History of Hoboken will be
more than just a class—it will be an exploration of identity, heritage, and
community spirit.
Mr. Fernandez's Aviation, Innovation and Architecture
Aviation 101 Takes Off at Hoboken High!
This week, students in the Aviation 101 class launched into the exciting world of aviation and aerospace. They explored key concepts while learning about one of NASA's most famous rescue missions "the Apollo 13 disaster" and how the ingenuity of NASA scientists brought the crew safely home. To cap off the week, students are participating in a hands-on design challenge, building balloon rockets with a mission to launch a payload of paperclips into "orbit" (the ceiling). With teamwork, creativity, and a little bit of engineering, students are competing to see who can launch the most paperclips to success!
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 101 and Community Leadership are open for Business!
This week, students in both the Innovation 101 and Community Leadership classes dove into the world of problem-solving by exploring design thinking and how to apply the Business Model Canvas to their ideas. Each class learned about the exciting competitions they'll be participating in this year. Innovation 101 students are preparing for the NJ STEAM Tank Challenge, where they'll put their creativity and entrepreneurial skills to the test. Meanwhile, the Community Leadership class is gearing up for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge, focusing on innovative solutions to address real-world community issues. These future innovators are ready to make a difference!
Civil Engineering and Architecture Class Reflects on 9/11 and Engineering Advancements
This week, students in the Civil Engineering and Architecture class began with a pretest to introduce them to the skills they will master by the end of the year. On Wednesday, September 11th, the class took an in-depth look at the tragic events of 9/11, focusing on the vital role engineers played in understanding the structural failures of the World Trade Center. Using computer-aided design (CAD) software and simulation software by NIST scientists and Perdue University, students observed how structural components were compromised and ultimately failed. The class also explored how building codes and construction techniques have evolved since September 11th, ensuring that lessons learned continue to shape safer and more resilient structures today.
Early Childhood Education Highlights
Wallace Preschool Wildcats
Students are getting to know one another and focusing on their names and who they are! The class is also beginning to learn the letter Aa! They have been having a lot of fun learning and playing with new friends!
Preschool at 770 Jackson
Students in Room 120 at 770 Jackson Street are not wasting any time and are jumping right into Play Planning. They needed a few reminders to refresh their memories, but once they got started they were on a roll.
After each child chooses their clips and begins to draw their pictures, the teacher goes around to each student to scaffold them. This helps the child’s literacy development as they grow their ability to draw and write their message.
Preschool at Brandt School
In addition to playing in centers, students created crafts and worked on fine motor skills such as pinching and ripping paper, gluing, and painting.
Preschool at Calabro
School is off to a great start at Calabro! Circle time is an integral part of the day in early
childhood classrooms. Student's in room 303 are learning literacy concepts that will strengthen
reading and writing skills.
Preschool at Connors
The children were comforted by this and volunteered to show us the facial expression for each feeling discussed. Teachers took pictures and are looking forward to creating a classroom feelings poster to remind everyone who walks in our room that we feel all different kinds of feelings in Connors classroom 001.
Preschool at Jubilee
The children are preparing for when it's time to go outdoors and cross the street safely by doing different role plays and going outside to practice. They got to see what a crosswalk looks like as well as different types of street signs and traffic lights. The children enjoyed creating a traffic light craft.
Preschool at Rue
As the children have begun playing in their centers, they have begun exploring and experimenting in an engaging manner. The class is off to a great start and can’t wait for all the imaginative play that will take place throughout the year.
Preschool at St. Francis
Students read "Harold and the Purple Crayon" a classic children's book by Crockett Johnson that follows the imaginative adventures of Harold, a young boy with a purple crayon. This timeless tale celebrates creativity, imagination, and the boundless possibilities that come with a simple tool and a vivid imagination.
Perfect for young readers and dreamers alike, it's a story that encourages exploring new ideas and seeing where one's creativity can take them. Each child colored with their favorite color today to explore their imagination and creativity in their new classroom.
ECE at Brandt School
The teachers were so happy to meet the new friends in classroom 022. The children have spent the first few days learning where their cubbies are, exploring the classroom centers, and meeting new friends! Students have made pictures for their grandparents, learned all the ways to stay safe in the classroom (and the playground), and begun learning the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the kindness pledge! The children are discovering all the cool things they will learn during opening group. Students love to chart the weather and really love to freeze dance!
Everyone in Classroom 022 is excited for the coming year and for all the amazing things they will be learning!
ECE at Wallace School
The children in Room 113 have been having a blast exploring their new classroom as the new school year begins! Students have been visiting centers and going over the classroom rules. The class cannot wait for what awaits them in a brand new school year.
Redwings Football
Walker named Super Football Conference Player of the Week
Congratulations to Jae'on Walker. Jae'on was named New Jersey Super Football Conference's Player of the Week for Week 1. He crushed it in Week 1 of the season, racking up 210 yards and 2 TDs on 7 receptions, earning him the 2nd spot in NJ for receiving yards!
Redwings Volleyball
Redwings on a Roll!
Congratulations to our Redwings Volleyball Team for defeating Bogata HS. The Redwings are now 5-0 on the season.
Redwings Girls Soccer
Redwings Boys Soccer
Redwings Tennis
Hoboken HS Girls Varsity Tennis defeated Weehawken HS in their season opener Tuesday night 3 - 2. Abigail Scott, Laura Scott, and Sylvie Strell all won their matches at first singles, second singles, and third singles respectively.
Our doubles teams, Meghan Stelhi and Lila McDonough, and Carolina Fernandez and Sophia DeSantis fought hard and played awesome matches.
Hoboken Public Schools - A District Dedicated to Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships
Our Vision
The Hoboken Public School District will be recognized as a premier educational choice and widely known as a best-practice model for academic growth, high quality instruction, innovative and equitable programs, engagement, facilities and personalized pathways that are essential for college, career and life-preparedness in our ever-changing, interconnected global society.
Our Mission
The Hoboken Public School District will prepare confident and resilient graduates who value academic achievement, embrace challenge, honor diversity, appreciate collaboration, and respectfully contribute to their local and wider communities.
Our District Goals
The Hoboken Public School District will implement a rigorous, relevant and responsive curriculum that meets the needs of all students, fosters personalized pathways for learning, and ensures continuous academic growth.
The Hoboken Public School District will support its diverse staff in professional growth, encourage them to serve as role models, and empower them to provide the highest quality of instruction for our students.
The Hoboken Public School District will develop and implement unique and innovative programs that promote global learning, ensure equitable access, and foster the social, emotional and academic growth of each student.
The Hoboken Public School District will engage and communicate with families and the wider community to bridge understanding and advance partnerships.
The Hoboken Public School District will operate well-maintained and safe facilities that respond to our growing student enrollment, support our academic and co-curricular programs, and promote pride across the city.
Email: District@Hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: www.hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 524 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: (201) 356-3600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoboken.schools/
Twitter: @HobokenSchools