Nolan News
October 2022
Principal's Message
Greetings Owl Nation!
The month of October marks the beginning of fall and is a month filled with celebrations. This month we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 to October 15 every year and is a time to recognize and celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Hispanic Heritage Month also serves as a great reminder for us, as a school community, to consider the ways we are cultivating an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community across diverse cultures. Our scholars have been engaging in weekly activities that highlight the diversity that makes us One…ONE LOVE!
October is also National Bullying Prevention Month and we close the month with Red Ribbon Week. National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month is a nationwide call to action around educating communities as to their roles in bullying prevention and to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. At Nolan, we are big on establishing strong, positive relationships. To support this, every classroom conducts daily morning meeting circles. Scholars engage in discussions to learn how to make friends, how to be a friend, and ways to use your words to establish boundaries as a means of letting others know how their words and actions make you feel. When they come home after school, ask your scholar what the topic of discussion was during morning meeting and ask them how they displayed the trait that was discussed. Lastly, to close the month we will acknowledge Red Ribbon Week which is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation. Each year, millions of young people are taught about the dangers of illicit drug use. There is more to come, so be sure to read this month’s edition of the Nolan News so you can #StayInformed and #StayConnected!
-Dr. Brown
Assistant Principal, Ms.Harper
MAP Assessment:
The MAP assessment - Measures of Academic Progress is a norm-referenced assessment that measures student growth over time. MAP assessments, joined with other data points, provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on his or her unique learning path.
Who to Test:
All students in grades 2nd, and 4th
When to Test:
Math: October 3-7, 2022
ELA: October 13-21, 2022
Here are some tips for test taking:
- Get enough sleep the night before the test.
- At school on time.
- Eat breakfast
- Listen closely to any instructions.
- Focus on addressing each question individually
- Relax
Instructional Support Teacher, Mrs.Spivey
Teachers and parents have formed relationships that will ensure student success. Through class dojo, communication folders or even phone calls, communication should occur weekly, sometimes daily, to navigate positive student outcomes. When we keep the lines of communication open, students are successful.
Remember to contact your scholars' teachers first with any questions you may have. Remember, to send a message to the teacher on ClassDojo. Remember, it takes a village!
Counselor, Ms.Densley
Math Coach, Ms. Darden
Ways to Learn Math While Having Fun!!
Do you have a scholar who needs additional support with math and they love to play games? I have a wonderful solution for you! It has been proven that Interactive math websites provide students with extra assistance in virtually every math concept and do so in a manner that is both fun and educational. Take some time out with your scholars and explore some of the interactive math websites below:
K-2 Literacy Coach, Mrs. Dawson
Greetings Parents,
We have been in the full swing of instruction since the first day of school and it is working well for Nolan. All of our teachers begin instruction with four guiding questions in mind: What do students need to know, How do we know they know it?, What do we do if they don’t know it? and What do we do if they already know it? In most cases, we will address the first three. The first question is “What do students need to know?” Each scholar from K-5 is provided instruction from the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Rigorous lessons are planned, and materials used to support learning. The next question, How do we know they know it? After rigorous instruction has been delivered, an assessment must be administered. At the conclusion of the assessment, the data is analyzed to determine which standards have been mastered and what must be retaught. The criterion for performance is Exceeding Mastery (90-100), Mastery (80-89), Approaching Mastery (70-79) and Not Yet Demonstrating Mastery (69-below). If a scholar’s data reflects “Not Yet Demonstrating Mastery”, interventions and/or reteaching is provided with the opportunity to reassess those skills for Mastery. With this instructional framework being used, our scholars at Nolan are sure to soar!
3-5 Literacy Coach, Dawn Thomas
Hello Nolan Family,
What better way to jumpstart the fall season but to attend Love T. Nolan’s Literacy Carnival. Love T. Nolan’s literacy Carnival will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2022, from 5:30 – 6:30. We will look at our Literacy Instructional Framework and explore the power of game usage to make reading at home fun.
Parent Liaison, Ms.Newell
As many of you know, I am the Parent Liaison at Love T. Nolan. My job is to bridge the gap between schools and families. When schools work together with families to support learning, children are driven to succeed. I am excited to announce our Parent Resource Center will be open soon! Stay tuned in on ClassDojo for updates.
The Parent Resource Center will be here to support families and their child’s academic growth. The Parent Resource Center provides a variety of academic tools, games, informational pamphlets, and a selection of books. Parents may check out materials on a biweekly basis from the Parent Resource Center to reinforce their child’s learning at home.
Up and coming events:
- Literacy Night
For more information contact Ms.Newell, the Parent Liaison
Continuous Communication #2
Social Worker Central, Ms. Kendrick
Contact Us
Location: 2725 Creel Rd, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 4702549796
Twitter: @wearenolanowls