Wickliffe Family Update

November 10, 2024 Notes and News
Dear Families,
We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed some time outdoors in this beautiful fall weather. We are looking forward to our Veterans Day breakfast and assembly tomorrow morning. A special thank you to Mrs. Szabrak, her students, and our PTO for hosting our veterans, as well as to all our Wickliffe veterans for their service.
Here's to other upcoming events this week:
Book Fair: The Book Fair is happening now! It’s a great opportunity for students to discover new books and foster a love of reading. Join us for late night shopping on the 12th and 13th from 3-6pm. This is a great time to get holiday gifts.
Restaurant Night at Dewey’s Pizza: This Tuesday is Restaurant Night at Dewey’s Pizza! Whether dining in or ordering out, your support benefits our PTO—thank you!
Wolves Around the World: We’re seeking volunteers for the Wolves Around the World planning team! If you’re interested in helping with this year’s event, please consider joining the committee.
Thank you for your involvement and support.
November 11: Veteran’s Day Breakfast & Town Meeting;
Book Fair open from 9 - 10
November 11-15: Scholastic Book Fair in the Library
November 12: Restaurant Night at Dewey's Pizza
November 12, 13: Book Fair open from 3pm - 6 pm
November 18: Square One Art Fundraiser
November 25: Town Meeting (Thanksgiving)
November 27-29: No School, Thanksgiving break
December 13th: Wickliffe Parent Social, 7 -11pm @ Woodlands Backyard 668 Grandview Ave.
Wickliffe Updates
Evacuation Safety Drill
On Monday afternoon, we’ll be practicing an evacuation drill in which students will walk together to Riverside Methodist Church. This is only a practice drill, and students will stay with their class and walk calmly to the location.
- Our School Resource Officers will be stationed along the route to manage traffic and help make sure everything runs smoothly.
- Once there, teachers will take attendance using our regular fire drill procedures to ensure all students are accounted for.
- Thank you for your support as we practice these routines to keep our school safe and prepared!
Heart to Heart Food Drive
We have extended our food drive for Heart to Heart until Friday November 22nd. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Oberlin's classes will deliver the donated items on a field trip to the food pantry after that. We would like children to bring canned soup but all non-perishable items are welcome as well as diapers, toothbrushes, toilet paper and toiletries. Our donation box is in the Town Square.
Student Advisory Update
Wickliffe Student Advisory is off to a great start! We had a chance to meet with several students this week to hear about their hopes and dreams for the group. We included many of the students that teachers recommended to represent their classes, but have received a few recommendations from the remaining classes that did not yet have representatives. We will be reaching out to those students and their adults prior to our next meeting.
Below is a list of our meeting dates for the school year on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:30am. We look forward to seeing all of the Student Advisory representatives together at our next meeting on November 20th!
- 11/20/2024
- 12/04/2024
- 12/18/2024
- 01/15/2024
- 02/05/2024
- 02/19/2024
- 03/05/2024
- 04/02/2024
- 04/16/2024
- 05/07/2024
- 05/21/2024
Scholastic Book Fair This Week
Students will visit the book fair with their class November 11-13th during their assigned classroom time. The fair will be open to families after our Veteran’s Town Meeting on November 11th from 9-10am. Additional in-person shopping hours will be held on Tuesday, November 12 and Wednesday, November 13 from 3-6pm. To volunteer, sign up here: Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up
Mark your calendar for our next restaurant night - pizza!
Grab take out or dine in at Dewey's in Grandview on November 12.
Mention our Giveback Night when dining in or ordering carryout and up to 20% of sales will be donated to Wickliffe Elementary PTO.
Online orders must mention “GBN” in the Order notes.
Wolves Around the World
We are in the initial planning stages for Wolves Around the World and are looking to recruit volunteers for our planning committee! If you’re interested in helping organize this event, please join us for our first meeting on November 19 at at 8 pm via zoom .
Roles include volunteer coordination, donation outreach, event activity planning, and more. Thank you for considering being part of this exciting event!
Missed Call From School?
When you receive a missed call from the school, please wait briefly to check for a voicemail before calling back. Our staff will leave a message with details if follow-up is needed.
We also encourage you to talk with your student (in an age appropriate way) about how voicemails work and why leaving one is important. This can be especially helpful when they’re calling you from school.
Thank you for helping us streamline communication!
November Lunch Menu
School Counselors' Corner
Hello Wickliffe Families!
This November all grade level’s counseling lessons are going to focus on gratitude and thankfulness. We will discuss the power of gratitude and how, according to positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness, improved health, and stronger relationships (Harvard Health Publishing). Students will make gratitude rainbows to show their classmates what is important to them and what they are grateful for. Finally, we will discuss how knowing what other people are grateful for can help us connect and build a stronger community. I hope your students share their rainbows with you at home and let you know how grateful they are for you! I am so grateful to be a part of this community and to work with such an awesome group of students and families each day!
For more ideas on how to practice gratitude at home see this 21 days of gratitude challenge!
Please reach out if you need anything!
Kaitlyn Karam
Explorations Update
Here is the latest issue of the Elementary Explorations newsletter.
In it you will find a recap and pictures from Lesson 4 (Windy City Design Challenge) and a preview of Lesson 5 (Hour of Hode collaboration with UAHS Students).
District Updates
Strategic plan update town hall meeting
Learn more about the strategic planning process by joining district leadership for a town hall meeting on Tuesday, November 19 from 6 until 7:30 p.m. at Upper Arlington High School. Attendees will hear a review of the research and work done to date and then break into smaller groups to learn about the steps planned to implement each strategy during the next five years.
Your voice matters! Phase two of facilities master planning
It’s time to join your friends and neighbors and get involved in phase two of facilities master planning!
Serve as an expert and committed stakeholder for your school(s) of choice by signing up to volunteer for one or more building teams — Hastings, Jones or Burbank. Each team will have three meetings between December 2024 and April 2025. To sign up and learn more, visit the Building Teams page on our website.
World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is Wednesday, November 13. That’s right, Upper Arlington is partnering with the world to bring a little extra kindness into our spaces. School counselors designed these BINGO-style cards to encourage students to Start with Heart and participate in acts of kindness. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness. Studies have found that acts of kindness are linked to an increase in well-being, self-esteem, empathy, compassion, and mood.
Helpful Links
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Instagram Account ~ @wickwolves
Lunchroom Helper - click here to Volunteer
Nurse Notes
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Email: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org
Links to Previous Updates:
All of our updates can be found on the Wickliffe website under “school news”.
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