Laker Anchor
May 6, 2024
Greetings, Laker Families-
We are entering the last 6 weeks of the school year! The many things on the school calendar will definitely keep us busy while having lots of fun at school. Speaking of FUN, as of right now the weather is looking very promising for our next community event…the PTA Laker Olympics on Friday, May 17! This will be a great way for our Lakers to celebrate the completion of state SBA testing. 🙂
Testing season has arrived!! Thank you for ensuring your child is at school and well rested for each testing day.
Remaining State SBA testing days:
May 7-9: ELA (3rd-5th)
May 14-15: Math (3rd-5th)
May is Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Each of our classroom teachers and our PTA Art Docents will be building on this theme as they plan lessons and activities in the classroom.
School Updates/Reminders
Cheryl Eldridge is continuing to provide administrative support here at Emerald Hills as our Dean of Students. If you have questions or concerns about your student and/or a situation that is brought to your attention by your child, feel free to reach out to her at: cheryl_eldridge@sumnersd.org or call our office at (253) 891-4750.
Are you already planning family vacations for the 2024-25 school year and want to ensure that your child does NOT miss school? Here is the district link for school calendar dates: 2024-25 Key Dates
From our front office team
Contact info: EHE@sumnersd.org or (253) 891-4750
If you have a change in your regular dismissal plans for your child (bus, car pick-up, or parent pick-up), please contact the main office by 3:00pm.
Bus schedules: Click here
Tues.-Fri. Student Day: 9:00-3:45 (drop off can begin at 8:45)
Mon. Student Day (90-min late start day): 10:35-3:45 (drop off can begin at 10:20)
Important District Dates for the 2023-24 School Year: LINK
Free and Reduced Meals – apply for the 2023-24 school year to access services **More information on school meal service and loading money on accounts...link HERE.
Volunteer applications – we would love to welcome you at school during the school day! Please feel free to get your district 23-24 volunteer clearance started now. (As a reminder, to volunteer during the school day in ANY capacity, you need to be cleared as a volunteer by the district’s Human Resource Department. This process can take two or more weeks to complete so please start the process online now if you have not already.)
Updates From the District
Kindergarten Registration
Now OPEN for online registration (see district website)
View the kickoff video HERE.
Important Upcoming Dates for EHE
**Please see attached PTA May newsletter & fliers for more details on PTA events.
5/9 – Kindergarten onsite field trip Job Carr Museum
5/17 – PTA Laker Olympics, 5:30-7:30 (see attached flier)
5/27 & 5/28 – No School
5/28 – PTA Gotcha! Event (see attached flier)
5/29 – 1st grade field trip
5/29 – District Elementary Track Meet at Sunset Stadium…4:30pm
5/30 – Kindergarten onsite field trip Traveling Farm
5/31 – 3rd grade field trip
6/6 – 5th grade “middle school experience” field trip to Lakeridge Middle School
6/6 – Laker Garden Party…5:00pm
6/7 – Lakers Walk to school from the park (see information from Mr. Holme)
6/12 – 5th grade Celebration
6/13 – 2nd grade field trip
6/14 – Field Day
6/17 – MONDAY: school starts at 9:00am and releases at 1:45pm
6/18 – LAST day of school (early release at 12:15)
6/22 – PTA Night at the Rainiers Game! (see attached flier)
PTA Contact Information
See attached May PTA newsletter.
In order to stay up on our PTA, please make a note of the following contact information:
2023-24 PTA Executive Board
President - Jenn Dery eheptaprez@gmail.com
Co-Vice President - Bonnie McDonald & Trina McKinstry eheptavp@gmail.com
Secretary - Sarah Fisher emeraldhillspta@gmail.com
Treasurer - Heather Forbis eheptatreasurer@gmail.com
PTA website: https://ehe-pta.square.site/
Our April Laker Purposefull People Character Trait is “Creativity…Using your imagination to create something or solve a problem.” Your follow up at home reinforcing your child as they demonstrate “creativity” each day would be a wonderful home-school connection. The background for our Laker Purposefull People Character Traits can be accessed through the Character Strong website. Thank you for raising such amazing children that desire to be Purposefull People and for your continued support of our school community.
Have a wonderful May!
Mrs. Scheerer, Principal
Please learn more about our school by linking into the website and continue to follow us on Facebook and http://instagram.com/emeraldhillselementary
Quick Links
Emerald Hills Elementary
Email: ehe@sumnersd.org
Website: https://www.sumnersd.org/ehe
Location: 19515 South Tapps Drive East, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Emerald-Hills-Elementary-1087068784699850/