Squawk Talk Newsletter
Week at a Glance - February 21, 2025
Attendance Line: 248-684-8018
Main Office: 248-684-8030 * Fax: 248-684-8069
Transportation Dept: 248-684-8200
Principal Peaden's Pen ✍🏻
Happy Friday, Lakewood Families!
Since this has been a short week, I don’t have much to report on. Thank you to everyone that participated in our Penny Wars fundraiser for our Unified Schools initiative. It looks like hockey is the fan favorite at Lakewood, as the Red Wings won the contest. Also, when it comes to sports, I enjoyed seeing everyone in their blue and maze or green and white.
Looking ahead, I wanted to remind you of a couple PTA sponsored events. On Wednesday, February 26th from 5-7 PM, many of our school staff will be working at the McDonalds on 59 and Bogie Lake to help raise money for our school. We hope you will come and visit us for dinner, as 18% of sales will go to our school. Also, the artwork from the yearbook cover contest will be hanging in the McDonald's dining room. On Friday, March 14th, we will be having our Wild West family dance from 6:00-8:00 PM. There will be a DJ, dancing, and fun photo ops. Please note that food will be served at this family event.
I hope you all have a great weekend, and don’t forget that there is no school for students on Tuesday, February 25th.
🎁 Staff Favorites
The front office has had inquires from families asking if staff members have a list of favorite things. Scan the QR code or follow this link if you would like to have a look.
Save The Date
February 25th - No School
February 26th McTeacher's Night 5:00-7:00 pm
March 10th Hungry Howie's Pizza Night
March 11th PTA Meeting at 7:00pm
March 13th Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Parent Orientation at 6:00 pm
March 14th The Wild West Family Dance 6:00-8:00 pm (Details coming soon)
McTeacher's Night
Yoga Fun
Fun Family Community Event
Tickets are handed out throughout the day by all staff members when someone is:
Showing pride & respect
Obtaining goals
Acting responsibly
Remembering safety
All collected SOAR tickets will go into a weekly drawing and the selected students will be announced Friday mornings during announcements.
This Week's Winners are.......
Melissa Lara Lopez
Noah Mason
Jase Cary
Stella Chappell
Bentley Smith
Aspen Cezat
Elliot Wager
Emily Neaton
JJ Mullett
Lena Kastanos
Jade Francis
Ulan Kuecken
Jacob Dattolo
Congratulations to Mrs. Robert's 3rd grade class!! You took the lead with 1,011 tickets and earned cotton candy for your class!
We collected 869 tickets over the last few weeks for a new school total of 10,253!!
Keep SOARing like a Hawk!
The Third Grade Classes were able to have their Pancake celebration on Wednesday.
PTA Sponsored Author Assembly
Alpine Valley Ski & Snowboard student club is an exciting and affordable way to get students involved in skiing & snowboarding. Follow this link for details.
Help Out The PTA & Let Someone Else Cook Dinner
Scan the QR Code for the Hungry Howie's Lakewood Family Nights
Follow Us On Our New Socials To Stay Connected!
Lakewood Elementary - Library
March 11th @ 7pm -PTA Meeting
April 8th @7pm - PTA Meeting
You can reach us at lakewoodpta1500@gmail.com
Watch D.O.G.S and Watch M.O.M.S Information
The Watch D.O.G.S and Watch M.O.M.S will take place again this year! Volunteers are required to fill out and submit a background check. Please click on the link to do so, thank you. https://app.droplet.io/form/PKvdLy
Scan this QR code to a google form to complete the initial sign up.
Breakfast Menu
Mon. 2/24 Reduced Sugar WG Cocoa Puff Breakfast Bar
Tues. 2/25 No School
Wed. 2/26 Whole Grain Blueberry Lemon Crisps
Thurs. 2/27 Whole Grain Goody Ring
Fri. 2/28 Chef's Choice
Lunch Menu
Mon. 2/24 Big Bambino, Baby Carrots and Fresh Apple Slices
Tues. 2/25 No School
Wed. 2/26 Whole Grain Chicken Nuggets and California Blend Vegetables
Thurs 2/27 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce with Pasta Nests and Steamed Broccoli
Fri 2/28 Taco Crisp Ups, Spanish Rice and Salsa Cup
- This weeks grab and go: Mozzarella String Cheese - Hard Boiled Egg
*Subject to change without notice due to food allergies in the building.
There are airborne allergies in the building which include: cinnamon, pumpkin, squash, gourds, sesame and synthetic fragrances.
These ingredients cannot enter the building whether it is in the form of food/drinks, lotions, sanitizers, candles, sprays, fragrances, etc.
Lakeland Broncos Football and Cheer Registration
2025 Commerce Little League Registration
Cold & Wet Weather is Here
The winter season is here, please consider sending a change of clothes for your student in a Ziploc bag to keep in their locker.
Back that winter gear, we do go outside for recess as often as we can.
The office is in need of pants, long sleeve shirts and plastic grocery bags to send wet/stained items home with the student(s). Thank you in advance for considering donating gently worn children's clothing.
Office Information
Please call the 24-hour attendance line at (248) 684-8018 by 9:15am if your student will
be late or absent. If we do not hear from you, the Skylert system will notify you via
Robocall. We want to make sure all our students are safe and accounted for every day.
The student must be signed-in by an adult when arriving late.
PreArranged Absence - If your student will be absent due to being out of town, etc. please fill out this form and submit it to the office:
- We cannot accept any requests to have students “ready” for their parent/adult
to pick them up early even if you are running late for an appointment.
- All students remain in the classroom until the adult presents ID to the office and
signs them out on the sheet. At that time, the office will call for your student/s
and they will gather their belongings and meet you at the vestibule.
- Please allow us 5-10 mins as classrooms may be in transition, at lunch/recess,
WIN time, etc.
- It is District Policy for you show ID to pick up a student early from school.
- We can only release students to those listed on the Skyward Emergency List.
*The office staff may be familiar with many families. However, there are new staff in our office/building so please be prepared to show ID when asked. This is for the Safety of all students.*
At Lakewood Elementary, we want to make sure your student gets recognized on their birthday, if they would like to be recognized. Our school will continue to announce birthdays as part of our morning announcements, and we will distribute a birthday pencil on your birthday. If your child would like to celebrate their birthday with their classmates, they may bring in an edible or inedible treat for each student in their class. Edible treats must be pre-packaged (not homemade) with no nuts, sesame, pumpkin,or cinnamon*. It is very important to notify your child’s teacher immediately if you have any allergy concerns and work out a plan.
Important Links
Lakewood Elementary School Webpage the webpage contains several forms you may be looking for ie: PreArranged Absence, CRC, Supply Lists, Food Service for lunch menu, etc.
HVS District Calendar 24-25 Please refer to this District calendar to preplan no school days, early release days, half days, holidays… Please see link for most current calendar.
eFunds Fund your student/s lunch account (even with free lunch, a la cart items are additional), student/optional fees ie: field trips, yearbooks…
Supply Lists Suggested supply lists. If in need of assistance with a backpack, school supplies, etc. Please contact the front office. We have many resources from the local community to help.
HR Imaging link to buy school photos HR Imaging -If anyone has any questions please contact our customer service directly. Our customer service at (815) 433-1766 and/or email custserv@hrimaging.com they will be happy to take care of you.
To purchase school photos, use “other ID’ in your students Skyward account to view their photo.
CRC (Criminal Record Check) - Online submittal link Online submittal link - must be cleared from HR to volunteer in the school. A new form must be filled out EVERY SCHOOL YEAR (Sept.-June)
Car Lane Procedures Please view this document to understand the safety of arrival/drop off procedure with the Car Lane.
Oakland County Head Lice Fact Sheet lice are considered a nuisance and not a communicable disease and where many children are together increases the chances of sharing head lice. There is continued emphasis around not excluding children from the learning environment as a result of what is deemed a "nuisance" and not a communicable concern. Additionally, we are required to maintain confidentiality.
Electronic Device Policy for student use of electronic phones, watches, etc.