GMS Newsletter Sponsored by PTA
Week of November 25th 2024
This week at GMS
Click here to see the complete GMS website calendar for more events and details
MONDAY, November 25
🍁Fall Break - No School 🍁
TUESDAY, November 26
🍁Fall Break - No School 🍁
WEDNESDAY, November 27
🍁Fall Break - No School 🍁
THURSDAY, November 28
🦃Happy Thanksgiving🦃
FRIDAY, November 29
🍁Fall Break - No School 🍁
SATURDAY, November 30
SUNDAY, December 1
GMS Orchestra Poinsettia Pick-up 8:00AM-12:30PM @ GMS Commons/Cafeteria
MONDAY, December 2
AISD Special Education Staff Appreciation Week Begins
TUESDAY, December 3
AISD Links
Thank You Z'Tejas for Sponsoring our Teacher Appreciation Lunch!!!
Thank you to all who donated to make the lunch a success. A big thank you to our Bengal Tiger Partner, Z’Tejas, for catering the Thanksgiving meal. Our teachers and staff enjoyed a wonderful lunch and we were able to gift each teacher a gift card thanks to your generosity.
🏀Boys Basketball Tryouts 🏀
8th - immediately after school Thursday, Dec 5 & Friday, Dec 6th 4-5:30pm
Sign up via the link below:
Follow Gorzycki Middle School Sports on Facebook for all sorts of information and news.
Parents - Please share with your students.
Rules and Reminders for the Health Room
1. Resting in the health room is for 15 minutes only unless you are going home due to illness or injury. After 15 minutes, students must either go back to class or contact their parent to go home.
2. No cellphones/electronics allowed in the health room unless you have been given permission to call/text a parent.
3. The health room staff will not provide notes for students to not participate in PE/athletics. Notes must come from a parent or doctor.
4. The health room staff cannot provide ANY medications to students unless they have been provided by the parent and have a doctor's order. (This includes cough drops.) We do not have any medications in the health room except emergency medications.
5. Students are not allowed to self carry and self administer medication. Do not call your parent and ask them to "drop off" medicine for you in the front office. If your parent is bringing medication, they will need to hand it directly to you.
6. The health room staff does not provide snacks, bottled water, or ice to eat. Please bring your own snacks and water bottles.
7. If coming to the health room during passing periods, please check in with your next teacher first to obtain a pass.
Band Players of the Week
It’s been a November to remember! More exciting memories made with this week’s Gorzycki Middle School Band Principal Players of the Week!
Put your hands together for the following GMS Band Members:
Drumroll please….
Ben C. from Honors Band!
Paulo S. from Symphonic Band!
Dylan O. from Concert Band!
Bella P. from beginner clarinet class!
Axel M. from beginner trumpet class!
The above mentioned students were chosen as Principal Players because they always follow our GMS acronym:
Give 100%
Manage Yourself
Show Respect
Join us in congratulating our Principal Players for this week!!
Thank you for being outstanding members of the Gorzycki Band!! Kudos!!!
Order Your Yearbooks Now
Click on the photo below or the link to order your yearbooks.
Moxsquad is now Girls Training Academy
Baldwin Elementary Volunteer Opportunities
Winter Wonderland is a Baldwin favorite, but requires a lot of volunteer assistance. Please help us make it a success! Please click on the link below for volunteer opportunities.
We value your time and appreciate your help so as a special thank you, we reserved 4:30-5 for you and your families to visit Santa (no registration required).
Join the PTA
Join the GMS Parent Teacher Association! Quick and easy, click the link below to join today!
Annual Dues: $10/individual, $5/staff
Then, like and follow our page! Members will receive a PDF of their membership card via email.
Tiger Mart, Gorzycki's PTA-sponsored student store, is OPEN and ready to prepare your student for a great year.
What's Tiger Mart? Tiger Mart is the PTA-sponsored student store open daily during student lunches. We carry spirit swag for the entire family, strength and conditioning shirts, and miscellaneous school supplies. We are also where you can purchase your student's gray PE shirts. At least 1 PE shirt is required for all students, but we parent volunteers recommend having a couple on hand.
How can we shop? You can shop online at any time or students can shop in-person with cash or credit card during their lunch hours. Online purchases are available for student pickup 3 school days after the order is placed. Tiger Mart will also be open for in-person parent shopping on Locker Night (Thurs 8/22, 4-5 pm) and Back-To-School Night.
Where do Tiger Mart profits go? Right back into GMS! Our student store is a rolling fundraiser and all proceeds benefit Gorzycki students.
- Subscribed to the newsgroup:
- Sign up to receive notifications for the Gorzycki Middle Campus Community Course at:
- Follow the OFFICIAL GMS Facebook Page: Gorzycki Middle School
- Catch up with the latest student stories, events and news. It's everything Austin ISD, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! You can find it on your phone in your app store via Google Play or Apple App.
- For Android
- For Apple
The first Principal Coffee Talk will be held Tuesday, September 10th at 2:15PM.
- Coffee talks will be held via Google Meets - link to be provided.
- You can find all the dates of all the Coffee Talks here.
Download the Box Tops for Education app and start scanning your receipts! Every little bit counts and adds up quickly for GMS. How do box tops raise money for your school, click here to read more. GMS contact:
GMS Popcorn Fridays needs your help. All donations go towards appreciating the GMS teachers with popcorn, drinks and snacks. Please contact Kelly Granger at if you would like to donate.
Arrival: During the morning arrival and after school pickup, vehicles approaching the front of the school will be channeled into two lanes of traffic, the inside lane closest to the school and the outside lane closest to Slaughter (the middle lane will be blocked off so that students can safely walk up to the crosswalk). Buses will drop students off at the awning in the back of the school. Afternoon dismissal for car riders will be in the front of the school. Parents arriving early for pick-up will be expected to park in one of the two lanes behind the crosswalk. Parents will queue up behind designated markers. Parents are to stay in your vehicles.
Arrival: The building is open from 7:50 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Tardy Bell rings at 8:20. Upon arrival, 6th grade students will report to the cafeteria. 7/8th grade students will report to the Commons. Students are to sit on the floor in the Cafeteria/Commons area. Students must be supervised in the building outside of school hours.
Dismissal:. Students who stay for an activity/tutoring session should remain in their designated area with the Gorzycki staff member in charge of the after school activity. Parents should pick up their child within 10 minutes of a given activity ending time. Failure to be picked up in a timely manner may result in restrictions from after-school activities.
Please follow the GMS procedures for arrival and dismissal from school. We ask that student pick-ups occur in the loop in front of the school. Stopping to pick up students on Slaughter is NEVER acceptable. To help reduce some of the congestion, we ask that if you are turning left on Slaughter after picking up your child, you enter the school using the left two lanes. If you are turning right on Slaughter, please use the right lane for student pick-up. This will help reduce the changing of lanes when leaving campus.
GMS also asks that you not use Allerton Avenue for student pick-up. GMS is trying to be good neighbors and the parking issue after school is creating very unsafe situations.
Parents and caregivers are not permitted to move the orange cones.
All grade levels were issued lockers and a combination lock. Backpacks are not allowed in classrooms or in the cafeteria; students need to keep their backpacks in their lockers. Students can carry Chromebooks and notebooks to class in a Chromebook case.
ALL MEDICATIONS ON CAMPUS REQUIRE DOCTOR'S ORDERS in addition to a parent authorization form. This means that all prescription and over-the-counter medications require a doctor's order and will not be allowed on campus at all without it. In the past, the prescription label on the bottle served as an MD order but AISD has changed the policy and now requires the MD order. Students are not allowed to self-carry ANY medication without doctor's orders and parent authorization.
In order to assist students with self-responsibility and to keep classroom disruptions to a minimum, GMS does not make deliveries nor do we contact the student while they are in class to let them know that their item was dropped off. You may tell your student before school that you will be dropping off an item or you can email their teacher. The student will then have to pick it up from the front office. (delivery exceptions are contact lenses or glasses).
When students leave school early, written permission from a parent or guardian is required. Please follow these steps:
- The student must bring the note to the front office in the morning to receive a pink slip. Students who need to leave school early must be picked up before 3:15 due to traffic and parking availability.
- The student will show the pink slip to the teacher when it is time to leave; the teacher will allow the student to go to the front office for parent pick-up. **Without a pink slip, students are not allowed to leave class**
- Parent/guardian(s) must sign the student out in the front office before leaving campus. Please bring your photo ID.
We encourage families who currently have reduced-price status to complete an AISD meal benefits application at to ensure their eligibility through the entire school year.
- Full Price: $2.00
- Reduced-price: FREE
- Full Price: $3.50
- Reduced-price: $0.40
Students are welcome to all Athletic events. Please remember that students are to be picked up from the event 10 minutes after the game is over. This is NOT a set time and can be anywhere from 8:00 - 9:00. Students who are not picked up on-time will not be allowed to attend future events.
The PTA works diligently to provide resources for our students, teachers and staff, but we can be more successful with the help of our many partners in the community! The Gorzycki Partner Program enables your business to have significant exposure and visibility in our community while providing vital funds to support our students. This opportunity is available to all businesses and families. Contact Susan Crum at with questions.
The PTA would like to thank the businesses that support our school!
Gorzycki Middle School
7412 W. Slaughter Lane, Austin TX 78749 Phone 512-841-8600 Fax 512-841-8601