St. Luke Weekly News
October 27, 2023
Leadership Message
Dear St. Luke Families,
As teachers put together Evidence of Learning portfolios for students we can see and celebrate all that students have learned to this point in our school year. We believe that it is important for our students to be connected to school through positive relationships and a strong sense of community where every student can learn and be successful. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing all students with an appropriate and challenging educational experience in a respectful environment that fosters learning and growth.
The most crucial part of students' success in school is attendance. As a parent or guardian it is imperative for students that you assist them in maintaining an attitude that “Every Day Counts.” It is essential that students are attending school ready to learn each and every day. Parents/Guardians play the most important roles in a student's success and I invite you to collaborate with us in your students' education. Your child’s learning success is our priority and when your child attends school they are in a learning environment where they can thrive.
We are looking forward to our Celebration of Learning this week!
Saint Luke, in your gospel, you show us the beauty of holiness. Help us to reflect the image of Christ in the way we live our lives.
Saint Luke, pray for us!
God Bless,
Cathy Hinger
This Week....
Monday, October 30
- Grades 5-8 Field Trip to Strathcona Wilderness Center
- Girls Volleyball Game - AWAY @ Southpointe School
Tuesday, October 31
- Praise and Worship at 8:20am
- Family Wellness Worker, Mrs. McCann on-site
- Halloween - Fun and Festivities - Wear your costume!
Wednesday, November 1
- "Break the Rules" day - Donations will go to the Canadian Legion
- 3 Way Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences 2:00 - 5:00pm
Thursday, November 2
- 3 Way Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences 3:00 - 6:00pm
- Remembrance Day Ceremonies: No Stone Left Unturned
Friday, November 3
- Have a great weekend and fall break!! - See you back Monday, November 13
Later This Month .....
- November 6 - 10 - Fall Break - School Closure
- November 13 - Grade 1 - Teacher's Pet: Monkey Business
- November 14 - Grade 3/4 & 5/6 Waste Presentations
- November 14 - Girls Volleyball practice 2:45-4:00
- November 16 - Fall Photo Re-takes
- November 16 - Clay for Kids - Glass Fusion Grades, ECS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- November 17 - Friday Kindergarten Day
- November 20 - Insight Assessments - Grade 4-8
- November 20 - Parent Council Meeting - 6:00 - 7:30
- November 21 - Girls Volleyball Practice 2:45 - 4:00
- November 23 - Buddy Reading Program - Grades K & 1 with Grades 7 & 8
- November 27 - 29 - Rocks and Rings
- December 1 - ECS-Dino Senses
- December 2 - Christmas in the Country
Here are some details about the Halloween festivities happening Tuesday, October 31st.
Students can come dressed in their costumes on Tuesday
As in the past, no weapons or masks, please.
We will be busy learning, with classes as usual, in the morning.
Our afternoon will consist of activity stations run by our SWAT Team.
We will be having a candy exchange on Tuesday and Wednesday. See the poster below for more information. There are some cool prizes!
Yearbooks - 2022 / 2023
Poppy Donations
3-Way Conferences
Please book HERE:
Today, you child(ren) brought home their 'Evidence of Learning'. Please take an opportunity to review this with them.
Celebrating Sacraments
Catholic Education Mass
We are excited to welcome her to our team. - Please see her Bio below:
Ms. Kastyn Konieczny
Halloween Howler
Don't miss out on our annual Halloween Howler TONIGHT - starting at 5:30pm! Tickets are still available at the door! Our Grade 8 class will be running a loonie concession in the cafeteria to help raise funds toward their Grade 8 Farewell.
Hot Lunch
The next session of Hot Lunch will run on Thursdays from November 2nd, 2023 through February 29th, 2024. The hot lunch site is open for orders now and deadline for all orders and payment is 9:00pm on October 29th, 2023.
Orders for hot lunch can be placed through our ordering system If you have not done so already, you will need to create an account. The access code required is stluke.
If you have any questions or require support setting up your account or ordering, please do not hesitate to contact Shelby Mistecki at
Spirit Wear
School Council and Parent Association Meetings
Mark your calendars! The remainder of the meetings for the 2023/2024 school year will take place: November 20, January 15, February 12, March 11, April 22, May 13 and June 10.
Meetings begin at 6:00pm and FREE BABYSITTING is provided in the gym each month.
Thank you to everyone that came out to our annual budget meeting on October 23. Your presence was appreciated! The approved 2023/2024 budget is attached below.
Happy Halloween from the Library
Wishing you all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I hope you all have a fang-tastic good time!
I will not be in the school next week, as I will be at my other school running the book fair. (ST. Luke's book fair will run in the spring) I also hope you have a wonderful and relaxing fall break.
Remember to take the time to cuddle up with a good book and I'll see you back November 16th in the library!
Mrs. Scoggins
Grade 6 Students
Here Comes the Sun
Mustangs Spirit
Grade 6 - Happy Learning
Halloween fun in Pre-K
*WATCH* - Grade 3/4 Outdoor Learning Video Below
Student Art
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link.
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
Read the latest bulletin from OLPH or visit
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470St. Luke Catholic School
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS