Taunton High School Update
December 20, 2024

Principal's Corner
As we welcome the New Year, I want to extend my wishes for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling year ahead. May 2024 bring you all much joy and success.
A reminder to please review your child's term 2 progress report, available on School Brains.
School reopens on Thursday, January 2nd.
There will be no Community Weekly Update, until Friday, January 10th.
December & January Save the Dates!
Monday 12/23- Tuesday, 12/31 No School December Vacation
Wednesday, 1/1 No School- New Year’s Day
Monday, 1/6 Access Testing for ELLs Begins (ends 2/14)
Tuesday, 1/7 Wachusett Ski Trip 2:20-9:00 PM
Wednesday, 1/8 Math Meet 2 @ Seekonk HS 1:45 PM
Wednesday, 1/8 Faculty Meeting 2:15 PM
Thursday, 1/9 AAPPL Seal of Biliteracy Test (Spanish, Portuguese, French) (A-D Blocks)
Thursday, 1/9 ALIRA Seal of Biliteracy Test (Latin) (B Block)
Thursday 1/9-1/10 District 8 DECA Competition Hyannis
Tuesday, 1/14 Wachusett Ski Trip 2:20-9:00 PM
Wednesday, 1/15 School Council Meeting 5:00 PM
Wednesday, 1/15 Parent Teacher Partnership Meeting 6:00 PM
Thursday, 1/16 Skills USA Smart Start Freshman Conference
Thursday, 1/16 Midterms Early Release Day 1 @11:50 AM
Friday, 1/17 Midterms Early Release Day 2 @11:50 AM
Friday, 1/17 Term 2 Ends
Monday, 1/20 No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, 1/21 Wachusett Ski Trip 2:20-9:00 PM
Thursday, 1/23 Mock Trials Attleboro District Court 12pm
Monday, 1/27 ILT Meeting 2:15 PM
Tuesday, 1/28 NHS Practice 1:30 PM
Tuesday, 1/28 Wachusett Ski Trip 2:20-9:00 PM
Thursday, 1/28 Mock Trials Attleboro District Court 12 PM
Thursday 1/30 National Honor Society Induction 6:00 PM
Term 1 Recognition Ceremony
On Thursday, December 19th, THS staff held a student recognition ceremony to celebrate the successes of term 1. The following students were recognized for their achievements. Administrators each selected one student, at the recommendation of the THS Staff. Administrators spoke about why they selected each student. The ceremony was held in the Tiger Den. Congratulations to the following students:
- Jessica Correa
- Finn Ostiguy
- Derian Antoine
- Evan Kane
- Michael Braxton
- Cloee Brandon
- Catherine Larson
- Elena Morasca
- Vasco Barbosa
- Jehieliz Villegas
- Jerry Gomes
- Giovanna Guarino
- Tyler Perry
- Caitlin McCabe
- Anthony Candelario
- Tristin Torres
In the Classroom
Several math teachers attended a Building Thinking Classrooms workshop last week. This week, teachers had the opportunity to apply what they learned from the workshop with students, trying to improve student thinking skills. The goal was simple—try to increase the number of students thinking and try to increase the number of minutes during which students were thinking. Below is an activity in Ms. Surabian's class.
Music Concerts!
Congratulations to our performing arts students involved in the Winter Small Ensemble and Jazz Band Concert this week. The following choirs performed:
Brass Choir
Saxophone Choir
Horn Choir
Flute Choir
Clarinet Choir
Percussion Ensemble
Taunton High Jazz Band
On Thursday evening, the students in our band held their holiday concert. We heard from the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, 8th Grade Band and Wind Symphony Band. The talent amongst our music students is simply incredible.
Tiger News
Congratulations to our broadcasting students for producing the second edition of Tiger TV. Enjoy!
Kwanzaa Celebration
The African American Club extended a special festive invitation to students and staff on Friday, December 13th during Period B in the auditorium. Students shared the 7 Principles of the annual Kwanzaa celebration. In addition to a brief history to inform students of Kwanzaa's roots, Club members brought the kinara to life on stage, followed by a musical performance featuring one of our Tiger Alumni, Daequan Ray!
Holiday Door Decorating
Our Student Council organized a Holiday Door Decorating contest for students & staff to participate in. Below are some of my favorite door designs!
This week, head football coach Mr. Sidwell and senior Elijah Prophete attended the Otto Graham Award Ceremony at Greater New Bedford High Vocational High School. Elijah is recognized at the 45:25 mark on the video below.
Our wrestling team picked up a huge win over Sharon this week. We also recognized Ethan Harris (Class of 2024) and Elijah Prophete for their individual state championships last year.
Ethan Harris and Elijah Prophete were recognized & honored this evening with Massachusetts State D1 championship rings.
THS Captains attended the Hockomock League Captain's Conference last week featuring guest speaker, Xavier Machuga.