The Gold Standard
Volume 3, Issue 4 | Friday, August 30th
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Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, August 30: Football at home vs. Byrnes
Monday, September 2: No School (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 3: US Army Career Visit
Thursday, September 5: Chat and Chew with School Counseling (both lunches)
Wednesday, September 4: Delayed Start
Tuesday, September 10: PTSO Meeting
Things to Know
Join the Irmo PTSO!
Anyone interested in joining the Irmo High School PTSO should fill out this interest form and make plans to attend the first meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 5:30 pm. Attendees can join through this meeting link: https://meet.google.com/ogd-ngqj-iym
Vape Talk: Parent Education Night
Parent Education Night hosted by Lexington Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council presents "Vape Talk" on September 10th from 6pm-7:30pm.
This virtual session is for ANY parent or adult that wishes to gain knowledge and updates regarding vaping and more! Discussion will include:
- Current information about youth vaping
- Health risks of nicotine use in teens
- Quitting resources
Join via the zoom link below!
Underclassmen Pictures
Underclassman Yearbook Pictures will be September 16 and 17. Students will take pictures during their English classes.
Blood Drive
Do you want to help save a life? Join Student Council as we partner with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive on Wednesday, Sept 4th. Please use the link in your grade level Google Classroom to register. If you are under the age of 18, please see Mr. Coleman in room 112 for a parent permission form. Also, be sure to check the height and weight requirements, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy breakfast before you donate! Use this link: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time and search for Irmo High.
Paying for College
The How to Plan and Pay for College 101 webinar hosted by The College Funding Center. It is free to attend, and at this time of year, is most appropriate for families of all grade levels. Families who attend the webinar will be emailed an extensive handout package including many of the slides and other detailed information. Click the flyer below to register.
The ASVAB will be administered in Computer Lab 135 on Sept. 12th at 9am. Sign up in Google Classroom or Room 106.
Vaccine Information
For any questions please contact Patricia Powell, RN at 803-476-3000.
Order your 2025 Yearbook today! Visit ybpay.lifetouch.com and enter code 14792025. The deadline to order a yearbook is March 20, 2025. Price increases to $70 on January 15, 2025.
College Board National Recognition
Join us in celebrating these Irmo High School students! They are among more than 90,000 students from across the country who earned academic honors from College Board’s National Recognition Program! They received an award from the African American National Recognition Program and/or The First Generation National Recognition Program. These programs honor the strong academic achievements of underrepresented students as evidenced by their strong performance in school and on CollegeBoard assessments. These programs are a great way for students to showcase their hard work in high school!
See below for transcript information.
IB Program Newsletter
See below to read the IB newsletter!
Senior Study Hall
Parents and Guardians of Seniors:
If your student has a senior study hall on their schedule you must complete the senior study hall form and return it to the attendance office in order for them to participate in a senior study hall.
Alive at 25
Alive at 25 courses are filling up quickly! Register your student at SCNSC.ORG/A25 to
reserve a space so they will be ready to purchase their parking pass this summer. By
registering your child for Alive at 25, they will receive comprehensive training on safe
driving practices, defensive driving techniques, and the importance of making
responsible choices behind the wheel.
Students must complete this course before they can be issued an Irmo High School Student Parking Pass.
Mike Moore Classic
Irmo XC is hosting the Mike Moore Classic again this fall and t-shirts are available to order August 19th - 25th in the D5 Student Quick Pay Portal. Please support our team and this great cause! The race will be held on September 14, 2024, from 8-11 am.
Irmo Soccer
See below for Irmo Girls Soccer information.
Free Hot Spots
The Richland County Public Library now provides free longterm Hot Spot Lending to qualify K-12 students in Richland County. Please see the flyer below for more information. Applications are available for pick up in the School Counseling Office.
Get Involved
School Volunteers
In order to become a volunteer or chaperone, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers and return it to the IHS volunteer liaison, Cindy Zakhar, in the main office. Please reach out to Ms. Zakhar at (803) 476-3001 or czakhar@lexrich5.org with any questions.
Business Partners
Do you want to know more ways you can support Irmo High School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Shauna Dorn at (803) 476-3011 or
Irmo Yellow Jacket Club
Support Irmo Athletics by joining the Irmo Yellow Jacket Club! Members can receive parking passes, tickets to regular season home games, and reserved seating, depending on membership tier. Join online today using the IYJC Membership Form or by downloading and returning this registration form to IHS or the Athletic Office.
Athletics Events | Week of August 26th
2024 Yellow Jacket Football Schedule
"In ourselves, our future lies"