Flora Update
The Latest News and Information from AC Flora High School
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 20- Early Dismissal for Students/Professional Development
Monday, September 23-27- Homecoming Week
Friday, September 27- (Juniors and Seniors) College and Career Fair
Saturday, September 28- Homecoming Dance
National Merit Semi-Finalists
Congratulations to our National Merit Semi-Finalists: William Beasley (L) and Brooks Ransom (R)!
High school juniors entered the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of semifinalists, representing less than 1 percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. The number of semifinalists in a state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the national total of graduating seniors.
From the Counseling Office
Upcoming college visits:
All visits will take place in college room in guidance office unless otherwise indicated.
Friday, September 13:
Furman University (Flight Time)
University of Connecticut (1st lunch/Courtyard)
Wednesday, September 18: Wofford College (Flight Time)
Thursday, September 19: Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities (2nd lunch/courtyard)
Scholarships! Click here for this week's scholarship update.
Clemson Peer & Wise Sneak Preview Event
Ever want to know what it's like to be an Engineering or Computing and Applied Science major at Clemson? Well, here's your chance! High school Juniors and Seniors can register for the October 11th Peer & Wise event at Clemson University. See flyer for more information.
Richland One Consolidated College and Career Fair
The Richland One Consolidated College and Career Fair for juniors and seniors will be held Friday, September 27, 2024, at Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Buses will pick up and drop off your child at their school.
Students who have signed up to attend through the guidance office should then register for this event at StriveFair.com. Once registered, students can easily share information with college and career fair representatives.
Underclassmen Yearbook Picture Days
Picture Day(s) will be Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10. Details TBA.
College Board National Recognition Program
Eight of our students have been honored with College Board's National Recognition Program award, which recognizes high-performing students in underrepresented communities. Pictured L to R: Back Row: Sterling Reese, Felipe Williams, Genesis Logan, Frankie Lin. Front Row: LeeAnn Johnson, Fatimah Al-Shami Al-Saedi, Sky Lopez, and Kayelyn Wade.
Homecoming Carnival Dance
Student Council is hosting Flora's first Homecoming Dance in over 20 years on Saturday, September 28, from 6:30-8:30 pm! Tickets are now on sale.
Fall BBQ Fundraiser – October 3rd
Close your kitchen on Thursday, October 3, and let us provide dinner for your family!
The AC Flora Athletic Booster Club will host its annual Fall BBQ Fundraiser on Thursday, October 3rd. BBQ plates will be served via drive-thru at the AC Flora Main Office entrance from 5-7pm (rain or shine) with walk-up plates available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Falcon Nation as well as the Forest Acres community are invited to support all athletes by purchasing a plate. BBQ plate tickets are $12 each and are being sold by all fall athletes (cheer, cross country, football, girls golf, swim, girls tennis & volleyball) through Thursday, September 19th or online at GetFalconTickets.com through Sunday, September 22nd.
College Application Day
Earlier this week, seniors visited the library with their government classes. Representatives from 10 colleges and our guidance counselors assisted students with college and scholarship applications. See photos.
AC Flora’s JROTC Falcon Battalion is off to a great start! The cadets are eager and excited to get their uniforms. Wear of the uniform is an issue of pride. The new cadets are especially eager to show their Falcon pride and personal discipline. Cadets will wear their uniforms one day a week.
From the PTSO
AC Flora Spirit Night. On Tuesday, September 17, plan to shop at Kendra Scott in Trenholm Plaza from 5-7 p.m. Twenty percent of your purchase will go to AC Flora’s Parent Teacher Student Organization. Alternatively, shop online and provide the code and you are also supporting the PTSO!
To join and support the PTSO’s ongoing efforts in the AC Flora community, please visit the following links:
Join us:
- As a Friends/Family Member
- As a Business Partner
As a Business Partner, you can promote your business to the large AC Flora community throughout the whole school year. All donations are tax deductible.
Did you know? You can raise money for the AC Flora PTSO every time you buy groceries at Lowes Foods and Publix.
Athletic Booster Club All-Sports Passes
Athletic Booster Club All-Sports Passes for the 2024-2025 athletic year are now available. Your purchase of a Booster Club All-Sports Pass is an investment in all of our athletes as proceeds from the sales go directly toward purchasing equipment and other needs for the athletes, teams, athletic trainers, and athletic department.
The majority of pass funds raised last year are funding this year’s weight room renovation.
AC Flora & Crayton students are eligible for a discounted Student Pass. If you’re a spring sport parent or athlete, don’t wait until the spring to buy your pass. Get it now so you can enjoy the fall and winter sporting events, too.
Parent Pep Rallies
Please save the date and make plans to attend an upcoming Parent Pep Rally, where you can learn how you can help your children be successful this school year.
The Parent Pep Rallies will be held Tuesday, September 17, at Eau Claire High School and Wednesday, September 18, at Lower Richland High School. Both events will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. Each Parent Pep Rally will feature remarks from guest speaker Hayward Jean, an author and motivational speaker who is also the director of student services in the Orangeburg County School District. There will also be prize drawings.
All Richland One parents and guardians are encouraged to attend one of the Parent Pep Rallies. Click below to register:
Parent Pep Rallies Registration
2024-2025 PTSO Business Partners
Falcon Gold
Brabham Griffin Insurance
Falcon Silver
Brandon Davidson Interiors
Catalyst Architects
Graybill Lansche & Vinzani, LLC
HLJ Creative
Hood Construction
Johnson & Lesley Construction Company
McKenzie & Lybrand
Milliken Properties
Milling Law
Richardson Thomas LLC
Falcon Bronze
Bradley Insurance Group
Camp, Moring & Brendle, LLC
Forest Acres Needlepoint
Hendricks and Company
Falcon Friend
Big Red Box
Moe’s Southwest Grill (Beltline Boulevard)
Thank you to our 2024-2025 PTSO Donors
Falcon’s Pride ($500 or more)
Laura and Adam Jordan
Falcon’s Flight ($250 or more)
Missy and Tommy Boggs
Blease and Sandi Graham
David Hawkins
Kenzie and Ryan Newton
Betsy and Brent Roof
Paula Sabbagha
Ashley Sitton
Heather Stallworth
Benefactors ($100 or more)
Marni Bird
Lisa Butler
Celeste Carnaggio
Natacha Cerisier-Whetstone
Gable Clark
Nici and Brian Comer
Lindsay and Stephen Creech
Wes and Mindy Culp
Townes and Stephen Denemark
Peter Duffy
Antione and Kalenia Frederick
Rachelle Gajadhar
Mundi and Michael George
Misha Lawyer Goodwin
Paige Haas
Sara Svedberg Homewood
Ashley Jaillette
Leah Jeter
Steven and Sazy Johnson
Jennifer and Franklin Jones
Kalen Kloskey
Evelyn and Darren Knight
Elizabeth and Spann Laffitte
Montague and Lauren Laffitte
Kristen Long
Andrea Maas
Muffet McCain
Jamie and Monica McCutcheon
Mary Dameron and James Milliken
Jonathan and Cydney Milling
Elizabeth O’Bradovich
Jenny and Chris O’Neill
Stephanie Penaranda
Melissa Ray
Meredith and Rob Robertson
Kristie Rowe
Preston and Louisa Sabalis
Amy and Stephen Scott
Anna and Kevin Shalkham
Andy and Christy Slaughter
Ashley Thomas
Shawn Toole
Laura Voyles
Sheryl Wiskur
Contact Us
Email: jennifer.collins@richlandone.org
Website: https://www.richlandone.org/Domain/45
Location: 1 Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: 803-738-7300
Twitter: @acflorahigh