Kennedy School News
December 11th - December 15th
Winter Weather
It is important that they are adequately prepared for the cold temperatures. At this time of the year every child should be wearing a coat, hat, scarf and gloves when leaving the house in the morning. When there is snow on the ground boots are necessary.
Health & Wellness Reminders....
A student should not be in attendance and will be sent home with any of the following:
Temperature of 100 degrees or above, or with incidents of vomiting and/or diarrhea. Student may return to school when free of above symptom(s) for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication or other medication to relieve symptom(s).
Symptoms related to possible communicable diseases (skin rashes, redness of eyes, swollen glands, etc.)
Excessive drainage from eyes, ears, persistent earache, constant cough or painful sore throat accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes.
Students with (or having the potential to transmit) an acute infectious disease or parasite( head lice and/or nits present within ¼ inch of scalp).
Any student returning to school with a cast, crutches or other debilitating injury or illness requiring an activity restriction must report to the school nurse. A doctor’s note is needed when a student is able to return to normal school activities (ie PE, recess) after an injury on illness. A doctor’s note stating that the child may return to school is needed when a child has been absent from school for five or more consecutive days. A student will not be excused from physical education without a note from the parent, physician or school nurse. A parental note is acceptable for two days, thereafter, a note from a physician is required. Notes should include reason for excuse, and length of time student should be excused from physical education classes.
Click Below to See a PATS/PreK Tree Decorating Party Video
Family Reading
Let's celebrate family reading! Share your photos from home of your family taking opportunities to read! You can email them to Mrs. Kartsimas (, tweet them and tag us @SPKennedy81, or mention/tag @kennedyschool81 on Instagram!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
December 19th: SD81 Winter Band Concert @ LMS (6:30pm)
December 20th: Board of Education Meeting @ LMS (7:00pm)
December 22nd: Spirit Assembly & Pajama Day
Last Day before Winter Break!
December 23rd-January 7th WINTER BREAK
January 8th: School Resumes