Sunrise Campus
December 19, 2024

A Message From Principal Dillman
Moving into the new year, I found myself reflecting on and cherishing memories from the past year as well as making plans for the future. On a personal note, winter break provided an opportunity to disconnect and be in full mom mode. My almost 3 year old son is growing fast and it was a wonderful time to create lasting memories with him during the holiday season. Viewing experiences through the lens or perspective of my son allowed me to feel the joy of each moment in time.
On a professional level, winter break allowed me to take a step back from the daily hustle and bustle and to look at the bigger picture, which is essential for continuous growth. Upon reflection, I felt a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the staff I work alongside each day, for all of the Franklin families who embraced me in the new role of School Principal with unwavering trust and support in our school, and for the scholars who continue to impress and amaze me with their academic drive and character development. Recently, at the December Governing Board meeting, the Governing Board instated me as the Franklin Academy Sunrise School Principal. You will no longer see the wording of Interim in my title or signature. I have been and will continue to be the proud principal of our Sunrise campus. My goal is to maintain the meaningful partnerships my administration and I have developed over the years with our Franklin families to ensure your child(ren) continues to thrive and succeed in Sunrise campus' safe and supportive learning environment.
Academics Resources
Mission Control Apps - Student Academic Resources
The next time you are on our campus to volunteer, please visit our Mission Control Apps interactive display in the hallway leading to the cafeteria.
Below is the file to download the resource. Please take a moment to download the file and once you open the file below, you can click on any app and it will take you to a brief description. Each student resource is located in Clever for your child to access if applicable to their grade level or course enrolled. Ask your child to log in to Clever to explore these tools and programs together which are designed to enhance your child's educational experience.
You can also scroll down to explore the information without downloading the file. By exploring these resources, you can better support your child's academic well being, fostering a positive and successful educational journey.
School Wide Academic Initiatives
IXL Weekly Challenge
We are pleased to announce that each week we will be revealing the winners of our IXL Challenge via our Morning Announcements and on our IXL LeaderBoard in the hallway in the front of the Cafeteria. The first-place winner in the ELA and Math categories will receive a coupon for one complimentary ice cream. To redeem the coupon, it must be presented to the cafeteria cashier.
Our educators also have IXL Data Trackers in the classroom setting, updating weekly, to motivate their scholars/class outside of the weekly challenge in varying ways to complete their teacher assigned lessons.
Personalized NWEA Study Plans
Your child(ren) took their first NWEA MAP Growth assessment in the beginning of the year and starting in Quarter 3, your child will be taking the Middle of the Year NWEA MAP Growth assessment. The NWEA MAP Growth assessment was given to identify skills your student is ready to learn and the skills they need additional support in. With this data, we are able to create an individualized learning approach for each student.
Your child's personalized NWEA MAP Growth Study Plans are available on IXL. As a reminder, this study plan will allow students to practice specific skills based upon their individual NWEA assessment performance for Reading and Math.
- For our MYP scholars, our Mathematics and Language & Literature IB Educators have been requiring the scholars to complete two lessons a week, with one lesson assigned by the educator and one lesson from the NWEA path.
Your child can find the study plans pinned on the right side of their My IXL dashboard in their accounts! The instructions on how to access the study plan are below. This study plan will help bridge the gaps and ensure to build a solid foundation so we can continue to grow and learn. In the top right, you will see an image of what your child's dashboard will look like with their study plan icon.
Recommended Study Skills Per Grade Level
Our goal is to ensure your child(ren) is set up for success and their academic needs are being met to ensure growth throughout the school year. Our educators utilize our main curriculum resources for grade level content in the classroom alongside the supplemental programs such as Amira, IXL and Progress Learning to assist with meeting the needs of each scholar.
At Franklin Academy, we utilize such resources for study skills to continue the learning beyond the walls of the school. As mentioned above, we recommend our supplemental programs of IXL and Progress Learning as study skills to ensure the scholars are working on standard based content based on their needs. IXL offers a Personalized NWEA MAP Growth Study Plan (see above for specifics).
In addition, Progress Learning offers a 'My Study Plan' option in the platform which provides activities for your child to complete to strengthen their knowledge of a specific standard. The Study Plan on Progress Learning is developed by the platform from the results of your child's benchmark assessment (applicable in a high school level course) and teacher assigned lessons (applicable in all courses).
Please review the following Study Skill recommendations per grade level :
- K-2 Study Skills at a Glance
- 3-5 Study Skills at a Glance
- MYP Study Skills at a Glance
This will help you as a parent guide your child for the tasks to complete at home to further their learning!
Kindergarten - Grade 2 Study Skills at a Glance
Grade 3-5 Study Skills at a Glance
MYP Study Skills at a Glance
Attention MYP Year 1-Year 3 parents/guardians:
We recommend you ask your Year 1, Year 2 and/or Year 3 (6th-8th Grade) child to log in to Clever and click on their ManageBac icon.
ManageBac is an amazing resource and, throughout the school year, our IB educators with the diligence and drive of our IB Coordinator, Ms. Scott, have expanded our usage of ManageBac. Our IB educators no longer are utilizing Google Classroom as their main resource or communication of upcoming tasks, available resources, etc. ManageBac has all of these amazing features and more!
Our IB educators have been working diligently to utilize the tasks of learning experiences and adding items to the calendar feature for the scholars to have a well rounded vision of each course on their schedule. Our goal is to develop life long learners with the tools necessary to be successful in any facet. ManageBac allows our scholars to be prepared to conquer the academic tasks with resources posted by each educator and organize their coursework utilizing the calendar feature.
Below is an example of how a MYP scholar's student view looks in ManageBac:
Academic Parent Nights
Throughout the school year, our Administration, Leadership, and Grade Level teams have collaborated to host impactful Parent Nights. Your involvement is vital to your child's success, and we appreciate your partnership in this journey. Thank you for all the families that were able to attend. If you were unable to attend, the following presentations with essential information to keep you informed is below.
Thank you for your continued support in your child's educational experience. Your involvement will make a meaningful impact in your child's educational gains.
3rd Grade Academic Parent Night: Pathway to Promotion Presentation
In October, our 3rd grade Franklin families were invited to our campus to attend the Academic Parent Night. Our 3rd grade team, leadership and administration team members collaborated with you to share resources, and ensure that your child(ren) make meaningful learning gains this school year. Together, we can help them be fully prepared to tackle the F.A.S.T assessment and meet promotion requirements.
Please review the presentation to remain informed, using the following link: 3rd Grade Academic Parent Night Presentation
4th Grade Academic Parent Night
In November, our 4th grade Franklin families were invited to our campus to attend the Academic Parent Night. Our school based team discussed the F.A.S.T. assessments, sharing insights about your child's score reports, and explored valuable resources that can be utilized at home. Please review the presentation to remain informed, using the following link: 4th Grade Academic Night Presentation
We hope the information regarding the F.A.S.T. writing test provided you with a clearer understanding of this new assessment for our students. Furthermore, attached is the 4th grade F.A.S.T. writing assessment from last year, as released by the state. This document includes an overview of the assessment, the rubric, the writing prompt, and the accompanying sources. FLDOE Released Writing Assessment.
Additionally, we have provided a sample of the TopScore Writing Lesson that focuses on crafting the introduction ("I") paragraph for your reference. This will give you insight into the type of assignments students are working on using Top Score. Top Score Student Work Sample
High School Family Night
In December, Ms. Olmedo, Assistant Principal at the Pembroke Pines K-12 campus, alongside the Dance Team and an IB scholar in their Senior Year, informing our Year 3 parents and scholars of the academic programs and extracurricular activities offered at the High School. We enjoyed a beautiful performance from the Dance Team and were thoroughly engaged while Daniel Hibbert, an IB scholar in their Senior Year, shared his personal experience in the IB Diploma Programme and how it has prepared him moving into his college years.
Family Portal for State Testing Scores
This week, you will receive an email to the corresponding email address(es) on file in PowerSchool. The email will contain a link to view the access code needed upon logging into the Family Portal. The link expires after 7 days.
Families need to follow the steps to log in to the Family Portal:
- The scholar's unique access code
- The scholar's date of birth
- The scholar's first name
The Family Portal will allow families to gain their child's scores for the FAST assessment (Reading and Mathematics). In addition, if your child is enrolled in a high school level course(s) of Algebra I Honors, Biology I, and/or Geometry Honors, families can also access their child's EOC (End of Course) Assessment scores following their test administration date. The Family Portal allows the families to download necessary PDFs for transcript and informational purposes.
School Wide Reminders
Don't Forget to Order Your Yearbook
Capture the Moments that Matter: Get Your Yearbook Today!
As the school year unfolds, so do the memories that define it- moments of joy, friendships, achievements, and unforgettable experiences. The yearbook is more than just a book; it's a treasure trove of memories that you'll cherish for years to come. Whether it's the excitement of the first day, the thrill of victory at a sports event, or the laughter shared with friends, the yearbook captures it all.
Franklin Academy Alumni Community Service Hours
In order to have approval to come onto campus, the following steps must be taken in a timely manner:
*We recommend 72 hours (3 days) prior to the date of the desired visit*
- You must submit the form, located on our website and on the flyer attached. https://franklinacademysun.wufoo.com/forms/q18hm3k91n2cqv9/
- You must have a sponsoring teacher who has tasks for you to complete while on campus
- You must receive a confirmation from the teacher that the date you are requesting to come on campus is approved.
- Once you receive a confirmation, you will forward the email to Mrs. Ockman, our Director of School Operations, ockman.danielle@franklin-academy.org, so that she has the teacher's email confirming your visit.
Remember, when the Franklin Academy Alumni return to campus to complete service hours, we require Broward County/Franklin Academy dress down guidelines must be followed, such as no ripped or torn jeans, no cutoff shirts, no hoodies, etc. In addition, we require the Alumni to remain with the sponsoring adult at all times.
Save the Dates for Upcoming Events
2024-2025 Volleyball Season
PTO Meeting
On January 16th, we will be hosting a PTO meeting at 6:00 PM in the Cafeteria.
The PTO Board needs YOU! Events can only happen with the support of parents willing to join committees and volunteer to plan and implement events from start to finish. PTO memberships are also a fundraising effort to raise funds for projects and events.
We ask our families to follow Franklin Academy PTO on Facebook: F.A.Sun Sunrise PTO and on Instagram to be well informed! See Info below to follow now!
Follow Franklin Academy PTO on Instagram Now!
Follow Franklin Academy PTO on Facebook Now!
Purchase a PTO Parent T-Shirt
Click Here for Link
Grade 5 Academic Parent Night
On, January 29th at 6:00 PM, Ms. Rubio, one of our Assistant Principals, Ms. Capablanca, our Curriculum Specialist, and Mr. Simone, our Assessment Coordinator, alongside 5th grade educators, will be discussing the following topics:
- F.A.S.T. Testing
- Understanding Your Child's F.A.S.T. PM2 Reports
- Grade 5 Science Assessment
- Available Resources
We cannot wait to see you there!
Amazing Upcoming Opportunities for Our Year 3 Scholars
Mr. Delgado, the current School Principal at the Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines K-12 campus, and all the Broward Franklin Academy School Principals are in consistent communication to ensure our families of Year 3 (8th grade) scholars receive fluid communication and experiences in the upcoming months to build the excitement for the wonderful experiences to come upon accepting their seat for 9th grade.
Remember, your child automatically has a seat at our High school as a graduate of our school as long as you ensure your Intent to Return is completed. The Intent to Return window will begin the first week in February. You will complete it and indicate you want a seat at the Franklin Academy K-12 Pembroke Pines campus. When your student graduates from our school, you will receive registration information.
To ensure our Year 3 families and scholars are informed on the amazing opportunities our Franklin Academy K-12 campus can offer, please review the following resources and events occurring within the next two months:
Parent Newsletter from Mr. Delgado:
Please click on the latest Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines K-12 Newsletter December 7th Newsletter
Academic Tour: Field Trip to the Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy campus
On January 9th, we will be bringing our Year 3 scholars to the Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy campus for an academic field trip.Scholars will be brought over for an in-depth tour of our Franklin Academy High School program. Scholars will tour the school, hear about the amazing programs offered and have lunch at this campus. This trip is a great opportunity to see the campus as well as get their minds ready for the next chapter!
This trip is $20.00 and includes bus and lunch. DRESS CODE is Franklin Academy collared uniform shirt and uniform bottoms.
REGISTRATION FOR FRANKLIN HS TOUR TRIP:https://franklinacademysun.wufoo.com/forms/rxbf33m10vtvx6/
Franklin Games Field Trip to the Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy campus
On January 31st, we will be bringing our Year 3 students back to the Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy to participate in the Franklin Games alongside all of the Year 3 Broward Franklin Academy scholars. This promises to be a memorable event, and we hope to make it an annual tradition that fosters school spirit and camaraderie.
This trip is $20.00 and includes bus and lunch and a t-shirt. DRESS CODE is sneakers and field day attire(following dress down guidelines).
REGISTRATION FOR FRANKLIN CUP GAMES:https://franklinacademysun.wufoo.com/forms/r6odp471gxtio5/
High School Parent Night on the Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy campus
On February 4th, a Parent Night for our Year 3 families will be hosted at the Pembroke Pines K-12 campus. This will be an additional opportunity to gain answers to any of your questions and for the K-12 staff to showcase the amazing opportunities our Pembroke Pines K-12 Franklin Academy campus has to offer.
How to Report Suspicious Activity- Fortify FL
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.