St Peter's Primary School
Friday 1 September 2023
Dear Lord,
Help me to love my dad in a way that would bring honour to You and him.
Help me to see beyond the external differences and into His eternal realm.
Help me to live out “Love never fails” with my dad.
Message from the Principal
CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - On Tuesday 29 August, the Leadership Team had our initial start-up meeting for the upcoming Early Childhood build. Site work will begin in two weeks’ time, with a fence line been established around the lower oval. During the final two weeks of term, students will be rostered on to specific play spaces to accommodate the commencement of the new Early Childhood build.
Over the school holidays, the Leadership Team will adjust the timetables and rosters to ensure at the beginning of Term Four all students receive adequate play space during the building process. At this point in time, the plan is for students to remain on site for lunch breaks, but creating a split lunch schedule to ensure there is enough oval and play space for everyone.
To keep parents up to date with the building process, from Term Four onwards there will be a new section of the newsletter, “Building Biz”. This is where you will be informed of all the details related to the build and receive updates regarding the progress.
PERFORMING ARTS - As the Catholic Performing Arts Festival comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff for their hard work, dedica-tion and commitment in preparing and supporting our students throughout the festi-val. St Peter’s has achieved outstanding results in both individual and group per-formances. All participants have represented St Peter’s with pride, with all perfor-mances being full of enthusiasm and energy. I congratulate all students that their hard work and dedication paid off, and they should all be very proud of their achievements. All staff have loved watching the students perform and it has been great to witness the extensive family support at the performances too! Once again, congratulations to all students and staff involved throughout the festival! Please see further along in the newsletter for more information from both Mrs Powell and Miss Abreu as well as great photos!
P&F FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST - This morning at 7.15am, we celebrated all the Dads and Father Figures in our community with a breakfast prepared by the P&F. Once again, we had an enormous number of attendees and volunteers to make this event a huge success! Thank you to Betti Radford and her team of helpers for organising such a fun and well-organised event! Betti has been co-ordinating this event over the past few years, and I thank for her contribution to the St Peter’s Community.
It was wonderful to see so many Fathers, Parents and Grandparents at this morning’s Father’s Day Breakfast. This is a great opportunity to express gratitude and thank them for all their love, support and guidance.
BOOK FAIR AND BOOK WEEK - There was a buzz of excitement throughout the school last week as we celebrated Book Week and the Book Fair. Thank you to Mrs Georgie Bertoldo and Mrs Sharon Zanotti for co-ordinating activities throughout the week. We loved seeing so many Dads and Father Figures in the classroom reading books to the children. The leadership team also had a great time dressing up for the students and reading a book to the whole school. Children's Book Week is a fantastic literacy initiative, where we annually celebrate books for young people and the joy of reading!
YEAR 5 & 6 PARENT INFORMATION EVENING - GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT SESSION - On Wednesday 6 September, from 6-7:30pm, our Year 5 & Year 6 parents are invited to a Growth and Development Parent Information Session in the Library. The session addresses the importance of adequately explaining and promoting the truth about human sexuality and relationships to our children. This formation begins in the early years helping children to develop a healthy understanding about their own sexuality, bodies and relationships. Family Life Education present interactive, educational workshops with parents. We are committed to supporting you in your role as the primary educators of your children.
I wish all our Dad’s and Father Figures a very Happy Father’s Fay for Sunday! I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with your family. Fathers play critical roles in the lives of children, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Fathers and Father Figures for doing so much for your children and for St Peter’s Primary School!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
SAFEGUARDING MASS - Just a reminder that we have the Safeguarding Mass on Sunday 10th September at 5pm. The Safeguarding Mass is led by students and teachers to raise awareness, engage, educate and empower people to understand that every child, in every community, needs a fair go. It would be wonderful to see our St Peter’s families join us for this special Mass.
CONFIRMATION - On the weekend of 15th and 16th September, some of our Year Six students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church which, began with Baptism. During the Rite of Confirmation, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened and sealed so we can continue our spiritual journey and commit to our life as a Catholic. Our relationship with God deepens and we are invited to participate more actively in the life and worship of our Parish community. The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Blessed Eucharist complement one another and all three are required for full Christian initiation.
Date: Monday 11th September 2023
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Location: School Library
The parent/child workshop is a compulsory component of the Sacramental Program for all candidates and their parent(s). At least 1 parent is required to attend the workshop with their child.
Office News
Merit Certificates Week 7 - 01/09/23
PPB Luis Le Bron / Ella Brecciaroli
PPM Ruby Geaney / Edison Mak
PPW Noah Foley / Zoey Warner
1B Zara Ishak / Thomas Marshall
1M Zofia Burke Allenby
1W Tayla Jakocevic / Lillian Le
2B Aibhilin Mathews
2M Yaahvi Rao / Destin Le
2W Max Bucher / Emma Chee
3B Kenny Ho / Theo Griffiths
3M Zara Godfrey / Cohen Princi
3W Leilani Njeru
4B Khianna Cresdee / Hugo Maltese
4M Riley Southern
4W Stefan Rosovsky
5B Lacey Thomas / Liam Rudland
5M Aston Tartgalia / Zeus Scacheri / Penelope Taylor
5W Lucy Properjohn / Mason Aleksoski / Lucian Doyle / Ruby Toop
6B Theodora Gere / Hamish Nielson
6M Saskia Di Dio
6W Raven Martin / Mark Lyra
Person of the Week - 01/09/23
EVIE DRAGOJEVICH - YEAR TWO WHITE - Evie, it is an absolute pleasure to name you as Junior Person of the Week, as you are very deserving of such an honour and distinction.
Princess Diana once said, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
You consistently demonstrate our school values of RESPECT and UNITY every day in our classroom without expecting recognition. Evie, you are developing into a thoughtful leader as you encourage and believe in your peers and teachers.
Evie, your compassionate nature is to be celebrated because you always put the needs of others before your own. You are a respectful and reliable friend who cheerfully lends a helping hand to those in need.
Evie, congratulations on being the St Peter’s Junior Person of the Week!
NAVINDARIN ROLIN - THREE WHITE - There is something special about quiet achievers; their actions speak louder than words. It is a pleasure watching you work as it is clear you love to learn. You immerse yourself whole-heartedly in your learning, asking questions, sharing ideas and overcoming challenges. You treat others with kindness, ensuring your peers feel supported and encouraged in their endeavours.
Navin, you always complete work to the best of your ability, displaying dedication and pride in all your schoolwork and this is something you should be proud of. You are never boastful, yet highly successful in everything you do. You are never loud yet show leadership skills during any group task.
With your gentle nature, heart of gold and positive attitude, you truly are an AMAZING role model to your peers, demonstrating all the St Peter’s TRUE values.
It has been an absolute delight to name you the Senior Person of the Week as you are very deserving of such praise and recognition. Continue to strive for excellence because you will achieve amazing things.
Performing Arts
We're thrilled to shine a spotlight on our incredibly talented students who fearlessly took the stage at this year's Performing Arts Festival amidst a whirlwind couple of weeks! Their dedication, hard work, and passion were truly evident as they showcased their remarkable skills in Music, Dance, and Visual Art.
Congratulations to the 74 students from Years 4-6 who represented our school in the Dance Section of the Spirit of the Arts Festival and received an award of Excellence. These students have dedicated their Tuesday afternoons since the beginning of Term 2 to work towards their final performance on Wednesday 23rd August which was a huge success. The energy, teamwork, and fun they brought to the stage was felt by all in an outstanding performance. We are all very proud of your efforts!
Congratulations to Olive Martin (Year 6), Monica King (Year 5) and Jackson Poh (Year 5) for representing St Peter’s Primary School in the Angelico Arts Exhibition as a part of the Spirit of the Arts Festival. Their fabulous artwork was chosen to be on display at the Forrest Centre in the month of August. The artwork that was produced by the three artists was at an exceptional level and we are so proud of them.
Miss Abreu
Well done Mason - we are all so proud of you!!!
Book Fair
Canteen News
St Peter's Dads Golf Day
Basketball News
Registrations will close on Friday 8th September for basketball registrations
Summer 23/24 season.
Special call out for any other girls, we just need a couple more
to have our first St Peters all girls' team!
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
- POSITIVE PARTNERSHIPS - Free 1 Day Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers in Ballajura - for more information, please click here - https://bit.ly/45aiIKl
- SERVITE COLLEGE - Open Day will be held on Thursday 7 September. Register online at servite.wa.edu.au/open-day
- AUSSIE HOOPS BASKETBALL - invite you to come and join them! For more information, please contact Jess Ellis on 0447 299 306.
- JOEY SOCCER - Joey Soccer is a fun and non-competitive program that runs for children in Kindy to Year 3. It is less about soccer and more about developing friendships, social skills and exercise. For more information, please visit www.joeysoccer.com.au
- AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMP - 3 day school holiday sports camps! - For more information, please call 1300 914 368 or email admin@australiansportscamps.com.au
- VACSWIM - Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water. Enrol at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim
- WAFFA - Developing Female Football in WA - Registration is now open for our Future Stars 2-day Super Clinic which will be running during the September school holidays. This time we’ll also be at the home of the West Coast Eagles! Registration Link - https://www.waffa.com.au/future-stars-super-clinic-september-holidays-metro
- YOUNG ENGINEERS AND ROBOTICS CAMP - will be taking place on 26 & 27 September from 9am - 3.30pm. To book, click https://www.trybooking.com/CKWGV
DREAM OF SUNSHINE SPONSORSHIP - KC Events will be hosting a Dream of Sunshine Gala Ball at the Hyatt Hotel, Perth on 4th November. KC Events is championing this event to help raise awareness for bowel cancer. All proceeds from this incredible night will be donated directly to Bowel Cancer Australia in support of the great work they do. Please click here for more details - https://bit.ly/3Q3E1sw
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900