Upper Dublin In Review
Legislative Briefs - August 2024
Upper Dublin Board of School Directors
Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, President, Mr. Mark Sirota, Vice President
Ms. Jenna Evans, Mr. John Held, Ms. Jennifer Iannitti, Ms. Alima Redding, Ms. Titia Scherpbier, Dr. Mary Beth Thomas, Mr. Stu Warshawer
Call to Order - Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
President's Welcome - Mr. Wallack welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Laurie Smith, Superintendent, shared a presentation that included information on Administrative restructuring, federal programs, and opening of schools. CLICK HERE to view the Superintendent's presentation.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for action items and presentations included on the agenda only. There was no public participation.
Minutes - The June 24, 2024 legislative meeting and July 22, 2024 special legislative meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
Education Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Inter-Agency Agreement for Title II-A and IV Services with Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU);
- Memorandum of Understanding for Title III MCIU Consortium;
- FOSS Evaluation Pilot Materials Agreement;
- Agreement with the University of Delaware for professional development and coaching for Illustrative Math;
- Annual assessments calendar and representational consent;
- Professional development conferences; and
- One (1) student activity.
Finance Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Routine matters - Treasurer's Report, the list of bill payments, budgetary transfers, and disposal of excess, obsolete, and non-repairable equipment;
- Professional services proposal from Michael Johnson Architect, LLC, for MGES roof replacement;
- SRMS contract change order;
- SRMS Baseball field underdrain installation project;
- Proposal by Starlite for SRMS auditorium sound system updates;
- Service agreement with Energy Tax Savers for Inflation Reduction Act direct pay submission;
- Two (2) student transportation agreements;
- Four (4) settlement stipulations; and
- Donation from CrossAmerica partners for MGES STEM in the amount of $1,000.
Personnel Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Personnel Report inclusive of appointments, resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, changes of status, Extended School Year (ESY), Summer STEM, Curriculum leader appointments, mentor appointments, and extracurriculars;
- Abolish position of Chief Academic Officer;
- Creation of position of Director of Data and Strategic Partnerships;
- Appointment of Dr. Daniel Ortiz as the Director of Data and Strategic Partnerships and Ms. Jennifer Nuskey as SRMS Principal;
- Contract approval with Ames Janitorial Services;
- Staffing services agreement with Explorations; and
- Staffing services agreement with CCRES for interim House Principal at SRMS.
Policy Committee Recommendations - There were no recommendations from the policy committee.
Pupil Services Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Nine (9) educational agreements.
Other Recommendations: The Board approved the following:
- Appointment of two (2) representatives from the school board, Ms. Alima Redding and Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, to participate in the annual Pennsylvania School Boards Association's Delegate Assembly.
Solicitor's Report - Mr. Diasio reported that the Board met in executive session on July 22, 2024 to discuss administrative restructuring and on August 26, 2024 to discuss the personnel report and confidential educational agreements.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for any topic. There was no public participation.
Comments from the Board and/or Superintendent - The Board and Superintendent commented on the following:
- Administrative restructuring.
The following informational items were included on the agenda:
- Enrollment Report;
- Liaison Committee Reports;
- Monthly committee meeting approved minutes; and
- Schedule of upcoming meetings.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM.