Springmill STEM Family Newsletter
Nov 17

Principal's Message
Hello STEM Families!
I can't believe that we are coming up on Thanksgiving Break already! We have a full week this week to prepare for, though. We can tell students need a break, because things are getting a little crazy. We are starting to see an increase in students refusing to listen to adults, running out of the classroom, causing disruptions in the classroom and arguing with each other. We will continue to share our behavior expectations with students: Respectful, Responsible, Ready, Safe and Proud. Please support your teachers by reminding students that even though we are close to a break, they still have to be "students" first.
We are looking forward to seeing families during Parent Teacher conferences this week! See below for more information.
Cara Will
Building Principal
Springmill STEM Elementary
Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday Nov 21
If you don't hear from your child's teacher regarding conference sign ups, please contact them. Unfortunately, the time slots that are available aren't enough for every parent/family. (Due to the way the conferences were scheduled for this year) If you are unable to make conferences, but would still like to speak with the teacher, please reach out to him/her to schedule a time on another day.
Also, we will have a raffle bundle for attending PT conferences. Every family that attends the event will receive a ticket for our Family Baking Bundle! (Limitations: you have to attend in person to receive a ticket.
Upcoming Events
Thursday Nov 21
November 27 - 29
Thanksgiving Break
Monday December 9
STEM Only 2 Hour Delay
Tuesday December 17
6:00pm Winter Choir Concert for 3rd-6th Grade
Mansfield High School Auditorium (students be there at 5:30 please)
Friday December 20
Last day of 2nd Quarter
What's happening at STEM?
Our Top Creators for National STEM Day
Our 3-6th grade teams asked students involved in great design projects! These are some of the top contributors.
Best Problem Solving - Emmalynn Adkins (6th)
Excellent Craftsmanship - Ava Barnett & Auchiya Cross (5th)
Creating a quality product takes creativity and perseverance. Ava and Auchiya created an "Eye in the Sky" as a tribute to Gladys Mae West, a mathematician who helped develop our GPS system!
Exceptional Creativity - Kaelum Brown (6th)
Kaelum was tasked to create an innovative dining experience. He designed a space where patrons could take in the outdoors, while enjoying their food! He had to be very creative to make a model of his vision.
Creative Solutions - Kylie Teeters & Emma Brauser (3rd)
Excellent Model Building - Alex Eslinger (6th)
Alex wants to design a shoe that can make people "fly". He took his idea and created a life-size model of the shoe, with well-planned detailing and creative crafting!
Limo Ride & Lunch for Top Fundraisers!
Our Fall Fundraiser was a huge success! Thank you for helping raise money for our students. We made approximately $4,500. This money is used directly for student activities and supplies. Below are the students that sold at least 15 items and earned a limo ride to lunch at Culver's. They had a great time!